First complications

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Kelley's POV

5:00 in the morning. I'm on the plane to France with Jill. Megan's going with me, too, because she knows Louisa and Lotta well. She's been asleep for an hour already and Jill is also starting to nose-dive.

I was on my computer preparing the meeting with three legends when a hostess approached me.

Hostess: "Miss O'Hara?"K: "Yes, is it me?"Hostess: "Someone asked us to give you this before we took off."

She handed me an envelope and walked away. I opened it and read the card.

"Have a safe flight, I'll be waiting for you."

Now it's starting to get creepy... But it's also very flattering. I wanted to get back to work, but a yawn convinced me otherwise. I fell asleep very quickly...

I don't know how long after that, a voice woke me up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to land. Please return your seats and tray tables to their upright position, and please fasten your seat belts."

K: "The French really do have a shitty accent." I grunted as I straightened up.

Jill and Megan were already awake.

After landing, we picked up our suitcases and went through security.

Megan: "Not very pleasant the French." she grumbled.K: "Megan! Don't criticize the French when we need Laure and Louisa!"Jill: "And don't criticize the French either. You played it. Besides, the country has to host our next world cup!" Megan: "If we can win."K: "Megan that's enough!" I said slightly annoyed.

A taxi waited for us at the exit and took us to the headquarters of the French team: Clairefontaine.

Louisa's POV

I was sitting in the boardroom at Clairefontaine. The day before yesterday I got a call from Kelley O'Hara. I only know her because she's been giving me trouble in the field blocking all my attacks. Why did she want to talk to me. I always wondered when the door opened. My eyes widened when I saw the woman enter.

Louisa: "Laure?"

Laure stopped on the spot before running towards me.

Laure: "Louisa? What are you doing here?"Louisa: I received a call from Kelley O'Hara asking me to come here... I don't know why, but her voice was desperate. And I saw the news about soccer in the States, so I figured it was important that I come. How about you?"

Laure: "The same." she said perplexed.

The door opened a second time and this time it was my mouth that opened wide.

Louisa: "Lotta?"

She approached me and hugged me. I haven't seen her in months. Laure broke our hug.

Laure: "You received a call from Kelley O'Hara?"Lotta: "You too?"Louisa: "Okay, so that confirms that it is important."

The three of us had coffee and a little chat. About 10 minutes later, the door opened again and three people came in. I recognized them: Jill Ellis, Megan Rapinoe and Kelley O'Hara.

Kelley's POV

I pushed the door of the meeting room, Laure, Louisa and Lotta were already waiting for us. When they saw us, Louisa and Lotta rushed towards Megan. Laure approached me.

Laure: "Hi, you're Kelley, right?"K: "Hi. Yes."Laure: "Tobin told me a lot about you."K: "Uh what?"

Jill clapped her hands. Coach reflex I guess. Everyone sat down and I took out my laptop, ready to explain my plan again. But this time, to three legends of the French national team and Olympique Lyonnais. Jill introduced my speech.

Jill: "Louisa, Laure, Lotta. Thank you so much for coming. I guess you're wondering why you're here?"

All three women nodded their heads.

Jill: "I'm sure you've heard about the conflict between the U.S. Federation and the National Team. The team was disbanded for a while, but a week ago our Vice President gave us an ultimatum. We have to win the match, which will pit us against the men's World Cup Champions next year. So we have less than a year to prepare. Our victory would not only restore our honour, it would also reopen professional clubs and football to women in the USA."
Louisa: "Of course we are all sad about what happened to you. But why are we here? This is your Federation, so why are we here?"

Louisa's voice wasn't aggressive, she just asked the question that the three of them had been asking.

Jill: "I'll let Kelley present our idea to you."K: "As Jill said, we absolutely have to win our game against the eventual 2018 winner. We don't have a budget, but we've got carte blanche to do it. So that's our plan. I want to put together a team with the best players in the world. Of course, half of them would be American, but we need the help of players like you. It's not just about us and our FA, it's about the image of women's football around the world."Lotta: "Which brings us back to Louisa's question. Why are we here?"K: "Well, a team of champions, made up of the best players in the world can only be coached by legends," I said, nervously scratching my neck.Louisa: "Wait, you want us to coach the team? Why us?" said Louisa, almost fainting.K: "You three are legendary players in Europe. If we want our future team to be the most effective, we need the best coaches. We have five coaches. Jill will be the general coach and Hope Solo will coach the goalkeepers. So I've been thinking about the three of you to take charge of defence, midfield and attack. Plus I know that you, Laure and Lotta, are still playing, so it could be useful for us, you never know."

The three women in front of me looked at each other.

Lotta: "Can you give us a few moments?"

We nodded without hesitation and left the room.

In the corridor, I begin to shake.

K: "I have a bad feeling, Jill."Jill "It's going to be OK."K: "Laure worries me. She didn't say anything."

Suddenly a scream resounds inside the room.


At the same time, the door opened. I saw Laure leave the room in a hurry and leave the building furious. I hear Louisa and Lotta shouting at the same time:


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