Chapter 35

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"Where do you wanna go?" Xiaojun asked, swinging their entangled hands back and forth, acting like how he wished to treat her all these years.

Y/N smiled, "I actually wanna sit somewhere and maybe, you can sing for me?" she suggested. She loves his voice too, as he is her bias in WayV.

Xiaojun just smiled at her, finding an empty space for them to sit at the park he took her, a playground.

They sat at a seesaw, beside each other, hands not letting go, "So, which song does my baby like me to sing?" he smiled at her, as Y/N felt the love and longing in his voice.

"Anything, maybe a song you want me to hear?" she smiled, and Xiaojun thought of one already.

Play Video~

She said
"Baby I'm afraid to fall in love,
'Cause what if it's not reciprocated"

He smiled, knowing it's her thoughts too.

I told her
"Rush girl,
don't you rush"

He sang his heart out, just like how he always wanted to. It's his chance after all~ After all these years.

She said

"What if I dive deep,
will you come in after me,
will you share your flaws with me~"

She smiled at Xiaojun, at how accurate this song was for them at the moment.

I told her, "Thinking is all wrong
Love will happen when it wants
I know it hurts sometimes, but don't let it go"

He chuckled, afraid he can't reach the note when Y/N squeezed his hand lightly, smiling at him with reassurance, as he tried twice, continuing.

'Cause I want you
I want you
I want- I want you
'Cause I want you
I want you
I want- I want you

She smiled as he finished, his voice seemingly calmed the storm in her mind.

"You know, there was a time when I can't sleep. I used to listen to you cover of best part of me to sleep, just a week before I met y'all" she smiled, sending warmth to the man who held his hands with tender love and care.

This one! 👇

"Actually, I sang that for you, you know? Yangyang even had the guts to laugh at my single ass when he also is" they shared a laugh, just like how happy their hearts were.

But actually, a very familiar pair was also walking by,

"You know, this is where I walk on my way home after practice, near my apartment" she giggled.

It's the exact same reason why they took a walk,

"Ning, you shouldn't. Even if it's beautiful here too" he smiled, when he saw a pair of silhouette by the swings, he knew well who are they, a deep man's voice and a broken laugh, Dejun ge and Y/N.

Ningning can't see it clear so she asked, "You wanna go at the swing, babe?" she asked, Renjun quickly shaking his head, "No, let's just go, alright?" Ningning nodded, smiling.

Their slow walk continued, but Renjun heard a sentence from Y/N, saddening him but also making him realize it's his mistake after all. He now knows she knew.

"Maybe if I liked you earlier, then I'll be happier and not broken, like this"

He bitterly smiled, his heart aching but who is he to complain? He hurt her, for the nth time.

He knew by now that he didn't deserve her, he never did. All he did was hurt her over and over. But hey, he is the coward here.

He didn't want to lose her, since he love them at the same fucking time.

He also knew he has to pick, time will come. But as of now, he wants to be with someone who knows him well, not like Y/N doesn't know you, what a coward, Huang Renjun.

He's going to stay at Ningning's apartment tonight since he saw Y/N's shoes at the room, and he knows Y/N doesn't leave her belongings anywhere and will come back for it, all the time. He knows she must've seen.

Yes, him. A married man, sleeping at a single woman's apartment for the night.

Back to Xiaojun and Y/N, yes. She admitted she likes him, and he has a space in her heart too. It grew, and Xiaojun warned her to not continue whatever it is.

"I don't want you to be like him and be with someone while you're married, it makes you no different from him" he sighed, even if he wanted to hug her.

Y/N nodded, looking down. She's gonna get a divorce. That's for sure. When is she doing it? Oh well~

Soon, they walked home. The others seemingly asleep. They both just went straight to their rooms, Y/N entering the room that she, unfortunately, share with Renjun.

Won't sleep here for the night, huh? She thought, what a responsible married man.

She rolled her eyes, just changing. She knew better than just getting a relationship with Xiaojun, because he's right, she won't be any different from Renjun if they get together, anyway.

As she woke up, she took a bath. She checked her phone after, her mother luckily called.

"M-mom... I want a divorce" she sighed, sitting on the bed.

"Baby? What happened, why do you want a divorce?" her mother asked worriedly, as she heaved another deep sigh, a bit tired for explanation.

"I don't know how to sugarcoat this but whatever, I'm sorry. He cheated, and there's no way to fix it" she explained, her mom just nodding as if her daughter can see.

"Do you not love him anymore, that's why you don't wanna fix it? Just asking for reasons, honey. I'm sorry if I sound annoying--"

"No, it's okay, mom. Besides, if he's really starting to fall for me too then he won't have a girlfriend. Another thing, he surely won't love me, anyway. I'm tired of liking, or loving him rather, from afar. I also need someone to love, and someone who will love me. It sounds dramatic, yeah, but please, mom. Let's not just... force this" Y/N replied,

"If it's about the company then I'll work hard after graduating then I'll handle it" she added, but her mother quickly declined.

"It's fine, it's fine. Let me just inform his mother with this divorce thing, okay? I will handle it, and follow your dreams too. You don't have any obligation at all" her mom sighed, sad that the marriage isn't working.

She ended the call, quickly dialing Mrs. Huang. "Dear? I'm afraid to tell, but...

...maybe our high school plan won't work the way we want it to" she sighed, earning an equally defeated sigh from the other side.

Hi, an update!

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