Game day

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Kelley's POV

August 2018. Today is the big day... What's at stake? Our future and the future of women's football in the United States. We're on the bus heading to Dallas Stadium. There's a deadly silence. The girls are scared and hope there won't be too many people if we lose.

As for me, I'm hoping that I don't get mugged on the way out of the stadium.

This morning I received a card of encouragement. I'm going to ask Julie and Tobin to help me find out who it is.

Flashback: July 14, 2018

We're all gathered in Moscow to watch the World Cup final. France face Croatia.

The more serious ones are taking notes about the teams and players we will face, and the others are watching the game while drinking beers. I'll let you guess which group I'm in... Yes I know, as the sports director of this team it's not right. But I can't resist beer.

Game over, 4-2. The French are world champions.

Well, now... So that's the France we're up against in a few days in Dallas...

End of flashback.

Tobin's pushing my arm.

T: "Baby, wake up. We're here."

I get up and get off the bus. The girls follow me. Tobin, Hope, Carli and Ashlyn stay with Julie, Amy and me.

We take a quick look at the stadium. It was full... World cup effect, I presume.

The girls change in the locker room and join me on the field.

Throughout the warm-up, I can't help but overhear the comments of the speakers...

Speaker 1: "The All Stars team meets the reigning World Champions. Are we going to see a real football game?"

Speaker 2: "I don't think so, dear. We'd need two teams on the field."

Speaker 3: "The All Stars will field the best players in the world, but we've done a little research on them and we can tell you they're not even worth the B team of the French national team."

My blood was boiling but Tobin grabbed me by the waist and kissed me on the neck.

T: "Forget about Kelley!"

I nod my head and tell the girls to go back to the locker room.

Announcer 1: "Both teams return to the locker room to get ready. Then we'll meet them again for the game. But maybe the All Stars would rather give up before then."

Jill: "Okay, girls. Focus on the game. Don't let those dumb-ass speakers and spectators get to you."

Jill's handing out packages to the players. The girls open them up and see our jerseys.

Jill: "Now I'm gonna let Kelley announce the starting eleven."

I'm coming forward a little shaky.

K: "I know some of the girls would have liked to play, but I tried my best. Every line has at least one American on it."

The girls nodded their heads.

K: "In goal I want Ashlyn."
Ashlyn: "YES," Ash yelled, making us all laugh.

K: "In defence I want Amel on the left, Magda and Wendie in the centre and Ali on the right."
Ali, Madga, Wendie and Amel: "Yes coach!"

K: "In the middle: I want Amandine, Julie and Maro. And finally in attack I want Eunice on the left, Ada in the middle and Tobin on the right."

Andrine kisses her sister's cheek, Ali and Ash embrace and Pernille kisses Madga.

Jill looks at me raising an eyebrow: "And as captain."

K: "In your opinion?"

She sighs and gives the armband to Tobin.

"Hey, hey, that's not fair." Complains to Ada and gets a slap on the head by Andrine.The girls spread out in position and each coach gave a little pep talk.

Then it was Jill's turn and she demanded that she be listened to and trusted.

Then it was my turn.

K: "Come on, girls, it's time. We mustn't have any complexes! "Impossible" doesn't exist in the football dictionary."

The girls are coming out of the dressing room but I ask the Americans to stay a few more moments.

K: "It's time to remind our beloved Federation that football is the number one sport for women in America!"
Everybody, "YES!"
K: "USA are you with me?"
Everybody, "YES!"
K: On three! ONE! TWO! THREE!"

All: "USA!"

The girls come out and Tobin kisses me before quickly lining up in the tunnel.

I get back in line and sit on the bench next to Jill and Hope.

A few minutes later, both teams enter the field. The French under the cheers and we... Under the whistles...

...the players line up with the referees.

After the official photos, Tobin and Lloris exchange flags. Tobin chooses the west field, then touches the ground and makes his usual sign of the cross.

I look down at the field and see that all my players are looking at me.

They line up in front of me and shout:

"All Stars!"

All Stars [English Version]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें