Chapter 13

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Third person's POV

It's already around 9 when they woke up due to their alarm. They'll be choosing their attire today.

"Aish, this will be tiring. I don't wear gown and heels. They feel like shit" Y/N complained, but it's cute for Renjun.

"Swear, you'll be beautiful with anything. You're already beautiful with pyjamas, what more if you wear those?" he smiled warmly, making her blush.

It's working. He then moved to hug her, "Y/N-ah I love you~" he kissed her forehead and looked at her.

"I-I love you t-too" she stuttered, blushing perfectly for Renjun to see.

"You're so cute! Can I kiss you?" he seriously asked, while Y/N flinched a bit.

"I g-guess you can..." she's nervous. Renjun used his finger to lift her head, making her look at him. He then slowly pulled her in for a--

"Y/N-ah, Renjun-ah, are you guys done?" they heard a knock. Bummer.

"Yes, mom! Just in a minute!" then they both heard the footsteps going away.

"Oh well, guess, not yet. But maybe we can later, right?" he kissed Y/N's forehead again and quickly went out, smiling to himself.

Then there's Y/N. A blushing mess. She just shrugged it off and followed her fiancé.

"Okay, so you guys will go at the mall, and you guys can pick your outfits there. I guess you guys can manage" Mrs. Liu smiled, while the two nodded.

Renjun swiftly took her hand in his, speaking even before Y/N can protest.

"We'll go now, mom. Bye!" then he nudged Y/N, "B-bye mom" she looked down, blushing.

"Okay, bye!" then they went out of the house, having Mrs. Liu looking at their linked hands,

"These kids are so dense, I see"

They saw Mr. Lee already, waiting. They then entered the car and Renjun spoke, "Please bring us to the mall"

Y/N was still blushing, staring at their linked hands. Did I mention they're wearing couple hoodies?

 Did I mention they're wearing couple hoodies?

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Yes, the Huang Renjun chose that yesterday.

"Why? You don't like me holding your hand?" he was about to lot go whe. Y/N held it firmly, but not too tight.

"N-no... it's just weird but warm. It's fine" she replied, succeeding to make the corner of his lips lift.

"I love you so much" he then kissed her hand, making her blush once again, with confusion in her mind.

He's in love with someone, why is he doing this? Is this what friends meant to him?

She thought, but oh well, Mrs. Liu have said it. They're so dense.

Mr. Lee just smiled, him remembering Renjun's parents, and how they used to be like them, dense.

He just continued to drive, while the two youngsters on the back seat started to tease each other.

"I hope you know that you're so cute, give me a kiss!" Y/N teased, even Renjun stiffed.

He slowly leaned in to kiss her cheek, Y/N smiling in victory, and of course, feeling butterflies.

One thing's for sure. He'll be her baby the whole day.


As soon as we reached the mall, I thanked Mr. Lee and dragged Renjun to Starbucks. Renjun wore his bucket hat before anyone could notice.

"Oppa, can we order Venti Iced Americano, no water and 4 extra espresso shots?" yep, I kinda drink Jaemin's custom drink too. I guess you can say... I'm such a coffee lover.

"What the, are you Jaemin?" he blurted out, but a tint of pink shaded his cheeks.

"Oppa~ please~?" I tried to pursuade him, and I succeeded.

"Fine! But just this ones! You have to stop drinking coffee that much, or at least lessen the espresso shots" he scolded me, his blush now visible.

He then bought for us, naming his drink "moomin", which is cute.

People would often look at him when we sat, feeling like he's familiar. But then, it's impossible for a Renjun to be out with some girl, that just ain't it.

Just after the drink came, he excused himself to the rest room. I just sat there and drank my coffee, when someone came.

"You're back so qui--"

"Are you alone?" in front of me appeared a guy, and not to mention, stranger.

The atmosphere was heavy, and something's off.

I then felt his leg caressing mine, which made me shift uncomfortably. I hung my head low, "S-sir please st-stop"

I begged, but his foot was attempting to lift my skirt, making me grip on my cup of coffee a bit tighter "Stop? You seem to like it, babe--"

"Keep that foot to yourself before I break your legs" I heard a voice beside me, coldly speaking.

I looked up to see Renjun, eyeing the guy in a murdering way. He pulled my arm, making me stand close beside him.

"Oh, you have a boyfriend here. Quite... disappointing. You guys don't even match! Let's have fun in my--"

"Look! There's a clip in my phone lifting my girlfriend's skirt here," he paused, lifting his arm for the guy to see.

"Quite... shameful. If you don't leave in 5 seconds I'm sending you to jail. 5... 4--" the man already ran outside even before he finished.

"Y/N, let's go" he took his own drink and pulled me out of Starbucks to some corner, with not much people around.

His gaze softened as he held me in both my shoulders, "Did he go overboard? Was I too late?" I shook my head, looking down.

What I never expected was him, hugging me. "I'm sorry if I came a bit late, Y/N. I swear I won't leave your side again" he whispered, sincerity in his voice.

"N-no, it's fine, i-it's nothing-"

"Stop pretending to be fine for once, Y/N" and there, my tears brimmed. Each tear racing to fall.

"I-it gives me memories of m-my past! It h-hurts to be treated that w-way!" I complained, tears continuing to fall.

"There, there. Just let it all out on me, I'm here with you" he said, rubbing circles on my back.

It was really warm. After a few moments, he cupped my face, seeing for himself.

"Aigoo, look at my baby~ you're so cute even when you're crying~" that... made me look down.

"Aish, look at me Y/N. I'm saying the truth, and I'm also meaning this to let you know that I'll be your somewhat... crying shoulder.

I want you to lean on me when you're sad, disappointed, angry, anything. I'lk be here for you, hmm?" he softly stated, kissing my forehead like he does these past dew days.

Not gonna lie, it's really comforting. "Let's get our attires ready, okay?" I nodded, while he held my hand again, leading the way.

Is it bad if I say...

...I'm falling, harder, for him?


Random Question: How tf do you guys find my book entertaining? I find it ugly lol

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