The Gang of Lyon players

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Kelley's POV

When I see Laure running away, my heart tightens very tight. Jill, Megan and I rush into the room. Louisa and Lotta looked at us sadly.

K: "What happened?"Louisa: "Laure refuses to be part of this project. Even if she is wholeheartedly with you, she doesn't want to risk jeopardizing her own federation."Lotta: "We tried to convince her, but she's true to her principles."

Megan intervened: "I know how to convince her. Kelley, you're the athletic director. Call that number," Megan said, writing numbers on a piece of paper and handing it to me.

I went outside to dial the number she'd just given me. It wasn't in my phone book. I waited for the person to pick it up. But when I heard the voice, I knew right away who it was.

?? "Hello? Who is this?"K: "Tobin?"T: "It's me. Who the hell are you... Wait, Kelley, is that you?"K. "Yeah. Megan gave me your number, but it wasn't in my phone."T: "No worries. So why are you calling me? Aren't you supposed to be in France to convince Louisa, Laure and Lotta?"K: "Yes. And I think Louisa and Lotta, have accepted. But Laure categorically refused."T: "Damn! So what are you going to do about it?"K: "Tobin, I need you..."T: "What?"K: "Po-Po-To convince Laure, I mean." I stuttered.T: "Ah... Yes." said Tobin slightly disappointed.K: "You're her friend and you've already played with her. I need you to come to France and persuade her to help us."T: "I'm taking the first flight. I'll arrive tomorrow morning."K: "All right, see you later, Tobin. Take care of yourself."T: "You too, Kelley."

We hung up at the same time. I went back in the room. Megan looked at me.

Megan: "So what did she say?"K: "She's coming in tomorrow morning."Megan: "Good."K: "But why did you tell me to call? You could have called!"Megan: "Tobin wouldn't have come if I had asked him to."

Jill: "Girls, this is not the time!"

Louisa: "So. Which players do you think you should ask?"K: "We're thinking of most of the players in Lyon."Lotta: "If you're thinking of Saki Kumagai, it'll be like Laure. She won't go against her Federation. For the others, there won't be any problem I think."Louisa: "Have you thought about Pernille Harder and his girlfriend? This couple is powerful on the networks and in the field."Jill: "We should go to the Netherlands for the Euro. That will allow us to study the players on our list. Kelley and Megan, call Hope and tell her to join us in the Netherlands."

Megan gives me a look that I understand the point of.

K: "Okay, okay, I'll do it."I'm looking for Hope in my contacts.H: "Hey Kelley."K: "Hey Hope. I'm calling you about the team. You should come with us to the Netherlands to see the Euro."H: "No problem. Oh hey Kelley."

I didn't say anything, but I was afraid the next words would come out of her mouth.

H: "I miss you."

Got it.

K: "I miss you, too, Hopey."H: "See you soon."K: "Bye."

I hang up and see Louisa's head sticking out of the door.

Louisa: "Do you want us to call the Lyon girls?"K: "Good idea."I turn on my computer and Louisa connects to her Skype to call the Lyon women, plus Amandine.

Louisa: "Hey, the gang of Lyonnaises!"Eugenie: "Louisa!"

Lotta came on camera.

Camille: "The serial striker is here!"

Wendie: "Okay now it's getting weird. Why are you all here?"Louisa: "I think you all know these three women?"

Louisa turned the computer that Jill, Megan and I appeared on the camera.

The girls gasped.

Lotta: "You all know what's going on in America. So Kelley here would like to talk to you about something."

She motioned for me to come over and explain. And again I went ahead and explained our project.

Amandine: "It's quite an ambitious project..."Ada: "I'm walking! I know what the problems with her Federation are!"Camille: "If we want to move things forward, we have to fight. I'm in too."Eugenie: "Agree with Camille."

The rest of the Lyon women nodded their heads.

K: "I just want to make it clear. Not all of you will be able to be starting players or even play. Half the team will be American."Wendie: "That's perfectly normal. This is your challenge. But if we can help you, then so can I."K: "Likewise, that if we lose your reputation could be damaged."Camille: "We know." she says with a smile.

The conversation ended, and Louisa ended the Skype. We all leave the meeting room, after agreeing to meet at the Euro.

Jill, Megan and I go to our hotel to get our keys. Once in my room, I decide to call Julie.

K: "Hey Julie!"J: "Hey Kelley. How are you doing? How's it going in France?"K: "Yes, everyone said yes except Laure. But I called Tobin to come here and talk to her."J: "Great idea. Tobin wasn't staying put."K: "Oh? Why?"J: "I think he misses you."K: "Hmm. That's the second one today that I've heard today that somebody misses me."J: "Let me guess. Tobin and... Hope?"K: "Yeah. Anyway. What else is new with the Sherlocks?"J: "You're still getting cards and flowers, aren't you?"

I decided to tell him for the feeling of being watched.

K: "I get them every day. Plus I feel like I'm being watched...J: "Maybe because of the aggression... Allie and Ashlyn are still looking for the two people. We're worried about that story too, but we think your mystery lover won't hurt you."K: "I have that feeling, too, but okay."J: "Look, I'm doing my own investigation. There are things that only I know about what happened after the game. I'll let you know, Kelley."K: "You got it! Say hi to the girls for me."J: "No problem. But Kelley..."K. "Yeah?"J: "You should talk to Alex... She's been so upset since you stopped talking to her."K. "I don't care, as long as she didn't care about me."J: "Kelley... Okay, take care, squirrel. Bye."K: "You, too, Julie. Bye."

I'm gonna hang up and order a pizza. After that, I plug in my phone.

I lie down on my bed and sigh.

I hope Tobin will be able to convince Laure...

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