The announcement

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Alex's POV

Allie and Julie were out getting lunch. I was sitting in a chair next to Kelley, stroking her hand.

A: "Kel... You need to wake up. We're living a media nightmare, and I need my best friend more than ever. And I have a bad feeling that it's about to get worse. Ash, Ali and Christen are looking for the person who saved you yesterday. Even Tobin decided to help. Yeah, you heard right. Even Tobin. We're looking for the person who saved you because we owe it to him that you're still with us... Well, sort of... Kelley, my squirrel... Wake up..."

My eyes were watering with tears.

A: "Oh, and you know what? Apparently you have a secret admirer. Do you know who gave you all those flowers?" I asked him with a smile. All I got in reply were the beeps from the machines she was hooked up to. "Kelley..."

Julie rushed into the room. What the hell is going on now?

J: "Alex, we have to go back to the hotel, Jill called an emergency meeting and seemed completely crazy. Allie's waiting for us in the car."

We quickly got back to the hotel and headed to the meeting room. The team was already there and Jill was standing on the stage with a man.

I looked around and saw Carli was bubbling. The last time a man stood in front of us, we almost lost three of our own. My best friend is physically in a hospital bed but her conscience is thousands of miles away.

Jill spoke out, but her voice was desperate. My pre-feeling was becoming more and more real.

Jill: "Girls... This is Carlos C., the President of the American Football Association."
Carlos C. "Good morning everyone. First of all, I want to say that the incidents after yesterday's game are simply unacceptable. I want you to know that the police have assured me that the guilty parties will be punished as a consequence of their actions."

I don't know why, but that statement didn't give us as much relief as it should have.

Carlos C.: "However. I, like everyone else, followed your match against the Dallas FC U-15s very closely. Your defeat will have a negative impact on the reputation of women's football, but also on the US national team. And through you, the reputation of the United States of America is being destroyed."

"This is nonsense! You can't judge a team on one game!" Carli shouted angrily.

But Jill called her to order by giving her a blank stare, forcing her to sit down again.

Carlos C.: "I want to keep the integrity of the American Football Association intact. The board and I have taken the radical decision to dissolve this team and ban women's football from this day forward."

This time it was Ashlyn who stood up.

Ashlyn: "How dare you dissolve a team that is two-time Olympic champion and reigning world champion!"
Carlos C.: "I've said everything I had to say. I hope you will understand our decision, for the sake of football and the United States!"

"You sexist, homophobic bastard!" Ashlyn screamed again as he ran towards him.

Carli, Megan and I threw ourselves at her to stop her from going after him, who deserved it.

Ali rushed over to try to reason with her. Only she could do that.

Ali said, "Hey, shh... Ash! Ash look at me! Listen to me! That's all he wants! Don't give him a chance to hurt us any more... My love please calm down..."

Ash was still struggling underneath us but couldn't calm down, while security took out 'our president'.

Ali put her lips gently on Ash's lips and Ash calmed down slightly before she broke into tears in her arms.

I stood up and looked at my friends around me. Everyone was crying, in a mixture of rage, incomprehension and grief.

"It's not fair," whispered Morgan, who was crying in Julie's arms.

Christen was in the arms of Tobin, who was enraged without letting it show. Tobin was the spitting image of Tobin.

Jill spoke again with tears in her eyes.

Jill: "Very good, ladies. You all heard Mr. C. This team's journey ends here. It's been an honor to have coached you all these years. Go upstairs and gather your things, taxis will take you to the airport in an hour. Go home to your families, enjoy your loved ones and most importantly, stay yourself. You're the most beautiful people I've ever met."

"But what about Amy? What about Kelley?" I asked unsure.

Jill: "I've already told Amy this sad news. One of you will have to bring her her things. Same goes for Kelley."

Jill's voice cracked and she ran out of the room.

The sobbing redoubled behind me, and I couldn't hold back mine.

I went up to my room to pack my bags and Kelley's. Becky packed Amy's.

An hour later, the taxis arrived. Becky and I waited for our cab to take us to the hospital.The goodbyes with the others were indescribable.

I couldn't believe it...

My teammates, my friends, my sisters... It was the last time I saw them...

And their tears are the last image I have of them in my memory...

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