Chapter 32

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They continued to talk since the ride was still letting people to occupy the whole ride itself.

"Are you happy?" Xiaojun asked Y/N, stroking her hair.

Y/N sighed, "With you both, right now, I guess I am. If only this can last" she replied.

"One day you'll be happy too, Y/N. Happier than you are right now, with us. That happiness will last, just don't rush" he smiled.

Yangyang could only reminisce how he met Xiaojun, and how he wished he never minded what Xiaojun asked him to, maybe she'll like him, then.


Yangyang went to the comfort room when he saw someone checking their phone, his cousin as the wallpaper.

"U-uhm, excuse me, but that is my cousin on your wallpaper? Are you related to her?" Yangyang asked the stranger, not caring if the guy might be dangerous. If Y/N has a boyfriend, he should know.

The guy looked at him, sighing as he looked back down to his phone, "I wish I am"

Yangyang sensed the sadness in the guy's voice. "Oh, may I ask why?" he carefully asked, as the guy just smiled bitterly.

"I am actually liking your cousin, ever since she entered this school, ever since she joined our club, dance club. I am just a year older.

And since 1st year high school and 2nd year shared clubs, I met her. She was kind, to everyone, even if she seemed shy.

We got partnered for the dance, but I had to back out before the practice started" he sighed, a bitter chuckle heard from him.

Yangyang raised his eyebrows at the guy, "Then why? I mean, you could've been her partner later" he tried to look at the eyes of the guy, who was looking down.

He once again bitterly chuckled, "She likes him, Huang Renjun. It may not be known but her actions said so.

I was afraid to get closer with her when we practice, since it will be a week of practice for us. I am afraid I'll be selfish when I get a chance to be close to her.

So I backed out. I told the teacher I am busy for XFire, before she could tell her since I saw the list first. By chance, Renjun's partner backed out too since the girl was said to be dropping out. Then they were partnered.

See? She seemed happy with him, watch their performance later" he looked back at Yangyang, smiling bitterly.

Yangyang could only smile back at him in a sad way. Just then, the MC was heard, the program soon starting.

"Let's watch together?" he offered, "Sure"

They then sat somewhere near the stage with Y/N's father. Y/N's group luckily was the first performer.

They stared at the pair, Y/N and Renjun, but mostly the guy. They saw how Y/N would occasionally blush.

But the pained stare the guy gave the pair, as if the performance was sad, Yangyang didn't miss it. He really seemed to love her, rather than liking her.

Soon, the performance ended. They just continued to watch, Yangyang giving his number to the guy with his name written on the paper that the guy didn't notice where the hell came from. Yangyang didn't talk, just passing it to the guy.

It was fine, Y/N's group won. Y/N and Renjun was at the center, closely standing next to each other. Yangyang again saw the pain at the guy's eyes.

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