Almost complete

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Kelley's POV

Today is the 31st of July. Megan went back to the States a few days ago to see Sue. Jill, Hope, Laure, Louisa, Lotta and I are in the Netherlands and attended the last quarter-final of the Euro. Like every day I received letters and flowers, sent with American stamps.

I took notes on the players I spotted during the start of the championship and am currently in Jill's room with Hope and Lotta to debrief.

Lotta is still reeling from the shock of Sweden's elimination against the hosts. I've done everything I can to cheer her up and take her mind off it by talking about our project. Even though she's had some health problems this year, she's still a legend in Europe.

Laure and Louisa stayed in their room... The disappointment at home is also immense.

Yesterday they witnessed the elimination of France against England. 2-0. Tobin isn't with us either. I guess she's with Laure, since now they're a couple. I'm not really thrilled with the idea, but it doesn't really matter since I'm once again in a couple with Hope. But something tells me neither couple really lasted.

One whistle brings me back down to earth.

H: "Kelley? Are you with us?"K: "Hum! Sorry I got lost."Lotta: "We saw." she says, laughing.

K: "What are you talking about?" I asked blushing.Jill: "We were asking you which players you spotted at the start of the Euro."

I pulled out my cards on the players I was thinking of.

K: "I noticed five players who played in the Euro. Three Dutch, one Danish, one Norwegian and one Swedish. But I also have another name, even though she didn't play this year, she played in the Olympics last year. She's Swedish."

I saw Lotta smiling.

Lotta: "Are you thinking about Caroline Seger?"K: "No."Lotta: "Nilla Fischer?"K. "No."Lotta: "Kosovar Asllani? Sofia Jakobsson?"K: "Still no."Lotta: "Okay, now I'm skipping!" she laughed.K: "I'm looking more for defense to support Wendie and be as powerful as Laure. And..."Jill: "Kelley..."K: "Okay okay. I think of Eriksson."Lotta: "Ah!"H: "Maybe this will convince Harder to join us. Because if I'm not mistaken, she's on your list too, right?"

I nodded.

Jill: "Otherwise, who are the other players in the lineup?"K: "For Holland: Viviane Mediema, Shanice Van de Sanden and Lieke Martens. For Norway: Ada's sister. And you already know about Denmark and Sweden."Lotta: "I think Andrine will easily accept and support the middle. But I have a doubt about the others..."K: "About their abilities?"Lotta: "No, not at all, they are three good players. On the right wing, she can be powerful, but I doubt what the other two could bring to our attack."Jill: "I agree. We already have Eugenie, Ada, Tobin, Alex, Megan and Christen. Plus Pernille."Lotta: "So just Van de Sanden."K: "Let's wait until the end of the Euro to talk to Shanice and Pernille."Lotta: "I can talk to Magdalena, since Sweden is out..." She sighed.H: "Kelley, we can go see Andrine. Norway is out as soon as the chickens are out."Jill: "All right. You two go see her."

As we walked to the door, Jill held Hope back. I guess to remind her to behave herself. We all know the relationship between Hope and the Federation...

"Kelley!" Jill yelled. "Come here a minute."

I walked up to her as Hope came out.

Jill: "Kelley, when you see Andrine... Remember she's not Ada."K: "That I know."Jill: "You do. It's not you I'm worried about. Hope can become very quickly... Sanguine and Ada's pretty much the same. But Andrine's more discreet, more composed, more sensitive. If you put pressure on her, she'll shut down. You know as well as I do that's what Hope will do. Kelley, you're a lot more like her. If you can get her to open up to you, she'll accept it."K. "I see. Thanks, coach."

Jill slapped me in the back of the head and said, "Don't call me that! You're the boss!"

K: "And since when do bosses get hit?" I laughed and laughed before walking away.I went downstairs and saw that Hope and Lotta were waiting for me to go and see Eriksson and Hegerberg.

Once there, Lotta went to the Swedish camp, and Hope and I went to see Andrine.

"Hope... Just let me talk to her," I said before knocking on her door.

Andrine let us in. She already seemed to know what we were going to tell her. I guess Ada must have told her. She remained silent and quite intimidated. I watched Hope come out.

Andrine: "So? What's Kelley O'Hara doing in my room?" she smiled at me.K: "I think you already know."Andrine: "You want me to join your project, don't you? Why me? For my sister, I understand. But I don't have her charisma, let alone her game."K: "We think you can bring a lot to the middle. But that's not just a professional reason. I know that bringing together the best players in the world is going to cause big ego battles. I'm not saying you don't have them, but I also need calm, reasonable players like you."

I could see she was hesitating. Suddenly the door opened and Ada walked in.

Ada said, "Kelley, could you give us a moment?"

I nodded my head and walked out. I found Hope a little further down the hall.

H: "I ran into Ada downstairs and she immediately guessed why I was there. Have you talked to Andrine?"K: "She's with her sister."H: "Very well."

There was silence. Hope approached me and I was ready to bend over, but Ada came out of her room and called me. We walked towards the sisters.

Andrine: "If it will help mentalities to move forward, then I agree to join you."Kelley: "We're thrilled Andrine. Welcome to the team, both of you."

Andrine hugged me and Ada did the same with Hope. Hope and I exchanged a surprised look.

Ada looks a lot like Hope, while I'm closer to Andrine. Jill was right.

Hope and I went back to our hotel. I called Lotta to find out Magdalena's answer.

K: "So?"Lotta: "She said she was in but her answer depends on Pernille."H: "Of course..." growled Hope.Lotta: "However she thinks Harder will say yes. If not, what did Andrine say?" she asked, ignoring Hope.
K: "She's joining us."Lotta: "Good! Our team is taking shape. Only two players left to convince. I've got to get going. I'll see you guys later. See you later."H + K: "See you Lotta."

I'm hanging up and resting my head on Hope's chest.

H: "I've missed those little moments," she whispered.K: "Me too."H: "Your project is taking shape, my little squirrel."K: "We're almost complete."

We're almost complete... But the hardest part is yet to come.

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