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Kelley's POV

"Kelley ? Kelley!"

K: "Julie, keep your voice down, please!"
J: "Glad you're back."
K. "Where am I?"
J: "At the hospital."
K: "Definitely... I should get a loyalty card or a subscription..."
J: "Yeah no!" laughed Julie next to me.

I straightened up a bit on my bed.

K: "What happened?"
J: "You fainted. You were gone for about 3 hours. Kelley. What do you remember?"
K: "Uh... I was having a bad dream. We were in the conference room and I was falling asleep because what Jill was saying was boring."
Jill: "Um! Kelley?"

I turn my head to see my coach.

K: "Oh, Jill! Uh! It was just to see if you were listening to me," I said with a clumsy smile that made Julie and Jill laugh. "Then Rose yelled a big bang and showed me the TV in the big room. In this nightmare, there was an attack in Portland."

I looked up at Julie, who looked up at Jill sadly.

K: "Julie? Wait, this wasn't a dream, was it?

She shook her head and her eyes went far away. Suddenly the events came back to my mind and tears began to flow.

K: "What happened?" I repeated.
Jill: There was a gang war. It had nothing to do with football, but several places in the city: the centre, the airport and the big park."
J: "Personally I'd call it more of a terrorist attack than a gang war."

Julie stopped when she saw the look on my face and knew the question I wanted to ask.

Jill: "I had called up a few players from Portland for camp and she was supposed to fly down here right after their club training. And according to the police we called, the car that was supposed to take them to the airport was caught in the riots. Shots were fired at every car that passed by. The police wouldn't give me any more details."
K: "And there are many victims? I mean, outside the clans that were fighting each other."
J: "According to the media and the police, there are about 45 dead from the shooting and bomb explosions and more than 200 injured. Lindsey and Emily arrived at the camp an hour ago. The girls take care of them and stay with them."
K: "What about Tobin?"
J: "The girls told us that Tobin wasn't in the same car with them."

Right now my body is a soft marshmallow and I'm crying on Julie's neck.

J: "I'm sorry, Kelley... We'll try to find out where she is."

After I've calmed down a little bit, I discuss the information with Jill and Julie.

The TV in my room suddenly turned on like everyone else. This happens if it's important or crucial information.

Our eyes turn to the screen. A picture of Tobin appears in close-up :

'Portland FC attack star Tobin Heath has been reported missing'

I can feel my breath holding as Julie rushes in to rip the TV cables out of my head.

K: "It's as if she's known it for a long time..." I say, crying even more in Julie's arms.
Jill: "What are you talking about, Kelley?"
J: "Kelley told me that she found Tobin a little disturbed lately, like she felt something was going to go wrong."

It took me a long time to get over my emotions. After which we were able to go back to the hotel.As soon as I saw Lindsey and Emily, I jumped into their arms.

Lindsey: "We're so sorry, Kelley. The three of us should have been in that car and all three of us should have been here. But tobin wouldn't. She wanted to go somewhere to get something."
K: "It's not your fault, girls..."
Emily: "We should have insisted that she come with us..."
K: "You know as well as I do, when Tobin has something on his mind no one can change his mind."

With these words we tighten our embrace.

K: "You should go and rest."

While everyone goes back to their rooms, I go to mine and immediately turn on the TV and turn on my computer and networks.

I also call Erin, who doesn't know what to tell me except that she's taking the first flight back to find me.My door opens and I hang up immediately.

J: "Sorry... Jill let me stay tonight even though I kind of braved the curfew... I know you'd rather have seen Tobin but I thought you might need some company tonight, so I asked the front desk for your room card."
K: "That's nice of you, Julie. But you shouldn't leave Morgan alone. She needs you, too."
J: "She understands very well. You don't have to worry."

She came and lay down beside me and I put my head on her shoulder.

J: "We're going to find her, Kelley..."I sighed.

Julie turned off the TV and my computer, and we both fell asleep.

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