Bad start

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Kelley's POV

The next morning I woke up in bed. I guess Christen carried me into our room. I got up to look at the clock. 7:00. Breakfast is in half an hour. I jump out of bed to take a shower.

I hate being seen waking up. Just as the hot water starts running down my skin, I feel two arms wrapped around my waist. I turn around to put mine on Chris' shoulders.

Hmm. The shower suddenly started to get more interesting.

*Warning - 18 years old*

She leaned me against the wall and placed her hands under my thighs. Her lips moved with mine, a little too... mechanical. She put her tongue on my lower lip to ask for entry, which I granted without hesitation. I clung harder to her, while she pressed her body against mine more and more strongly. Her hand moved towards my intimacy, and I let out a small groan.Chris knew that was the signal. She inserted a finger inside me, and began to move back and forth.

K: "Fucking Chris..."
C: "Apparently you like it..." she said, putting kisses on my neck, which turned me on even more.
K: "Please I need more."

She inserted a second finger into me and pumped it faster and faster. I was so close... I felt my muscles tighten around her fingers and I was struck by my orgasm as she kissed me.

She helped me back down before I changed positions. I continued to kiss her and then started to descend on her body, leaving little marks everywhere, especially in the visible areas... You never know who might see them.

Chris tilted his head back as I reached his clitoris. She was soaking wet and I had no trouble giving her pleasure. Eventually she came and pulled me up to kiss me again.

We hugged each other for a few moments and then got out of the shower. Something was wrong. I could feel it.

*End of warning - 18 years old*

Christen's POV

I grabbed some towels to dry us off, but just as Kelley was about to wrap hers around her, I pulled her out. She loves playing jokes on me, so I thought it would be a little payback. She threw a look that I couldn't tell if it was a look of anger or confusion or I don't know what. I gave her back her towel before she killed me...

It seemed strange to me... Kelley's the kind of person who's so happy in a normal way...I looked in my suitcase for underwear, and put a T-shirt and shorts over it... I waited for Kelley to get dressed too and then we went downstairs for breakfast.

Alex's POV

I didn't want to get up this morning. So Ash rolled me on the floor. I fell like a big wreck, but at least I'm up now.

I swear, being her roommate is a lot of work...

After I got dressed, we joined the others in the big room. It wasn't very crowded. Well, that's good. I walk over to the buffet to get a plate and look for the fried onions and bacon, and then I sit down.

I see Tobin coming in and almost running towards the café without talking to anyone.She takes a sip and then sits down next to me with a kiss on my head.

Kelley and Christen entered the room. Kelley smiled at me and Tobin smiled at Christen. Kelley turned bright red and her eyes flashed lightning bolts at Tobin, who looked away in confusion.Christen approached us, while Kelley was as mad as a squirrel who had been robbed of his nuts.Um, I guess it's time I talk to her.

Kelley's POV

As I walk into the breakfast room, I see Alex smiling at me. I was happy to see my best friend, until I noticed Tobin smiling at Christen. Jealousy came over me and stopped me on the doorstep.

Christen didn't notice it and walked Tobin up and smiled at him. It was all obvious to me. Tobin loved Christen. And Christen was not insensitive to Tobin. That would explain that strange feeling when I got out of the shower.

However, Alex approached me and pulled me aside for a while.

A: "Kelley, what's wrong?"

I didn't answer. But my eyes spoke for me.

A : "Kel... You think Tobin is in love with Christen and you're afraid it's mutual, right?"
K: "Chris isn't as caring about me as he used to be. Our relationship has become routine, mechanical... She doesn't feel anything for me anymore..."
A: "I don't know my squirrel... Maybe you're wrong."
K: "Stop it, Alex... I know you've been hiding the fact that you and Tobin haven't been getting along for weeks... You're my best friend... I know you and-"

I stopped when I felt some eyes on us. I turned around to see Christen and Tobin standing in front of me. She had heard everything. Chris looked at me sadly, and Tobin was impassive.

C: "Kelley... I've been wanting to talk to you about this for a couple of days... I really like you... ...but I just don't feel like I belong in our relationship anymore. I know you love me, but earlier just confirmed that it's time to end it."
K: "What? No! You can't do that! You know I love you" I shouted in tears but she went back into the room.

I collapsed in Alex's arms, who was also crying. She had just understood the look on Tobin's face.

A: "Kel... Shhh, it's gonna be okay... Maybe it's a blessing in disguise. Maybe you and Christen weren't meant to be together. Just like Tobin and me. It means the best is waiting for you. "I trust in you, Kel, you'll find happiness..."
K: "I wish you the same Alex." She shook her head and kissed my forehead.

We went back to breakfast. There's no way I'm gonna miss it. We sat away from Christen and Tobin. Strangely, it was Tobin who seemed the most upset. The others came in and frowned when they saw Alex and me away from Christen and Alex. Ash, Julie and Mal gave us questioning glances, but Alex shook his head.

The day was starting off badly... I was just heartbroken. That day I swore to myself that I would never fall for anyone again.

Alex seemed to read my mind and whispered in my ear:

"Never say never."

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