Old feelings

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Kelley's POV

I've been the sports director of this crazy project for 3 days now. I'm still struggling to get over it, but Jill, Julie and Amy support me.

Lately I've gotten a lot closer to Amy because of what we've been through. Julie is supportive because she doesn't want to leave us anymore. Besides, they are not the only ones with whom I am becoming close. Ever since I made up with Tobin, our relationship has been getting pretty... Strange. I can't figure out her intentions towards me, and I can't describe mine.

I keep getting cards and flowers. Allie confirms our hunches that it's a woman. Handwriting analysis confirms it. However, I leave it to the girls, because I prefer to concentrate on my plan.Jill and I need to contact the coaches I had in mind and convince them to join our cause. We've chosen to start with Hope, since she's still in the States. Jill took the initiative to contact her. She knew it would be too difficult for me. However, I was standing next to her.

Hope was slow to respond, but finally picked up the phone.

Hope's POV

I was lying on my couch sipping my wine when my phone vibrated. At first I thought it was still journalists who wanted my opinion on the situation of the national team, so I didn't even look at my mobile phone. When I realized that the ring was longer than usual, I looked at the number and my eyes widened: Kelley's number...

Why is she calling me? How do I talk to her? I know how much I hurt her, and I knew my feelings for her weren't gone. But I finally picked up the phone.

H: "Hello?"Jill: "Hope? It's Jill. Kelley's with me."K: "Hi. Hope..."H: "Oh, hey, Jill. What's up?"Jill: "I guess you heard the news?"H: "All I know is the National Team's been disbanded and the clubs are closed."Jill: "Yeah. But a few days ago we got a challenge."H: "A challenge?"Jill: "Yes, the challenge of winning a match against the future winners of the 2018 Men's World Cup. We have carte blanche to put the team together. That means we can recruit foreign players to play that match with us."H: "But what exactly are you planning to do?"Jill: "Well, it turns out that Kelley's managed to get the whole team together around one project. We elected her to be the sports director. I'll let her tell you what it is."

K: "Hey, Hope..."

Hearing her voice cut me off. Kelley has this bewitching voice that melts anyone who hears it.

K: "Okay, so here's what I have in mind. In a nutshell, I want to create a team made up of our national team and foreign players, to have the best team possible. Jill and I are going to Europe to attend the Continental Championship and recruit players. But that's not all. I intend to hire 4 coaches, finally on a volunteer basis... Those 5 coaches will coach all 4 positions on the field, while Jill will be in charge of general coaching. Jill and I have already chosen them from among the legends of women's football. We're thinking of Laure Boulleau, Louisa Cadamuro and Lotta Schellin."H: "Didn't you say 5? Who will coach the goalkeepers."

I already knew the answer, but I wanted to hear it in her own voice. I wanted to hear her say that she needed me.

K: "I can't think of anyone to fill that role other than the best goalie I know. We need you Hope. I need you."

I couldn't stop a silly smile from appearing on my face. I didn't even hear his question.

K: "Hope? Did you hear it?"H: "Hmm? I'm sorry, what did you say?"K: "I was asking if you'd like to join us."H: "Of course! I never miss an opportunity to piss off the Federation! I'll be right by your side, Kelley... And Jill."

I heard Jill laughing in the back seat.

K. "Thank you, Hope.H: "It's my pleasure. But tell me. Have you ever thought about who I should coach?"K. "Um, Ashlyn's definitely gonna be there. She was in goal at the game in Dallas. And then there's Alyssa. Like I told you, the entire National Team will train with us, but only a few will be considered for the official game roster."

I wasn't too thrilled to hear about Ashlyn. I still have a conflicted relationship with her. But no matter what, I'd do anything for Kelley.

H: "So Ashly, Alyssa and?"K: "Probably Sarah Bouhaddi and Christiane Endler. She's young but full of promise."H: "All right, no worries. Let me know what happens next. Bye, Jill. Bye, Kelley."K and Jill: "By, Hope."

I hung up and left myself on the couch... I was gonna see Kelley again and maybe we could finish what we started...

Kelley's POV

Jill: "Well, you see that went well," she smiled at me.K: "Yes, but I had no doubts about Hope. I don't think it's gonna be her, who's gonna be reluctant to do the project."Jill: "Oh, yeah? Who do you think and why?"K: "To Laure. She is very media-oriented and defends great causes, but never going against a Federation."Jill: "There's a start to everything Kelley."

Jill left the room and left me alone with my thoughts.

Hearing Hope's voice upset me. I'd fallen in love with her and it seemed I still did. I decided I should call her back later, to have a less... Formal conversation.

But still, I had to focus on my meeting with Laura and Louisa. Jill and I are leaving for France early tomorrow. We're supposed to meet them in the afternoon. I sent a message to Lotta, and I hope she'll come too. I don't want to go to Sweden.

I'm dreading my meeting with Laure. I've already played against her and she's an exceptional player, but Tobin told me she has principles. I've got principles too, and yet I've just left them aside to defend my country and my passion.

Julie knocked on the window and startled me. She shouted at me, "Kelley, will you join us for a beer?"

K: "I'm coming!"

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