With or For?

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Tobin's POV

I'm in the cab on the way to Kelley's hotel. She sent me her address and room number yesterday.

I was just thinking about my arguments to convince Laure and if I should confess my secret to Kelley, a secret that only Christen knew.

I think I got lost in my thoughts because the driver honked his horn to bring me back to reality.

T: "Thank you. Keep it all," I said as I paid.

I grabbed my bag and went up to Kelley's room. I knocked, and I didn't expect her to open up so quickly. She scared me.

K: "Boo! What are you doing here? Get in here!"

T: "Thanks, Kelley, but I'm gonna go pay for a room at the front desk. I just wanted to come by and say hello."

I was about to leave, but she grabbed my wrist.

K: "It's okay, you can stay! There are two beds here!" she said to me.

She looked at me with her beautiful hazel eyes, and frankly who could say no at that moment.

T: "Are you sure?"K: "Yes! Come on, sit down."

I dropped myself on the second bed, but since I'm not very good at it, I missed it. I fell heavily on the floor and when I got up I saw a laughing Kelley.

I went into the bathroom to look at my butt in case he had a big bruise. Well, not yet, but I guess I will soon.

"You're kind of a jerk Tobin..." I thought.

My eyes fell on two cards... I guess Kelley must be really freaking out right now, but hey, maybe she's a good person.

I'm gonna go back in the room and climb on the bed.

K: "You climb like a squirrel!" Kelley said to me.

I raise an eyebrow looking at her.

K: "No no no, get that image out of your head !"

I laughed and put myself on my back.

K: "When do you have to see Laure?" she asked me more seriously.T: "She must call me any minute."K: "You know Tobin... Yesterday Laure told me that apparently you talk a lot about me..."T: "Ah? Uh, it was a long time ago and I uh-"

I was cut off by Laure who called me.

T: "I have to go. See you later, Kelley!"

On the way down I felt a little bad for having planted it like that but my guilt disappeared when I saw the beauty that stood before me.

T: "Laure!" I said, hugging her tightly in my arms.Laure: "Tobin! I missed you so much."

We stayed in each other's arms for long minutes. Eventually she finally moved away from me.

Laure: "I know why you're here. But my answer is no."T: "At least let me take you out for coffee or I don't know what you like."Laure: "Fine, but my answer is still no."

She's driving me downtown to a Starbucks. 

Laure: "It was Kelley who asked you to come convince me?"T: "Yes."Laure: "Tobin listen. I'm deeply sorry for everything that happens to you and your team. But it is my policy never to go against my Federation or any institution in general. You'll have to do without me."T: "Laure, please. Put yourself in our shoes ... Today it's us, but tomorrow it may be you who'll be in our place. We need you."Laure: "But why me Tobin? There are other excellent players on defense."T: "That's not true. You are Laure Boulleau. France has never known more emblematic defender than you. You know how to animate the crowds, you know how to talk, you know how to guide. And that's what we need."Laure: "That's all I mean to you? A good player who animates others?"T: "That's not what I said. Please... All the greatest players in the world will fight with us."Laure: "Will they fight with you or for you? Tobin, you're blinded by the talent of your team. Yes, you are the best in the world, there's no doubt about it. But put yourself in my shoes too. How many times have I heard that France will never get past the United States, how many times have I heard players on your team say you're the best? Maybe in America it's seen as a sign of motivation, but here in Europe it sounds like arrogance. And now that you have a problem, you come to foreigners for help? I know you're anything but arrogant, Tobin. And I know how humble and quiet you and Kelley are. I'm talking about the perception of the team. So I'm asking you seriously. Do you want outsiders to fight with or for you?"

Laure looked at me so seriously ... She always knew how to be wisdom herself. On my answer will depend our future and that of Kelley, so to speak.

Oh God of football, it's time to help me!

T: "I want you to come and fight for us on the field and with us for football and women. For Lindsey and for me."

I could see she still had hesitation in her eyes.

T: "Lefty. You know how much you mean to me. I wouldn't come to you for something like this if it wasn't important. There's a lot at stake here."Laure: "Very well, but on two conditions."T: "Tell me."Laure: "First, if I coach the defenders, I also want to be on the list."T: "I need to talk to Kelley and Jill, but it should do. And secondly?"Laure: "Second of all, you won't need Kelley's permission."T: "What do you mean?"Laure: "I want you to have dinner with me tonight. Like the good old days."

I couldn't help but laugh.

T: "I think that should do it."

Laure smiled back at me.

T: "By the way, I thought your answer would still be no." I teased her.Laure: "I can always refuse Lefty!"T: "No no no no no no!"

"Tobin shut up!" I thought.

Laure laughed and her eyes shone.

After three hours of talking, we broke up.

Laure: "7 pm in front of your hotel?"T: "It's early!"Laure: "Because I know you're always late, so I know you'll be on time downstairs at 7:30!"T: "Heeeeee! That's offensive!"Laure: "I'm reserving for 8pm, so be ready at 7:30pm, when I come to pick you up. Unless I go back on my agreement?"T: "No! I'll be ready at 6 pm!"Laure: "You do not change!" she said laughing.

She kissed my cheek before turning the heels.

I decided to go back to the hotel to tell Kelley.

When I entered, she was not there. There was a note on my bed :

"I'm in Jill's room. 309. Kelley."

So I went up to Jill's room. I knocked, and Megan let me in.

Megan said, "Hey, Tobin! Come on in."K: "So you talked to Laure?"

I nodded.

Jill: "What did she say?"T: "Well, she was hard to convince. She wanted to know what role foreigners would play."Megan: "What do you mean?"T: "Laure has very strong principles. She wanted to know if the foreigners were fighting with or for us."K: "Oh..."T: "But she agreed on two conditions."Jill and K: "Which ones?"T: "The first one is that she only agrees to coach defense if Kelley puts her on the roster as a player."K: "If that's what she wants. After all, she's still playing for the club, so it won't be a problem."J: "And the second condition?"

I laughed: "She wants me to go out to dinner with her tonight."

Kelley sighed with relief, obviously glad that's all it was. However, she seemed slightly annoyed.

Megan: "So if I summarize it nicely. Right now we have our five legendary coaches, the National Team is behind us and so is the Lyon gang."K: "That's it. We only have a few players left to convince after the Euro."

I spent the rest of the afternoon talking, until it was time to get ready.

T: "I've got to go. I'll see you guys later."

I could feel Kelley's eyes on me as I left Jill's room.

I couldn't wait to get back to Laure.

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