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Kelley's POV

"It's her!" I cried out in total shock.

Julie pretended to rub her eardrums laughing. I slapped her arm pouting, my mouth always open.

K: "But how can you be so sure?"
J: "I told you I won't tell you unless I'm sure."
K: "That doesn't answer my question."

Julie sighs.

J: "Well, for starters, we know it's a woman."
K: "Julie, stop playing with my nerves!"
J: "Can't wait for the squirrel! Well, we know it's a woman. No one saw her go in or out so she was already outside when she was attacked. She was the last one on the bus so she was far away and had to come back. She saved you and not Amy. The police arrived but I asked around and no one called her. And then look at the video. Those are the exact same moves. It's got to be her!"

It all made sense in my head... Julie walked away and I let myself slide against the wall.

K: "Tobin..." I whispered to myself, I still couldn't believe it.

I was still frozen in the hallway when Julie went to look for her and came back with her.I got up and turned towards them.

K: "Is it true? Are you the one who saved me in the parking lot?"

She didn't answer.

K: "Fucking answer me!"
J: "Um, well, I'll leave you to it..."

An uncomfortable silence settled in. She started to panic, I could see her shaking. I calmed down and took her hand...

K: "So? Tobin?"

She nodded with regret.

K: "Why didn't you tell me?"
T: "I didn't want you to know."
K: "Do you really think I didn't want to know who saved my life? But why did you do it when we were still fighting at the time?"
T: "I think you can answer your own question, Kelley."

I hear regret in her voice, like she's trying to hide what she did. I didn't understand why, but that's the way Tobin is. The most humble girl I know. She was always blindfolded, but if I could have seen them I think I would have seen tears.

T: "I was out before the others..." she began. " I'd seen that you, Julie and Amy were freaked out in the locker room. So I got out before everyone else because I wanted to talk to you, but you were already on the floor."
K: But why me? Amy's been your friend for so long."
T: "I couldn't let the love of my life die in front of me."

She looked up at me, even though her eyes couldn't see me. I jumped up to her neck and kissed her passionately. Tobin brought me closer to her.

After a while, she moved aside and said to me:

T: "With all these events, we haven't had time to really enjoy our time together. I know that today we've had a little bit of trouble..."
K: "Small?"
T: "Big. But even so, would you have dinner with me tonight?"
K: "Tobin I remind you that you can't see and it would be boring for you to go out with you tonight if you can't see me or enjoy it."

Tobin grabbed me by the waist and put his lips on mine. In the middle of the kiss, she whispered lovingly to me : 

"I can see you with my heart."

I cried some more. I guess I have a date tonight."

We went back to the room. The Sherlocks were watching us. I think Julie must have told them.

K: "Laure? Is that..."

Laure: "Yes." She smiled at me when she stood up to take me in her arms. "I'm sorry I left... I'm sorry, both of you."

Tobin and I didn't answer, but wrapped her in a warm embrace.

Becky: "Defense is saved!"

Ali: "Yeah, 'cause with Kelley as coach, it was a long shot."
K. "Hee-hee!" I sulked.

Ali got a slap in the back of the head from Ashlyn, who was so happy it was finally her turn.

T: "All right, now, everybody out. I gotta get my date ready."

"What?" said the room in one heart, before looking at me.

The girls start laughing and then they go out one by one. Laure is the last and before going out she says, laughing:

Laure: "I like you, but I won't hold the candle."

Tobin handed me a package. I opened it and found a dress. When the paper fell on the floor, I saw Tobin smiling. I go into the bathroom to get ready while she changes in the bedroom.

I was almost ready when I heard Tobin open the door. She was in a gray suit, still wearing her favorite hat. She fumbled with the furniture and stopped in front of me.

K: "Do you like the view?" I asked ironically.
T: "Very funny squirrel."

A sly smile appeared on her face. I think his imagination had just undressed me.

K: "Too bad you can't see me," I said as I kissed him.
T: "I can see with my hands, you know." she replied, grabbing my waist.

I've been fooled at my own game...

We split up and go to dinner.

I get behind the wheel and follow the address on the GPS that Allie must have recorded for Tobin.

K: "Where are we going ?"
T: "Drive and find out."

15 minutes later, I stop on a small hill.

Tobin gets out before me and goes around the car to open the door for me. She reached out her hand and called someone. When I turned around I saw Julie.

K: "Julie?"
T: "I asked her to do me this favor, since I can't see anything."

Julie took us a little further.

J: "I'll let you enjoy yourself," she said with a wink.

I look in front of me and I see that a tablecloth is lying on the floor with several dishes, champagne and candles.

T: "It's not much... I didn't have the time, nor could I, prepare something better..."

I kiss her to shut her up: "It's perfect." I felt her smile in the kiss.

The evening promises to be magical...

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