The wedding

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Kelley's POV

Jump in time: October 2019.

Today I finally marry the woman of my life. I'm in my room getting ready and replaying the events of her last months.


It's been four months since I found my fiancée. Our wedding was postponed because we had to call it off when Tobin lost his memory.

Tobin spent most of his time apologizing to Alex and paying attention to me.

We won the World Cup against the Netherlands, thanks to Megan and Rose. 2-0. The Dutch were a formidable opponent but couldn't resist the power of our attack.

I was replaced in the middle of the game because I ran into Lieke Martens and had a small concussion. Tobin almost scored but got his feet tangled when he shot.

We got our medals back while Alex was voted top scorer and Megan received the gold shoe trophy for best player of the competition.

We partied in the locker room and all night long. Alex even twerted and I shot down a lot of beer cans.

The parade was beautiful and a lot of people offered me beer.

Back home Tobin and I talked about kids again.

K: "Tobin I want to be pregnant now, before the Tokyo Olympics.
T: "Should I get the strap?" she laughed.
K: "As women, having sex won't help us, but having a plastic penis will be even more useless.

She pulled me close to her and started kissing me on the neck.

End of flashback

I'm brought back to reality with a snap of my finger in front of my nose.

Erin: "Earth to Squirrel !"
K: "Yeah, I'm here!"

Erin, Julie and Amy are my bridesmaids and help me get ready. Ashlyn, Allie and Laure are with Tobin.

I chose a white dress with an open back and lace front.

Amy: "Tobin's gonna get hard when she sees you!"

I'm laughing but I'm starting to shake.

K: "I'm scared. Anyone got a beer, please?"
J: "Kelley, we don't need you coming to the altar drunk!"
Erin: "Can you girls give us a few minutes and get us some water, please?"

Amy and Julie looked at each other and didn't move, but when they saw the look on Erin's face, they ran out quickly.

Erin: "Kelley. We're alone. Now tell me what's bothering you and don't lie to me. I know this isn't about the wedding."

I didn't answer, but tears started to fall.

Erin: "Kelley?"
K: "It's just that I'm afraid Tobin will leave me or reject me if she finds out it's still negative... For the third time."
Erin: "Kelley... Tobin loves you more than anyone. She's not going to reject you because you haven't gotten pregnant yet. You still have plenty of time to try. But right now I need you to focus on the best day of your life."

Amy and Julie came back with bottled water and helped me put my heels on.

Tobin and I didn't want roses hanging on our outfits. At least I didn't. So Erin hung a little squirrel plush instead and I smiled like a child.

K: "I have to go to the bathroom! Get it all off me."

"Kelley!" Erin, Amy and Julie shouted at the same time.

I run to the bathroom and do my stuff. When I look up, I burst into tears on the toilet.

After I'm done, I'll adjust my makeup and dress and get out.

J: "It's about time."

I grab Erin's arm and head to the ceremony site.

Tobin's POV

I put on my gray and white suit while Laure hangs the little squirrel that Kelley wanted, in my pocket.

T: "I don't deserve Kelley..."
Laure: "What are you talking about?"
T: "I treated her like shit ... How can she still love me?"
Laure: "Tobin, Kelley loves you. And the fact that you remembered her perfume proves the bond between you. You're getting married and you're going to start a family. Kelley will eventually get pregnant, and that day the earth will no longer support you."
T: "You think?"
Laure: "You deserve to be happy, Tobin, and so does Kelley."
T: "Thank you, Laure."
Laure: "Do not thank me and now go marry the love of your life!"

Ashlyn takes my arm and pulls me firmly to the wedding place. Laure and Allie walk to the altar and get into place. Everyone stands up and turns to us.

Ashlyn: "Are you ready? Let's do this."

She slowly walks me down the aisle and I look like a walking zombie.

Once I get to the top of the aisle, Ash lets go of my arm and kisses my cheek.

The music started playing and everyone turned their heads towards the aisle. My eyes widened when I saw Kelley.

Kelley's POV

I'm at the end of the aisle ready to meet my future wife at the altar.

Erin: "Ready?"
K: "Please don't let me down."
Erin: "Never."

Erin and I walk down the aisle where Tobin is waiting for me with tears in his eyes.

Erin gives Tobin my hand, but she's threatening him.

Erin: "I trust you with my sister Tobin. If you ever cheat on her I swear I'll find you and I'll shove your dildo up your ass! Is that clear?"

I laugh at Erin's comment and Tobin's shocked face.

Our witnesses stepped to one side and Carli took the floor.

Carli said, "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to unite two souls - our beloved Toby and our favourite squirrel."

"Carli!!!!" Tobin and I shouted at the same time.

Carli laughed and then moved on to her little speech, then moved on to the vows.

Carli said, "Kelley Maureen O'Hara, do you take Tobin Powell Heath here to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

K: "I DO!"

Carli: "And do you, Tobin Powell Heath, take Kelley Maureen O'Hara to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

T: "I DO!"

Carli motioned for the rings but Ashlyn panicked.

Ashlyn: "I left them at the hotel..."

Erin came up to her to hit her but Ash took out the rings and laughed. Allie and Laure slapped her head and I saw that Ali shot her with her eyes.

Ali: "Ash, you're sleeping on the floor tonight!"

The assembly began to laugh.

Tobin put the ring on my finger.

T: "By this ring I choose thee Kelley Maureen O'Hara. Through her I promise you my love, support and faithfulness in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, until death do us part."

I put the second ring on her finger and say the same words.

Carli: "By the powers vested in me by you, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss."

Tobin drew me to her and placed his lips on mine as the crowd cheered.

Carli : "Turn around. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Kelley Maureen O'Hara-Heath and Tobin Powell O'Hara-Heath."

Erin and Laure threw rice at us, and of course Tobin swallowed a grain...

Tobin lifted me up in his arms and kissed me again.

Megan: "And get a room!"

Everybody laughed and then went to the party room.

The food arrived and Megan set the mood as we planned.

The cake arrived, and Tobin took my hand and cut it off. The cabbages fell on the plates and were served to our guests.

T: "May I have the honor of opening the ball with my wife," she asked, holding out her hand.

I took it and she led me to the dance floor. The slow dance resounded and we began to move to the rhythm of the music. The other couples soon joined us.

At the end of the dance, Tobin looked at me with so much love in his eyes that I couldn't help but kiss him.

K: "I have a wedding surprise for you."

I clapped my hands.

All our guests surrounded us as Tobin became more and more confused. Julie brought us a small package and handed it to Tobin, and then returned to Morgan.

Tobin opened it and pulled out a stuffed toy of two little squirrels. I'll never forget the look on her face when she tried to process the information.

T: "Wait... You're... You're, uh... You're pregnant?" she finally said.

K: "Five weeks."

Tobin opened his mouth and stood there.

T: "We're going to have our family."

Tobin started crying and bent down to kiss my belly before coming up to my lips.

I heard all the sobbing around us and then the applause.

We're going to be parents...

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