The Match - Part 1

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Kelley's POV

Both crews move into position. The referee blows the whistle and France kicks off.

The minutes seem like an eternity. Every time the girls get the ball, the whistles and insults ring out.

My players are destabilised by so much hatred, especially the foreigners who are not used to it in Europe.

The beginning of the match is catastrophic... The team is totally disorganised and the team spirit that it took me months to build up had completely disappeared.

I'm witnessing a real nightmare... Laure liquefies next to me as the defense takes water.

We were only at the 10th minute and we were already losing 2-0. The crowd was laughing at us.

Ten minutes later, Amel fell victim to a late tackle from Paul Pogba. The Frenchman received a yellow card, but Amel remained on the ground writhing in pain. Jill and I rush to her. I immediately call the doctors: her ankle is completely overturned and has to get out on a stretcher while Jill panics.

Jill: "Kelley! She was our only left back!"

My eyes open wide and look at my bench.

K : "Laure! I need you! I need you!"

Laure: "No way! Forget it Kelley! I will not participate in this defeat as a player!"
K: "You are our only chance to keep a back line afloat! Please!"
Laure: "I said no!"

At the same time we hear the speakers talking: "

Speaker: "It seems that the All Stars have no more players able to compete with the World Champions."

At the same time in the stands: "I'm not mistaken it's Laure Boulleau on the bench? With her looks she'd better stop playing football and take care of a man!"

I look at Laure who goes crazy with rage and gets up in a jump.

Laure: "Give me a fucking jersey! I'll make them eat their dick!"

The referee brings Laure in a few minutes later. My God, she's good...

But despite all her talent, she can't prevent the team from getting a third goal five minutes from the end of the first half.

"Out, suckers!"

"Go home and leave football to the men!"

"You feminists, you're just a bunch of dykes grazing the lawn!"

"Champions of the world!"

"I'm hungry, be useful, make me some food!"

Insults are raining down. The girls on the bench start to cry. And so do I. I feel so bad for the foreigners who didn't ask for anything... They're here being insulted because of me.

Ashlyn and Magda get shot and the central referee is forced to stop the game. The girls run towards us and get treated by our medical team. They have received a few shards of glass and Madga is bleeding pretty badly. I offer to replace them, but they refuse.

Ashlyn: "Kelley, if you replace us, you won't get any more changes afterwards."

I look at my doctor nodding his head.

K: "All right, go back, but be careful!"

They left to find their position and I see Ali and Pernille more worried than ever.Stoppage of play: the fourth French goal from a corner... It's a disaster!

The referee whistled the half-time whistle and my players didn't wait a second to go back to the changing rooms...

I look up to the grandstand.

The team was being humiliated, the Federation was jubilant and I was bubbling.

I walk to the dressing room where silence, anger and grief reigned.

Ali and Pernille were trying to console Ashlyn and Magda who were feeling guilty, and Camille who was with Wendie and Amel.

Hope, Louisa and Lotta hugged them, while Laure was in Tobin's arms.

Tobin looked at me worried about my reaction, but I smiled back at him. It wasn't his fault and at that moment jealousy was not the right thing to do.

Megan: "That's enough! Kelley changes the attack! Ada can't score and a striker who doesn't score is useless! Send in Alex, Christen or Carli!"
Amy: "Megan!"
Ada: "You've got a problem!" Ada said angrily as Andrine tried to hold her back.
Megan: "You think I'm afraid of you! Look at them, Amy! All these strangers laughing at us! It's not their future that's at stake!"
Alex: "Do you think they're happy to be here? Yet they're out there with us! So shut up, Megan!"
Ashlyn: "Maybe she's right! I felt like sometimes it was just Ali who was going all the way on defense."
Wendie: "Who the fuck are you kidding? We protected your ass and you insult us?"
Madga: "If it wasn't for us, you would've gone 10-0!"

Ali tried to intervene but Ashlyn slapped Magda and before the locker room could move, Ash was sent to the floor by Pernille.

A general brawl broke out between foreigners and Americans. I was completely overwhelmed... Hope grabbed Ashlyn and Laure separated the others.

Megan approached me and shouted at me: "Open your eyes! They're all European and they almost always have a blast against us! Who says they don't want us to lose? That way we wouldn't exist anymore and they'd have peace of mind! Do some ch-"

Even before she finishes her sentence, my hand collides with her jaw. I watch her stagger back, clenching my fists.

Everyone looked at me in shock. I'm not a violent person but I couldn't stand her remarks.She raised her hand to hit me, but Tobin stood in front of me.

T: "Go ahead. Give it a shot."
Megan: "Get out of the way, Tobin, or I'm gonna hurt you!"
T: "Hit her and I swear you'll never get out of the locker room alive!"

I decide to make a big stink.

K: "What the fuck is this shit! I don't recognize you! I don't even recognize my own team! We've spent months training together and building our team and you blow it all up in an hour? Why would you do that? Because of assholes who couldn't even beat you on the field! I thought I recruited the best players in the world but all I see in this locker room and on the field are 6 year old girls!"

The girls looked at each other but said nothing.

K: "And you! The Americans! You are the reigning World Champions and yet you play like shit! You make me ashamed!" I shouted.

I look at Jill, and she nods in agreement.

K: "I remind you that the Federation disbanded our team because they thought we were worthless! And you're proving them right! You don't need outsiders to lose! So it's not a player or a coach who has to question herself, but the whole damn team!"

K: "Do you really want to lose this challenge and regret it for the rest of your life?"

They shook their heads.

K: "Then get your fucking asses moving!"
Julie: "Kelley's right! The Federation gave us a challenge and we all agreed to take it. So we have to fight. I don't want to give them the satisfaction!"

Hope stood up and said, "The guardians are here!"
Laure: "The defense too!"
Louisa: "Do not forget the middle!"
Lotta: "It's time to attack!"

All the girls jumped up.

K: "On three! ONE! ONE! TWO! THREE!"


All Stars [English Version]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora