Two babies

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Kelley's POV

I've been screaming at death for hours with every contraction. I feel like I'm being crushed from the inside out as I literally crush Erin's hand.

K: "Where is she?"
Erin: "She's on her way, Kelley. Focus on your breathing."
K: "Erin, I love you, but I also need my wife!"

The door opened with a loud noise.

T: "I'm here I'm here I'm here!"
K: "Baby!"

Tobin rushed up beside me and Erin let go of my hand so I could take my wife's hand.

T : "Rah I'll remember this day for the rest of my life."

Erin: "My hand will remember it too!" Erin said Erin shook his hand, happy to be free at last.

I threw my head back, grabbing the sheets when another contraction came. Tobin shouted in surprise when I shook her hand.

T: "Erin, I understand why you were in such a hurry to switch places."
Erin laughed, "But she's your wife, not mine!"
K: "That would be weird, Erin!"

Tobin stroked my forehead and wiped the sweat from my face.

T: "I love you so much..." she whispered.

The doctor arrived what seemed like an eternity later.

Doctor: "Well, I think it's time to push," he said as he stood in front of me.

I saw the pout Tobin made when she saw the place he was standing, which made me laugh.

K: "Tobin, this is not the time! Would you rather do it in his place?"

Tobin quickly shook her head in disgust.

T: "No no no no, I'm not putting my head there!"
Erin: "It doesn't usually bother you."
K: "Erin!"

Erin and Tobin looked at each other and my sister came out.

K: "Tobin stop squealing! If you want more kids, it's your turn!"
Doctor: "All right. Take a deep breath and at my signal push very hard."

Tobin wanted to let go of my hand, but I tightened my grip on her so she couldn't escape.

Doctor: "On the count of three. One. Two. Three!"

After several pushes and dozens of screams, our first baby was born.

Doctor: "Your boy is here," he says cheerfully.

The doctor handed a chisel to Tobin who cut the cord, not without a strong urge to vomit. The assistant wrapped him in a cloth and held him in her arms.

Doctor: "Kelley, I need you to push again. Go ahead."

I thought I was gonna die on the spot, but after hearing our daughter's screams, all the pain went away.

K: "Now I know how stuffed turkeys feel at Christmas..."

My wife laughed and then cut the second cord. Then the assistant placed our babies on my chest.

K: "They are beautiful," I said, looking at them with tears in my eyes.
T: "Just like you, my love. You did it."
K: "We did," I said, smiling at her.

The assistant took our babies to be washed.

Tobin kissed me with all the love she had. She cried like never before.

K: "Would my secret lover get emotional?"

My wife froze and looked at me in fear. She breathed a sigh of relief when my sister entered the room. I winked at her with a quick wink and turned to Erin, who placed a kiss on my temple.

Erin: "Where are the mini O'Hara's?"
T: "O'Hara-Heath!" Tobin corrected her.
Assistant: "Here they are," she said, gently placing our newborns in my arms.

Julie entered in her turn and cried as well. She handed me two little teddy bears for the babies.

J: "Congratulations moms!"
K: "But why aren't they squirrels?"
J: "There were no squirrels in the store..."

The door opened again, and this time it was Lindsey and Emily.

Lindsey: "Congratulations, girls!"
K: "Thank you!"
Emily: "And since news never travels lonely-" she was cut off by Lindsey's elbow.
Lindsey: "This is not the time, Emily!"

I looked at my friends in confusion as Tobin agitated.

T: "You want to talk about what happened at practice?"
K: "What happened? Baby what did you do?"
T: "Well... Um... I, um... Girls, help!" she said, begging Lindsey and Emily for a look.

Emily: "Julie went to pick Tobin up at the stadium, but the coach was a bit of a son of a bitch."
Erin: "Emily!" said Erin in a scathing tone.
Emily: "... He behaved like a BIIIPPP, and wouldn't let Tobin go, because they're not his biological children."
K: "What?"
Lindsey: "He didn't want Tobin to go and asked him to choose between football and his family and..."
T: "And I may have hit him..." Tobin says looking down...
K: "Tobin, why did you do that?"
T: "I couldn't let him insult you or insult our babies. Football is important in my life, but our family is even more important."
Emily: "Um. Like I said, good news never comes alone. Coach was mad as you could tell and he cut you out for the rest of the season."

I felt so bad for her when her eyes started to fill with tears.

Lindsey: "But when the team found out about it, we all stepped up to defend you. He didn't want to know, so Christine went straight to management and explained. We all pleaded for you."
T: "Thank you so much..."
K: "So she'll still be able to play?"
Emily: "Of course, since management found our coach's behaviour and words unacceptable and decided to fire him. Effective immediately. We will have a new coach. On the other hand, she wants Tobin to sit on the bench for hitting a superior even though he deserved it..."
T: "If it's just one game..."

I lured Tobin in for a kiss and Erin laughed at me and said, "Heyyyyy, get yourself a room!"

And I responded by sticking my tongue out at her.

T: "Great, now I have to take care of three kids!" she sighed.

I pinched her arm and she moaned.

T: "You just confirmed what I just said, baby!"
K: "Gnagnagna!"
Emily: "My God and those poor little innocent babies have Kelley's genes... Good luck, Tobin!"

The whole room started laughing at my pout.

The nurses came back to pick up our kids for their first routine checkups.

Erin kissed me on the cheek and went out with Julie, Lindsey and Emily.

T: "Get some rest..."

Tobin ran his fingers through my hair and I fell asleep in his arms a few seconds later.

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