Number 3

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Kelley's POV

I woke up the next day to Julie's movement in my hair. Reality suddenly came back to me.

J: "Jill asked us to go down to the big room."
K: "Let's go..."

As I walked towards the door, Julie stopped me.

J: "Hum. Kelley?"
K: "What? We have to get off."
J: "But maybe you should get dressed first?"

I looked down, and actually I was still in my pajamas. Julie was laughing like a seal while I was blushing.

After putting on pants and a hoodie, I was finally able to join the others with Julie.

The girls hugged me and Lindsey and Emily sat down next to me.

Jill: "All right, ladies. In light of recent events and Tobin's unfortunate disappearance, we have decided to cancel the camp and go looking for him. We all know Tobin very well and we will be of great help to the police."

Team: "Yes, coach!"

Jill: "Go upstairs and pack your things. We're all going to Portland, every single one of us. There a bus will take us to our hotel. We'll stay there as long as it takes. I'm counting on each and every one of you to get back to our number 17. By all means. If you know of anyone who can help us, please don't hesitate. And do your own investigation, but keep everyone informed."

Team: "Yes, coach!"

Jill: "This is the only order I'm gonna give you: Find Tobin!"

With that, everyone got up and went to pack their bags.

 Arrival in Portland.

We just landed in Portland and the team decided to split in two. One half goes to the hotel and takes all the luggage to the rooms, while the other half splits up in the city.

We form a duo to cover the whole city. A specific part of the city. Julie and I go out to explore and find out about the north end, where Emily and Lindsey last saw Tobin.

We've been interviewing everyone we've come across for three hours. There was a lot of fear, and the more people shut down, the more I got angry.

After one last person told us that they had not seen Tobin and did not even know her, the anxiety made me come out of my gong.

K: "How can you live in Portland and pretend not to know Tobin Heath? She's all over the billboards and her picture's on TV all the time!"
J: "Kelley, calm down!"
K: "No, I'm not calming down! This jerk is clearly laughing at us."
?? J: "Who you calling a dumb bitch?
K: "You."
?? "I'll teach you a lesson!" he says, rolling up his sleeves.
K: "Come on! I'm gonna kick your ass so hard it's gonna feel like you're being fucked!"

The moment I saw his fist go, I ducked him and threw mine at him.

K: "You want more?"Julie eventually grabbed me to get away.
J: "You should leave." He didn't move. "Or I'll let her beat you up and I'll film it. Everyone will see that you got beat up by a woman."

The guy walked away quickly.

K: "I'm sorry, Julie..."
J: "Don't worry. And I won't tell Jill. But you have to stay calm. If you won't do it for me, do it for Tobin."I nodded my head when I sat down on the bench.
J: "Hey, Squirrel?"
K: "Yeah?"
J: "Remind me never to make you angry!" she said laughing.I laughed and put my head on her shoulder for a few minutes. I can feel Julie stiffening as she looks over my shoulder.
K: "Julie?"
J: "I look at the thing hanging from the branch."
K: "What?"

I look up and follow its gaze. I walk to the 'hanging thing' and find a piece of cloth.

I look at it and touch it to see if it was a piece of shirt or shorts.

K: "Julie! It's a piece of jersey!"
J: "There's something written on it. It looks like a number. 6 ? 9 ?"
K : "3 ?"
J: "Yes it can look like that, look at the curves. Wait, why did you say three?"
K: "The color Julie!"
J: "Yes, I'm a white woman, but I don't see the connection."

I roll my eyes and hit her arm.

K: "The blue jersey and the number 3..."
J: "Well what?"
K: "It's Laure's jersey. Tobin likes to wear it when leaving the stadium."
J: "So Tobin must have come here. But what was she doing this far from the airport when she was supposed to meet us."
K: "I'll call Laure, maybe she knows something. In the meantime try to look around."

While Julie runs around, I dial Laure's number.

Laure: "Hi Kelley! I saw the news. Do you have news?"
K: "Hi Laure. We cancelled camp and the whole team is in Portland right now looking for Tobin."
Laure: "And how are you doing?"
K: "Julie and I found a piece of jersey near a park. It must have been ripped off. It must be the one Tobin was wearing."
Laure: "Number 17?"
K: "No, number 3 and blue. Just like yours. Laure, do you know why Tobin wanted to leave later than the others?"
Laure: "Well... Last week Tobin told me that she ordered a gift... for you. She wanted to bring it to the camp, but from what she told me it wasn't delivered to her apartment. Maybe that's what she was going to get."
K: "I hate myself even more now..."
Laure: "No, Kelley. You have to--"
Julie screamed from the bottom of a park and called me.
K: "I have to go, Laure. I'll call you back!"I rushed to the park and followed Julie's voice.
K: "Julie!"
J: "Here Kelley! Behind the bushes!"

I kneel down so I can get over the bushes and grab some branches. Julie was next to Tobin, calling for an ambulance.

Tobin was lying unconscious and his shirt was torn.Julie and I pulled Tobin out of the bushes and the paramedics took us to the hospital.The doctors immediately took her into surgery and I collapsed in a chair. Julie was calling the team to tell them. Everyone arrived thirty minutes later.

Five hours later. The surgeon came out of the O.R. I jumped out of my chair and ran towards him. Alex held me back so I wouldn't jump on him.

K: "How is she?"
Doctor: "She'll be fine and should be awake tomorrow. She lost a lot of blood but miraculously no vital organs were affected. However, she suffered a rather severe shock to the head and..."
K: "And?"
Doctor: "It is possible that her memory may have been altered... I can't tell you when she last remembered."

I was frozen in place, between happiness and worry. My legs gave out from under me and Julie rushed to put a chair under my buttocks, before I lay on the floor.

The doctor said goodbye and everyone went back to the hotel except me. I stayed with Tobin all night.

The next morning

The girls came into the room and woke me up.

Amy handed me a doughnut and a coffee.We talked a little bit until Tobin woke up. She struggled against the light and looked around.

Jill: "How are you feeling, Tobin?"
T: "Fine, I think."

Tobin looked at our faces and then he looked at Alex.

T: "Hi, my love." she smiled.

I thought I was having trouble hearing...

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