~ Chapter 8 ~

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"The new Emerald Coast Resort sounds like the perfect place to get away from it all! You can hang out at the beach, or float in the crystal-clear ocean all day long, then dine as you watch a spectacular sunset!" Amy said full of excitement.

Tails, Cream, and Cheese are already in the X-Tornado. Chuck, Chris, Y/N, and Amy are standing nearby, and Sonic is sleeping in a few crates, as usual.

"It sounds absolutely romantic! I wish we were going to the opening party!"

"We'll have fun at the Thorndykes' villa. Are you ready to go, Cheese?" Cream said.

"Chao-chao!" Cheese replied.

"Can't wait to ride some waves." Y/N jumped in excitement. "I love surfing!"

"I'm ready too, guys! My flight plan will take us right to the Emerald Coast." Tails said.

"Be careful, Tails, and try not to let anybody see you." Chris warned him.

"They won't have a problem as long as they stay on the grounds of the villa." Chuck assured him.

Chris holds up an invitation.

"I wish I could hang out with them instead of going to the resort opening."

"I know, but your mother can't make it, so she needs you to go in her place. You won't have to stay long, and after you can join the others at the villa!"

"That's great!"

Chuck nods.

Chris turned to Sonic. "I can give you a swimming lesson, Sonic."

"You guys go on without me. I'm gonna stay right here." he said after he woke up.

Everyone is surprised at Sonic, except Y/N who shook her head, knowing that he doesn't want to go that involved water.

"Sonic, you mean you're not coming with us?" Amy asked.

Sonic leaps down from the crates.

"That's right. Have fun, I gotta run!"

Sonic then dashes out of the garage.

"That's weird. I wonder why Sonic doesn't want to go to the Emerald Coast with us." Chris said.

"It must be because Sonic hates water. He won't go near the ocean because he can't swim." Amy said.

"Yep, remember Chris?" Y/N said.

"Oh, I forgot that."

"But Sonic doesn't have to swim. He could go running on the beach!" Tails said.

"It's not gonna be as much fun without Sonic."

"Let's leave him be. There's no way of changing his mind about the water he hates." Y/N suggested.

Chris hears a car horn from outside, and sees that it's Ella and Tanaka.

"Mr. Chris! We have to leave now or you'll be late for the ceremony!" Ella called.

"Have a great time, Chris." Chuck said.

Chris nods. "We'll meet up later."

"Okay. Don't be long!" Amy waved.

"See you there!" Tails said.

"Good luck!" Y/N said.

"Chao chao chao!"

"And don't be nervous, Chris. That opening party will be just fine!"

"Uh, yeah..." Chris chuckled nervously.

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