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*Frank's P.O.V.*

After I got the call from Mikey, I quickly put on my shoes and ran to my car. Gerard needed me and I was going to be there.

I drove to the hospital, being stopped by almost every red light on the road. I parked my car and walked inside the building. I went up to the front desk.

"Hi. I need to visit the ward." I said.


Surprisingly she didn't recognize me from earlier. "Frank Iero."

She typed in my name then said, "I'm sorry. I can't let you go back there. You've already been today."

"Please?! My fiancé needs me!"

"I'm sorry, I can't let you."

"Frank!" Dr. Catalina rushed over to me.

"Excuse me?!" The front desk lady was getting annoyed.

"It's okay, he's with me."

Dr. Catalina and I rushed to the ward and into Gerard's room. Tears falling down his face, he was wearing an oxygen mask, he was hardly moving.

"Baby, what happened to you?" I asked him, walking over to him slowly.

His head slowly turned to face me. He gave me a sad expression, almost like he knew he was going to die soon.

I sat down next to his bed. "Darling, don't look at me like that. You're gonna make it."

He slowly shook his head.

"Yes you are!" I began to cry. "I love you! Please stay here with me?!" I look his hand, "Please?!"

"Gerard, you need to rest now." Dr. Catalina said to him.

His eyes closed and soon enough he was asleep.

"He's not gonna die, right?" I asked Dr. Catalina, keeping my eyes on Gerard.

"He shouldn't. But he was close to dying before you came."

I sighed. "I want him to come home. When he wakes, I'm taking him home. He'll come in for check ups every two weeks. I can't have him stay here anymore."

"Mr. Iero-"

"He needs to be with me! This is what happens when he's not around me!"

"Frank, I can't give you permission to take him out of here."

"Why?! Can't you see what's happening to him?!"

"He's too unstable."

"He'll be with me! He's fine with me!"

She was silent. "I'll go get the paper work. Just wait here."

I looked back down at Gerard and kissed his hand. "You'll get better baby, I know you will."


Dr. Catalina came back with the paper work to get Gee out of here. I filled it out and turned it into the front desk of the ward. When I returned to Gerard's room, Mikey was in tears and Ray was doing his best to comfort him.

"What's wrong?" I asked Mikey.

"I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I'm- sorry!"

I sat back down next to Gerard. He's my baby, my one and only, my everything, my world, my life. And I love him more than anyone I've ever known.

"F- Frank?" Gee spoke softly.

"I'm here, sweetheart. I'm right here." I tucked his hair behind his ear.

"Can I- go home now?"

"Yes, yes you can."

A small smile appeared on Gerard's face, which made me smile as well.

He sat up. "Hang on darling. We need to speak with Dr. Catalina first. Stay here."

"No. No, no! Frank! Where are you going?! Come back!" I heard him beg when I left his room.

*Gerard's P.O.V.*

He's gone again!

What do I do?!

My mind filled with fear.

What if he's not coming back?"

"Gerard, he's going to talk to your doctor. He'll be back for you, I promise." Mikey said.

"Okay." I took a few deep breaths.

10 minutes later, he came back with Dr. Catalina.

"Ready to go, Gee?" Frank asked.

I nodded.

"Alright Gerard. So the plan is you'll come here every two weeks for check ups, okay?"

I nodded again.

"Okay, you're all set. See you soon!"

I waved to her as we left.

Frank held my hand all the way to the car. He even opened the door for me. I got in. He went around the car and got in and we went home.

I followed Frank into the house.

"I'm so happy to be home." I said.

He came up to me and hugged me. "I missed you, Gerard!"

"I missed you too, Frankie!"

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