"Merry Christmas"

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Kelley's POV

It's Christmas Eve. It's been a week since I came back to the United States. Hope and I are spending Christmas at Erin's.

I got cards and flowers every day and I told Julie about it. She didn't seem as scared as I thought she would be. She must be on the verge of finding out who did it.

I've been spending a lot of time with Erin because I find that Hope is pretty distant and spends a lot of time on the phone.

Tobin stayed in France with Laure, but I've been thinking about her a lot these days.

I watch TV with Erin and Hope. Hope gets a call and look who it is. I see her frowning and rushing out of the room.

Erin and I are exchanging worried looks. I have a bad feeling about this...

Tobin's POV

Laure is in the bathroom taking a shower. I'm sitting in the living room watching TV. At least at first glance, because in reality I'm immersed in my thoughts.

I'm just thinking about Kelley and knowing she's with Hope pisses me off...

Laure: "You're thinking about Kelley, aren't you?"

I'm startled. I didn't hear Laure come up behind me.

I don't answer, which confirms what she just said.

Laure: "I think it's time to have a little chat."

"Ah... I'm going to have a hard time..." Told me to myself.

Laure: "Tobin, tell me the truth. Do you love Kelley?"

I still don't answer but I look her straight in the eye. They speak for me then.

Laure: "So I don't mean anything to you?"
T: "Laure ..."
Laure: "You only went out with me to make her jealous, right?"
T: "No. Well, yes. I loved you, Laure, it's not a lie. What we were going through made sense at the time and I never recovered the feeling you made me feel, while I was with Alex. But today the only one who has my heart ..."
Laure: "It's Kelley..." she whispered.

I nodded sadly. She means a lot to me and I don't want to hurt her ...

Laure: "But Kelley also has a secret lover."
T: "I know, and I don't care about her."
Laure: "In that case I know what I have to do," she said, kissing me and going up to her room.

I hear her calling someone. I hope she is not doing what I think.

Laure's POV

I had tears in my eyes. But I couldn't help it. Tobin deserves to be happy and so does Kelley.

I'm calling Hope.

H: "Hey, Hope, what's up?"
Laure: "Hey, uh, I want to talk to you about something."
H: "Let me guess. Kelley and Tobin?"
Laure: "Yeah... Tobin loves Kelley."

 I said with tears in my eyes.

H: "Don't cry. I know how you feel. I'm going through the same thing."
Laure: "You're telling me that ..."
H: "That Kelley is in love with Tobin." she cut me off. "What do we do then?"
Laure: "I think you know yourself."
H: "If we don't, they won't."

I keep talking to her while I turn on my computer and order a plane ticket.

H: "What about you? What are you going to do about it?"
Laure: "I'm not coming back to Lyon. I can't anymore."
H: "Laure Kelley has nothing to do with it."
Laure: "I know. But for the good of the team it is the best thing to do."

I hang up and come back down.

Tobin's POV

"But for the good of the team it's the best thing to do," I heard Laure say.

No, no, no, ! It's not possible. I start pacing around in the living room.

After what seems like an eternity, she comes back down. She looks at me sadly.

T: "Isn't Laure telling me you called Kelley to tell her?"
Laure: "It wasn't Kelley. It was Hope. I told her it was over. You're free now. I don't want you to suffer for me and Kelley's a good person," she said, handing me a plane ticket. "Go to her. You'll be her Christmas present."

T : "Laure, what did you mean when you said, 'But for the good of the team, it's the right thing to do?'"
Laure: "You already know that."

My mouth opened wide.

T: "You can not leave us Laure! Kelley is not responsible for how I feel about her!"
Laure: "But she loves you too Tobin. It's not against Kelley, she is a wonderful person. But I also think about me. You have a lot of defenders who can take my place."

How am I going to tell Kelley that...

Laure: "Get your stuff and go!"

I'm going upstairs to pack and order an Uber. Then I go back down to the door. As I leave, Laure grabs my arm and kisses me one last time.

Laure: "Be happy Tobin."

I kiss her on the forehead and wait for my Uber.

Kelley's POV

Hope came back into the living room.

K: "Who was that?"
H: "Kelley, we need to talk! Erin, you should stay."
K: "What's going on?"
H: "Tell me the truth. Are you in love with Tobin?"

Erin opens her eyes and looks at me while I lower mine.

K: "I-I don't know..." I stammered.
Erin: "Yes, you do."

I looked at my sister, then at Hope. They were serious and I knew it was better for me not to lie.

K: "Maybe I do have feelings for Tobin."
Erin: "Kelley!"
K: "Yeah, all right! I'm in love with Tobin! Are you happy now?" I screamed as I ran to my room !

I cried the rest of the afternoon. It wasn't until early evening that Erin and Hope came knocking on my door.

Erin sat next to me and Hope sat in front of me.

Erin said, "We're sorry Kelley, we didn't mean to hurt you. We all knew you loved Tobin."

K: "Then why did you ask me?" I said with my head still in my pillow.
Erin: "Because you had to admit it to yourself."

I looked up and I looked at Hope.

K: "I'm sorry Hopey..." She smiled at me and wiped away my tears.
H: "Sorry for what? For being in love?"
K: "But..." She cut me.
H: "I love you, Kelley. You're my first love and I'll always love you. But I'm not the person you're meant to be."
K: "Why have I thought about you all these years?"
Erin: "Because she's your first love too. No one ever forgets the first person they really loved. I told you that."
H: "Maybe your feelings for me weren't as strong as you thought they were because you and I couldn't work it out when I left the National Team. And maybe that was the case with Tobin and Laure. Tobin was only in France for a few months before he came back."
Erin: "Kelley, I'm your sister. I know you and I know how you work. I've watched you for years and you often like people you already know, people from your past."
K: "Why would I do that?"
H: "Because you're afraid to love again and have your heart broken. The unknown scares you. That's why you cling to me and-"
Erin: "Christen." Erin finished my sentence.
H: "I think the reason you've had such a hard time convincing yourself of your feelings for Tobin is because you're afraid that Tobin might be the person you're waiting for. Happiness scares you because you think you don't deserve it. But you may have realized as you got to know her, that Tobin isn't the person you thought she was."

There was an uncomfortable blank. The girls came out to let me clear my head, but all I did was cry.

It wasn't the Christmas Eve I was hoping for...

Tomorrow morning: December 25th.

It's 8:00 a.m. when I'm woken up by Erin's loud screams ordering me to come downstairs. I fell out of bed...

I came downstairs and asked her curtly, "What's the matter with you?"

Erin said, "Go open the door. Someone rang for you."

K: "I didn't hear the doorbell."

Of course the doorbell rang at that moment. I went to open it and my jaw dropped.

T: "Merry Christmas, Kelley!"
K: "TOBIN?????"

It's the only thing I get to say before I pass out.

I wake up because of the slaps Hope gives me. Erin brings me a glass of water and I turn to Tobin.

K: "What are you doing here?"
T: "I came to find the love of my life."

I felt myself blushing really hard while Erin was smiling so hard.

H: "I'm entrusting her to you, Tobin. Don't you ever hurt her or I swear I'll kill you!"
T: "Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Hope shot Tobin with her eyes and Tobin flinched.

T: "Okay, I'm scared of you!"

Suddenly I had a flash of conscience: "But Tobin, if you're here, where's Laure?"

T: "She left me." she whispered barely audible.
K: "It will be charming at the next training..."

Tobin didn't answer.

K: "What?"

She exchanged a look with Hope that spoke volumes.

K: "Don't tell me she left the team! Erin, you knew that, didn't you?" I shouted.

Erin looked at me and said nothing.

K: "Ok no! That's not possible! I'd rather not go out with you Tobin, if it means Laure can stay! We need her."
H: "No Kelley. Laure has made her choice. That's the way it is."
K: "And you? Are you also leaving now that we are no longer together?" I asked worriedly but she laughed.
H: "I'm not Laure."


I went up to my room again and summed it up:

I broke up with Hope, I found Tobin and Laure left... In one day.

I heard footsteps behind me and someone put their hands on my waist. Too firm for it to be Erin.

Too soft for it to be Hope.

I closed my eyes and felt her warm breath on my neck. I pulled our bodies closer together as her hands started to move across my abs and I felt myself go. She leaned gently towards my lips.

Just as they were about to touch, Erin called out to me.

No way... She won't leave me alone!

We go downstairs and Erin hands me a card.

"Merry Christmas!"

K: "Come on, it's time for presents!"
H: "Squirrel's still a kid!"
K. "Winner!" I sulked as I jumped through the presents.

Okay, maybe Hope's right, actually...

I do the handout and open mine: cleats, a new dress, a squirrel plush and a bunch of other stuff.

Tobin hands me a package with a smirk on his face. I open it: lace. Hmm.

Erin winked at me and I blush.

Tobin looks at me with bright eyes but I realize I don't have a present for her. She seems to read my thoughts and then kisses me. I've never felt what I just felt when I kissed someone...

T: "This will be my Christmas present," she whispered to me.
Erin: "So cute!" Erin laughed.

Tobin and I stuck his tongue out at the same time.

Hope put on a Christmas movie and I jumped on the couch to curl up with Tobin under the plaid. She wrapped her arm around me and I could see Hope out of the corner of my eye. She looked sad but also very happy and relieved.

Well, it seems that I lost Laure but I won Tobin...

Merry Christmas... 

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