Girl ou Boy ?

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Jump in time: February 2020.

Kelley's POV

K: "Tobin wake up!!"
T: "Baby... It's 7:00 in the morning..."
K: "Yes but today is the day we're going to know the sex of our babies!"
T: "I still can't believe we're having twins..."
K: "Yeeeaaah, come on Tobin, get up!"
T: "Nooo let me sleep!"
K: "Get up or you won't get a hug for the rest of the pregnancy !"
T: "I'm up, I'm up, I'm up!" she shouted as she jumped out of bed.

I'm going downstairs to make breakfast while she's getting ready. The smell of bacon and eggs made her arrive faster than I thought.

We eat quietly.

K: "So do you want girls or boys? Or a boy and a girl?"
T: "I don't want girls... I don't want to be inferior..."
K: "You're a woman too, last time I checked. And I'm sure I'm making progress! I've checked it out for myself !"
T: "Ah yes..."
K: "Answer my question, baby! And I want vanilla ice cream with chocolate and pepper !"
T : "You and your cravings... But to answer your question, I don't care about sex as long as they're healthy."

My wife brought me the ice cream and the chocolate and the pepper and cleaned the kitchen.

She helped me put on my sneakers before she put on her favorite caquette. We walked to the car and Tobin drove to the clinic.

We waited in the waiting room until someone came to pick us up.

The assistant put gel on my belly and put the catheter in.

K: "It's cold." I chuckled.

Tobin held my hand and I can tell she was nervous even though she was trying to hide it.

Doctor: "So already I can tell you that your babies are healthy. Everything looks good and their development is normal. Otherwise do you want to know their sex?"

"Yes!" Tobin and I said at the same time.

Doctor: "It seems that you are expecting a little boy..."
T: "Yeah boys!"
Doctor: "...And a girl." he finished his sentence as Tobin's face turned white.
K: "We're going to have a boy and a girl?"

The doctor nodded and smiled.

T: "A boy and a girl!" Tobin repeated before kissing me.

The assistant cleaned the gel and pulled my shirt down.

Doctor: "Tobin, could I speak to you alone please?"

K: "I'll wait for you outside." I said, giving him a quick kiss on the temple before going out.

Tobin's POV

T: "So what do you want to talk about?"

Doctor: "Is everything okay? I saw you weren't necessarily happy when I said you were having a girl."
T: "Oh, no, no, don't believe that. I'm really very happy."
Doctor: "All right then, take care of your wife. The hormones are gonna get stronger and stronger and she may overreact to things she wouldn't normally react to."

I nodded my head and looked at my feet.

Doctor: "Is there anything that concerns you?"
T: "Well, actually Kelley is... How do I put this... Is getting more and more... Obsessed..."
Doctor: "Cravings are common among pregnant women and-"
T: "I wanted to talk about sex."
Doctor: "Oh!"
T: "She wants to have sex all the time. And not that I mind having sex with my wife, but I'm not a machine and I can't always keep up with her."
Doctor: "My advice to you is to satisfy her no matter what. Whenever she feels like it. For two reasons."
T: "What are they?"
Doctor: "First, a pregnant woman may feel an inferiority complex and feel ugly. Sex can be a way to reassure herself that she's still attractive to you."
T: "Kelley's still attractive. And what's the second reason?"
Doctor: "Well, if you don't want to freak out or sleep on the couch, I suggest you have sex with her."

We both laughed knowing that Kelley would make me sleep on the couch if I said no.

T: "She also wants to cook..."
Doctor: "And how is that a bad thing?"
T: "It's disgusting!"

He laughs when he sees me sticking my tongue out to pretend to puke.

T: "With the pregnancy, it's a pain in the ass to always want to cook."
Doctor: "A pregnant woman's a basic pain in the ass, it doesn't have to be Kelley. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about," he says, laughing.

I was about to open the door but he interrupted me.

Doctor: "Tobin one more thing."
T: "Yes?"
Doctor: "The longer the pregnancy's full term, the more Kelley can become... Kelley can be a kid."

T: "Oh, no, that's just regular Kelley," I laughed and left the room.

I walked out into the hallway and the thought of my wife being even more of a kid made me smile.

I scan the eye area looking for Kelley, but I don't see her anywhere. I go to the secretarial office to see if they've seen her.

T: "Hi, uh, I'm looking for my wife Kelley O'Hara-Heath."
?? "Hi, I haven't seen her, but there's a small bookstore down this hallway," he says, pointing to the opposite hallway.
T: "Is there any other place she might be?" I said, holding back laughing at the thought of Kelley reading.
?? T: "We have a big aquarium in the lobby otherwise."
T: "Thank you."

I look at the map to see where the lobby is. Once I get there, I find my wife with her nose glued to the glass of the aquarium.

Kelley turned around and pointed to a proud fish.

K: "Look at Toby! I found Nemo!"

I walked up to her.

K. "I didn't see Dory... I asked him, but he's rude, and he said that :"

She imitated the goldfish with her mouth and I refrained from bursting out laughing. I don't know if it's the pregnant Kelley or the normal Kelley that's acting up right now.

T: "Baby, I'm gonna go. Are you coming home with me or are you staying with your new friend?"
K: "I'm gonna go home with you."

She started crying.

T: "What's wrong, Kelley?"
K: "Nemo's bad! He doesn't answer when I talk to him!"

I bring her close to me and I kiss her. She turns to the goldfish and starts talking to him again.

K: "You saw! At least I have a lover and she is beautiful, while you are all alone!"

She approached the aquarium and stuck her tongue out at the fish...

Another four months...

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