The investigation

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Alex's POV

It's been a few days since the team was disbanded. None of us can digest the words of this bastard. We've seen our clubs shut down one by one, and the press was jubilant.

I've been trying to keep in touch with my best friends... But for some of them it was too hard. Especially for the younger ones. Jill called us regularly to check in on us. She's especially worried about Julie.

Julie blames herself. She thinks if she hadn't run away from that parking lot, she could have helped amy and kelley. Christen and I are desperately trying to explain to her that if she had been there, Amy and Kelley might not be here anymore, and neither would she. By listening to Amy, ordering her to run away, she saved three people...

Amy went back to her parents and is under the care of a psychologist. She's slowly recovering.As for me, I stayed in Dallas to look after Kelley. Every time I went into her room, the flowers piled up. The day before yesterday I saw balloons floating above the bed. Heart-shaped balloons... Who sent those?

Today I came to see her like every day. More and more flowers and balloons. A card was under her pillow: "Come back to me, I love you so much!"

"I really need to talk to the girls" I whispered...

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and Christen's sweet voice filled my ears.

C: "Alex it's so sweet what you did for Kelley."

I turned to her with a look in my eyes.

A: "It wasn't me!"
C : "What?"A: "Wait... I thought you sent all that stuff!"
C: "How could I have done that? I was with you all the time, or with the girls all the time. They'll be able to tell you."
A: "But then... If not you and clearly not me, then who?"
C: "We'll have to talk to the girls!"I nodded silently, and tears began to stream down my cheeks. A: "When's she gonna wake up, Chris?"
C: "I don't know, Alex..."

Christen brought me closer to her by wrapping his arm around my waist. Her eyes crossed mine, but she looked away immediately. I could feel her blush.

After a few hours, the doctors came to see us to prepare for Kelley's transfer to Georgia Hospital.So Christen and I left the room. As we walked down the hallway, our hands grazed each other.

C: "Kelley will be transferred tomorrow morning. Maybe we should call Ash and Tobin to see if they've made any progress on our little investigation, and we'll tell them about the flowers and balloons," she suggested.
A: "Great idea. You-You want to stay with me tonight?"

Christen smiled at me.

A: "I'm not planning on going back to Orlando anyway, so I think I'll try to find something in Georgia. I can't abandon Kelley."
C: "You should call Erin and ask her if you can stay with her for a while."
A: "No, I don't want to bother her or let her take in the emotional wreckage that I am."
C: "Alex... You're her sister's best friend. You need each other. And I'll get to you as soon as I can with the girls."

I nodded.

On the way back to my hotel room, Christen took a shower while I picked up my phone to call Erin. She picked it up on the third ring.

Erin: "Hello?"
A: "Hi, Erin, it's Alex."
Erin: "Oh, hey, Alex, how are you?"
A: "Lost... Same as you I think."
Erin: "I understand. Have you heard from my sister?"
A: "She's being transferred to Georgia tomorrow morning. But I don't want to leave her, so I was wondering if..."
Erin: "Sure, Alex. You can stay at my house as long as you want."
A: "Thank you, Erin. I'll call you tomorrow."
Erin: "See you, Alex."

I hung up and dropped on my couch. I was looking up at the ceiling when Christen appeared above me.

C: "Do you want to order a pizza and call the girls to talk about the mystery saver and balloons?"

She gave me a smile that I couldn't answer other than to smile back at her.

Christen ordered two pizzas marguarita, while I Skype-dialed the girls. Ash, Ali, Allie and Julie accepted the call. I can say they were more than happy to see us again. All that was missing was Tobin, who as usual was late.

Allie: "Harry! Hurry Hup!"
T: "I'm here!" she grunted, making us all laugh.
Ash: "So what's up, girls? Any word from Kelley?"
C: "No, none, except she's being transferred to the hospital in Georgia tomorrow. Erin will take care of her and put Alex up for a while."
Ali: "Good, 'cause Kelley's gonna have Alex with you."Allie: "Why don't we talk about Kelley's mystery savior?"

We all nodded our heads.

Ash: "I FIND!"

J: "What!! You know who knows who that is?"
Ash: "No, I found our investigator's name!"

Ash got a slap in the back of the head from Ali.

Ali's like, "you just made us a Kelley right there!"
Ash: "So you don't want to know our name?" she moaned.
C: "Go ahead. We don't want Ali to have a bad night afterwards."
Ash: "I've been looking for a name that starts with S. Because Kelley is our little Squirrel. So it'll be Sherlock." she chuckles.

J: "Sherlock it is!"

Allie: "All right, Sherlock! So let me get this straight: We know that Julie, Amy and Kelley were mugged right after the game. Amy told Julie and Kelley to run away, but only Julie was able to do it. Right?"

Julie nodded, and Ash took over.
Ash: "Then we know Julie came looking for us and Carli, Alex and I ran into the parking lot with Jill behind us."

A: "I got out first, and I saw a man trying to hit Kelley. I was pretty far away, but I also saw a woman, I think, not very tall, throw herself at him and chase after him."
C: "Okay, so to sum it all up, this is a woman, not very tall, but strong enough to kick a man's ass."
Ali: "Knowing that it seems to me we were all in the dressing room at the time. Except for Amy, Julie, and Kelley. So it can only be one person who was already outside, if she got there before us."
J: "Maybe a security guard?"
A: "No way. Security came in after Ash, Chris and I did."
Allie: "A Kelley fan maybe?"
J: "Why just Kelley?"
Allie: "This is no time to be jealous, Julie!"
J: "I'm not jealous! I mean, why would she be a Kelley fan only and not an Amy fan?"
Allie: "Because if we think about it for a minute, only Amy and Kelley were in the parking lot. And Amy was getting hit, too. But it wasn't Amy that the mystery savior didn't protect, it was Kelley. There's gotta be a reason. Why did you choose Kelley over Amy?"That remark from Allie, it literally nailed us in the head. I spoke up.
A: "I agree. Maybe she wanted to help Amy, too, but it was Kelley she chose to save. So this woman must be a big Kelley fan."
Ali: "Amy is very much appreciated in the United States, unlike Kelley, who has fans all over the world. So that narrows it down to what? A few hundred thousand fans?"
A: "Maybe not. The incident happened in Dallas, so I'm pretty sure it's an American fan, or at least living here."
Ali: "Unless this person is a foreigner who traveled all the way to Dallas to see it play."
J: "To see a World Cup game I would understand, but then it's almost not worth it."
Allie: "I agree with Ali. If this woman saved her life, then she's an absolute Kelley fan. And a real fan can make the trip even for a game that seems unimportant just so she can meet her idol."
C: "And yes, our squirrel is a big hit with the ladies!"

Christen whispered.The girls raised an eyebrow and looked at Christen, who looked down at me.

Ash: "The girls? What are you hiding from us?"

Christen, Allie and I exchanged a knowing look.

A: "All right. Allie, Allie, Chris and I have visited Kelley several times since the incident. And when we opened the door, we saw her room was full of flowers. And over the past few days, the flowers have been piling up and there were even balloons... Heart-shaped."
C: "And a beer can!"

The girls started laughing.

Ash: "If the beer doesn't bring her back then it's a bad sign!"
J: "Why do I get the feeling you're still hiding something from us?"
A: "Um, well, when we first visited Kelley, we found a card with sweet little words on it. And every time I went to see her, I found a new card."
Ali: "What kind of words?"
A: "Like, 'Wake up, my love!' and 'Come back to me, I love you so much!'"Christen and I literally burst out laughing when we saw our friends with their mouths open.
J: "Who could love Kelley?"
C: "Who doesn't love Kelley, honestly?"
J: "That's not what I meant..."
Allie: "Hey Harry? What do you think about that? You haven't said anything all along."
T: "Um, I was just thinking. That's a lot of facts about Kelley in the last few days."

Julie frowned.

Christen broke the uncomfortable silence.

C: "I don't think the mysterious savior is the same person as her secret lover."
A: "I agree. It can only be two different people."
T: "Whoever it is, they both love Kelley, in their own way."
Allie: "We'll figure it out! For Kelley!"The evening ended slowly and the girls took turns getting off the Skype.

Christen yawned and lay down on the couch.

C: "Do you think we're gonna find them?"A: "It's the least we can do. For Kelley."

As I tried to get up to let Christen sleep, she grabbed my hand and pulled me close.

C: "Stay with me."

I lay behind her and wrapped my arm around her waist after I pulled the blanket up over us.She crossed her fingers with mine and placed a kiss on my hand.

C: "Good night, Alex."
A: "Good night, Chris."

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