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Alex's POV

I was talking to Jill and Carli when Julie came running towards us, totally traumatised.


Jill said, "Julie! Julie! What's going on? What's going on?"
J : "Amy and Kelley... They're... They!"

Julie's screams alerted everyone, and the whole team was now right next to us.

J: "You have to go help them!"
Jill: "Who? Who?" "Who?" "What? Where? Why?"
J: "Amy and Kelley! They're--they're killing them! Amy was trying to protect us!"

Ashlyn, Megan, and I ran outside, followed by Jill and the others.

We were still far enough away, but I could see the man who was gonna finish off Kelley being tackled to the ground by someone. I couldn't see who it was, but that person chased him behind the parking lot.

She must have really cared about Kelley to risk her life defending her.

Ashlyn and Megan threw themselves at the two men hitting Amy, while I ran towards Kelley.

A: "She's not breathing! Kelley! Kelley stay with me!"

The rest of the team arrived and had a horror vision of Amy and Kelley on the ground in a bloodbath.

Security arrived shortly thereafter. Very effective security!

"Get on the bus immediately!" Jill screamed.

The ambulance finally arrived. I was in tears, as was the whole team.

The police and stadium security took the group of men away. 

"We deserve better than to be treated like this!" I shouted.

Christen took me in her arms and I heard Tobin's voice behind us.

T: "Alex, you should go with Kelley."
C: "Tobin's right. She needs you. I'll get there as soon as I can."

I nodded my head and I went upstairs with the paramedics and Carli and Julie.

On the way to the hospital

J: "Why? I should have been in their shoes! Amy wanted to protect us and Kelley stood in front of me because I was the youngest... It's my fault!" Julie cried.
Carli: "We Julie... It's not your fault... It's not your fault. It's their fault."

Carli took her in her arms and kissed her forehead.

I looked at the girls... Amy was still awake through the pain, but Kelley wasn't... Arriving at the hospital

Once at the hospital, the doctors took over.

"Who did this to them?" they asked...

"Bastards!" I shouted without really knowing what I was saying.

Amy and Kelley were taken to surgery, while Julie was in surgery.

Carli and I sat in the waiting room but I couldn't stay put.

C: "Calm down Alex. Kelley is strong. She's going to be OK, I know it. And so is Amy."

My phone wouldn't stop vibrating, but I couldn't answer it and neither could Carli.

Finally after a few hours of anxiety, the surgeons came back.

"Hello, I'm the surgeon. Miss Rodriguez, she's suffering from head trauma and broken ribs, but she'll be fine. She's gonna need all the moral support you can give her,though."

"Of course," says Carli.

A: "And... What about Kelley?" I asked as tears began to stream down my face.

"Well... Miss O'Hara is in a deep coma. And we don't know if she'll ever wake up again... We lost her once, but by some miracle we managed to get her heart started again. She also has three broken ribs, a cracked facial bone, and head trauma."

I passed out.

1 hour later

"Alex"? Alex? Alex!" I heard as I tried to adjust my eyes to the light.

"Oh, my God, Alex!" said Carli.
A : "What happened?" she said. "What happened?"
C: "Um, you fainted when the doctor told us about Kelley..."

I remembered and I started crying. I can't lose my best friend...

C: "Come on, I'll take you to her."

Carli took me into a room and opened the door. When I came in, my heart stopped. My best one was there, in a bed, hooked up to dozens of wires.

Visiting hours were over. And we had to go back to the hotel, where everyone was waiting for us.We explained the situation to the others and Christen broke into tears.

Jill came over and hugged me. "Hang in there, Alex. Kelley will wake up."

I slept in the conference room, because I couldn't sleep in my room without Kelley.

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