World Cup

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Kelley's POV

Tobin came to apologize. I didn't want to listen to him, but I have to say something convinced me to believe her. Anyway, I went back to training with the others.

We're in France right now. It's the World Cup.

June 11th, 2019. It's time for the reigning world champion team to take the stage. We meet Thailand.

And we meet our French, English and Dutch friends. Laure and Louisa are both consultants for French television and I am happy to see them again.

Jill has put me in the eleventh starting slot hoping to give me back my confidence. I was on defence on the right wing while Tobin was centre midfielder.

The start of the game was pretty evenly balanced, but as soon as our attack started Thailand cracked. In the 13th minute, I picked up the ball from a striker's feet and sent it to Alex, who ran towards goal. It was the first in a very long series...

The game goes on and it's a real slaughter...

Alyssa and the defence have practically nothing to do. Alyssa and the defence have virtually nothing to do, and the midfielder is in charge of preventing the opposing attacks from being carried out.

We just play our game.

Rose and Sam each plant a double, Megan and Lindsey add their own touch, and Alex dazzles the world with a quintuple.

13-0... Historic record.

Still, I knew we were going to have problems with that win... The press wouldn't miss the opportunity to discredit women's football and point out the discrepancies in standards...

Moreover, our goal celebrations will surely be judged disrespectful, especially over the last few goals... Where is the fun in this victory ? We're professionals and the best team in the world and they're just starting to emerge...

But it doesn't matter, we won. Jill congratulates us in the dressing room but reminds us that it's only the first game. There's still a long way to go to the title.

But it's hard for me to stay calm. Tobin continues his charm in front of Alex, under my nose, and the spices are coming up quickly.

Carli gets up and offers a team dinner. We all go back to the hotel, taking care to avoid the journalists. They can sometimes be heavy.

I go into my room and find a note on my bed. It's a word of encouragement from Erin for the next few games.

I take a hot shower and get dressed for the evening. I sigh in advance knowing I'll see Tobin hitting on Alex.

A touch of mascara and a spritz of perfume later, and here I am in the lobby waiting for the others. Julie comes up to me pretty quickly and asks me where I am with Tobin.

K: "Still at the same point. She keeps drooling in front of Alex."
J: "She'll understand one day that Alex doesn't want her anymore. And I hope she'll come back to you."
K: "I miss Julie..."
J: "I know, Kel..."

She took me in her arms and wiped my tears with her thumbs.

The girls came up behind us and Tobin undressed Alex with his eyes...

K: "Dinner's going to be long..."

We all went to the restaurant and of course Tobin was next to Alex. My dish got a little bit stuck in my throat. Alex didn't know where to stand with Tobin on one side and Christen on the other.Nobody dared to move because we all know how impulsive Tobin is...

Julie joined me and took me in her arms.

K: "I can't take Julie anymore..."
J: "Kel... I know how hard it is but please don't make any drama tonight. Not here."

I hear screams coming from our table. I turn around and see Tobin leaning on his elbow and about to kiss Alex. Christen and I saw red.

J: "Shh, hey, Kelley, look at me! Forget it, forget it!"
J: "Sir, another beer please!"

She hands me the beer and forces it down my throat.

J: "You can't stay like this, Kelley! Go talk to her and tell her how you feel once and for all! Tobin may be a big bitch but she's not stupid! Go talk to her! And bring your beer!"

I nod my head and get off my stool. I approach Tobin from behind.

K: "Tobin..."

She's about to kiss Alex or something.

I turn to Julie.

K: "I can't Julie. I have to leave," I say, running for the exit.
Ashlyn: "No, Kelley's wait !"

Ash, Ali and Julie rush towards me to stop me from leaving.

T: "What the hell! What's that ?"Tobin yells before totally bugging out.

K: "But look at her! I can't see her hitting on Alex in front of me anymore..."

Tobin repeats, totally shocked : "What the hell ! What's that ?"

The girls look at each other but don't understand. Tobin looks Alex straight in the eye.

My heart is bleeding and I decide to leave before I die on the spot.

I hear Tobin screaming my name: "Kelley!"

She's always so fast because I don't even have time to realize that she called me that she was standing in front of me, and push me towards the table to get away from the exit.

K: "Let go of me Tobin! I've got to go! I don't want to see you anymore!"

I push her away firmly and walk towards the door in tears.


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