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Kelley's POV

We all went back to the locker room.

Louisa, Lotta and Laure gathered their players around them to keep them going.

Rose: "Tobin, will you teach me how to make small bridges like you?"
T: "Nobody can be better than me!"
Laure: "How are your ankles Toby?"
T: "Nooooo don't call me that!" she moans.

I'm talking to Jill in the corner.

Jill: "Kelley, I think we should replace Ada. The French are going to give everything in overtime and if our rearguard holds the house, we need an explosive attack. Ada's played 90 minutes, she won't be able to keep up that pace to the end."
K: "Are you sure? Why not Alex or Megan or Carli?"
Jill: "Megan needs to understand the importance of other people on a team. And Carli's smart enough to understand. As for Alex, the most famous player in our country. I'm sure she's been studied from every angle."

I raise an eyebrow and Jill stutters.

Jill: "Uh, I mean, I mean..."

I make fun of her and pat her gently on the shoulder.

K: "Pernille! Come here."
Pernille: "Yes?"
K: "Go warm up, you go back to Ada's place."
Pernille: "Sorry?"
Ada: "What? But why?"
K: "Because we need fresh blood to play overtime. And Alex's game is too well known."

Ada did not answer. She really didn't want to go out but she knew that for the team it was necessary.

Ada laughed. "It'll save me from breaking ankles." she laughed.

I'm looking at the American women who are around Ali. She cries in pain and while the doctors are examining her. They signal to Jill to follow them down the corridor.

While they talk, I hand out bottles of water and cereal bars to the girls.

Jill came back and pulled my arm.

Jill: "Kelley, the doctors told me that Ali had a pretty severe concussion. We need to get her out. Tell Lucy to go warm up."
Doctor: "Lucy got a little hit during practice. She can't play or it could jeopardize her game in Lyon."

I'm freaking out. I had already asked Laure to come in. This time I didn't have any more right-back defenders on my bench.

Julie approaches me. She hands me a jersey: 'O'Hara. 5'. I drop it immediately. I look up and see that everyone is looking at me with a big smile.

K: "No no no no no no! I'm not ready! I've only done one full workout in months."
H: "You're ready and you've always been ready."
T: "You're the best right-winger in the world, Kelley. Sorry, Ali and Lucy." my girlfriend said before she turned to the girls.
Megan: "We want you for this game. You deserve it more than any of us!"
Ashlyn: "Don't tell me you don't want to kick the feds' ass?"
K: "Yeah, but-"T: "Then play!"

I always hesitated. What if I did something stupid and we lost because of me ? The thought terrified me. Tobin took me in his arms.

T: "Lead us Kelley."

The team gets up and starts screaming my name : "KELLEY! KELLEY! KELLEY!"

My eyes start crying. I look at Jill, and she nods and smiles.

Alex puts my jersey on while the others are screaming for joy.

Ashlyn: "Kelley's back! We're gonna win!"

Tobin hands me the armband.

T: "Your move. Captain!"

We're going back in for overtime. Tobin kisses me one last time to get back to his seat.

Hugo Lloris came up to me.

Lloris: "The game can finally start," he smiled and said.
K: "May the best team win!"
Lloris: "With honor and respect for each team."

We shake hands and return to our posts. I look at the tribune of honour and the members of the Federation were shocked.

"Two changes in the girls' team. But I don't think that's gonna be enough. Change of captain. Kelley O'Hara subtitutes Tobin Heath."

"You can see the woman voted 'Sexiest Player in the World' on the field. Unfortunately for her, beauty does not equal talent."

"A very pretty but ineffective team."

"The All Stars seem to have confused beauty pageant with a football match!"

The speakers are picking on me, but I don't listen to them anymore. Wickedness does not make you smart.

I look ahead and see the foreign players staring at the bleachers. I also turn my head to see their respective national teams.

They're all there : Sweden, Norway, France, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands and England.We all raise our fists in the air and our spectators give voice. I can feel my team is up to the challenge.

Lloris is right:

The game only starts now!

"Are you ready to see how a squirrel plays ?"

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