The dinner

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Kelley's POV

I walked into my room and my thoughts went all over the place.

I got ready for dinner. I was hoping that she would tell me about the person who saved me three months ago and especially that she would help me find out who my mystery lover was. I didn't know if I should tell them about my feelings of being watched... I decided not to say anything for the moment.

I had just gotten out of the shower when someone knocked on my door. I went to the door and saw Julie and Tobin standing in front of me. I stepped aside to let them in.

J: "Sorry to come early, we've got a trace on your cell phone."
K: "Is everything okay? Dinner is canceled?"
J: "What ? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no."
T: "We just wanted to talk to you about something before we join the others." Tobin says softly.

I sighed.

K: "If you're talking about Christen and Alex, don't bother, I already know. And I don't want to talk about them, or about them for that matter," I said a little annoyed.

The girls looked at each other and sighed with relief. I smiled at them and looked at Tobin who was red as a tomato and very agitated. She looked all around her.

K: "Are you all right Tobin?"
T: "It's embarrassing..." she blushed even more.
K: "What?"

Julie cleared her throat and pointed at me. I looked down and remembered I was still in a towel. And to make matters worse, the towel was slightly lowered, to say the least... And obviously I wasn't wearing any underwear...

K: "Oops!!" I said as I rushed to the bathroom.

I heard Julie laughing, then whispers. She must have been talking to Tobin, but it didn't sound like mocking.

I got dressed quickly and went back to the room. I think I was as red as Tobin was at the time. We looked at each other and laughed.

J: "With the two of you, I think I'll have enough tomatoes to make me some juice."

Julie laughed."Julie!"

Tobin and I both said at the same time, which only made Julie's laughter grow louder.

J: "You're cute!"
T: "Julie, will you relax? I'm already in love! And besides, Kelley has a secret lover waiting for her somewhere," she winked at me.

It took at least five minutes for Julie to come down from her cloud. Once she calmed down, I put my phone in my back pocket and we went downstairs.

Ash, Ali and Allie were already waiting for us.

Ash: "Amy is meeting us at the restaurant. Let's go."

We walked a few hundred yards, then went into an Italian restaurant. Amy waved at us and we sat down at our table. I was between Tobin and Amy.

Dinner went quietly. Ash and Allie told me a little bit about their search for the person who saved me and my mysterious secret lover.

K: "Come on, tell me everything that happened while I was sleeping!"
Allie: "Well, you missed the moment when the team was disbanded, the youth hell, the closure of our clubs and the press rage..."
Ash: "And you also missed the spring..."
K: "What do you mean?"
T: "Ash!" said Tobin, staring at her.

Ali slapped her in the back of the head and there was a very uncomfortable silence. Julie changed the subject.

J: "Otherwise you have a lot of fans."
Allie: "Yeah, apparently you have people who love you, squirrel!"

I raised an eyebrow: "Who doesn't love me?"

Everybody started laughing.

Ali: "We missed your jokes, Kelley."

Amy went back to our previous topic.

Amy: "Yeah, someone obviously would rather save you than me."

I felt uncomfortable, but Amy gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

K: "I've got to find her! She saved me."
Allie: "We've been doing a little research. We called the police and questioned the security guards who were at the game. By the way, Julie and I went back to the parking lot where you and Amy were assaulted. We did a little research and talked to the locals, but no one saw or heard anything. Besides, the gates were locked."
K: "Did you ask to see the security cameras?"
Allie: "We didn't see any at the scene."

I nodded my head and looked at Julie, who seemed to be somewhere else. I snapped my fingers in front of her and she gasped.

K: "Ju? Do you know anything else?"
J: "No, I was just wondering how this person got so close to you so quickly. I didn't see anyone come out when I went back into the locker room to get help, like Amy had asked."

No one had an answer. Amy wanted to talk about something else before too many bad memories came back.

Amy: "Or else! Kelley tell us about all those cards from your secret lover."
K. "Ahahahaha! Well, I don't really know. I just know I get one a day, with flowers and balloons. And sometimes beer."
Allie: "What's strange is that this person, seems to know everything that's going on in your life."
K: "What do you mean?"
Allie: "Well, she knew that you were mugged and taken to the hospital. She knew that you were in a coma with serious injuries. She also knew that you were transferred to Georgia, and then you woke up. She knew you moved in with your sister and knew the address. And she knew that you were at the meeting earlier."
K: "The only person who knew that was Erin."
Allie: "So that's what I'm saying. That's really creepy! She knew all this when we didn't even know you were awake!"

Tobin spoke :

T: "For the assault and the hospital I think we can answer that question. It was in the national press for two weeks. The rest I have no idea."

Everyone nodded their heads. Julie seemed to go back to her world.

Ash: "Anyway, I'm glad you're back with us, Kelley!"

The waiter stopped me from responding by placing my cookies in front of me.

K: "Hey! Where are the nuts?"

The waiter looked at me confused and the whole table laughed. He left and came back a few minutes later with nuts.

Allie raised her glass. "I want to toast to Amy and Kelley, and the future Kelley- Secret Lover!"

I laughed and got up to toast with everyone.

After dinner, the girls went back to their hotel. I was walking back to mine when Tobin pulled me over.

T: "Hey, Kelley, you gonna go get a nightcap?"K: "Always!"

Tobin drove me to a little bar a few blocks from my hotel. And paid for our beers. Ooh, I missed the beer.

T: "Maybe we can get to know each other. I'm not the girl you thought I was."
K: "You know... Aggression made me realize that people aren't always who they seem."

Tobin smiled at me and toasted me. We talked for about two hours, and after a second beer we left.

She gave me a quick hug before entering her hotel. I walked over to mine, thinking about those cards and my savior... I could always feel a look on my face...

Mystery people's POV

I would so much like to be with you tonight...

I love you so much, Kelley O'Hara.

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