What Love Can Do To You

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requested by shawmilaforeva


Laughing maliciously, Shawn Mendes tightens his grip around the younger boys shoulders, making him breath heavily in fear.

"If I see you trying to sell me out to the principal again, things are not gonna end well, alright" He read the boys name tag, "John Wesley?" He spat in the boys face.

The fearful boy nodded and Shawn released his grip on him. Receiving the signal from the older, the younger boy ran out of the corridor, Shawn chuckling at how everyone feared him.

Shawn Mendes. Rude, egotistical, bad boy of the century. He was ruthless. Known as just 'Mendes' in the halls of Pine Ridge Secondary School.

He only held love for one thing and one thing only.


He would start his day smoking a joint and popping pills. After school, (which no one knew why he even attended) , he would walk around town and sell drugs to people. He had some regulars and some newbies. He'd almost gotten arrested once but his family had bailed him out.

But all that changed soon.


Once again, John Wesley found himself in the same spot, held in place by the same man.

"What did I tell you?" Shawn muttered in the boys face.

"T-to n-not tell the p-principal.." John wheezed our, fearful.

"And you still went!" Shawn shouted, his fist rising to punch the young boy in the face. John readied himself for the hit.

"Stop right now!" A strong voice shouted, catching onto Shawns locked fist.

Shawns anger burned inside him. Who'd dare to stop him. And the answer was, no one. No one in their right mind would dare stop Shawn Mendes. Besides her.

Shawn turned around and was immediately captured by the beauty of the angel standing before him. He shook his head.

"What the hell are you doing?!" He shouted at the girl. "Do you know who I am?"

"Let him go." The girl spoke, unnerved by the taller boy.

Shawns grip loosened on the younger boy and he turned his attention completely towards the girl. However, he motioned the younger boy to stay put.

"What's your name?" Shawn questioned the girl, crossing his arms.

"I'm not going to exchange pleasantries with a jerk like you." She shot back. Shawn chuckled, rolling his eyes.

He pushed the girl into the lockers, encasing her in a tight hold, so she couldn't escape.

"You'll tell me your name, if you know what's good for you." Shawn lowly muttered into her ear.

In a swift movement, the girl was out of his tight hold and he was on the ground, hissing in pain, holding his twisted arm. By now, a crowd had gathered around them, witnessing the ever so slow defeat of Shawn Mendes.

The girl took one last look at the taller boy before tending to the younger boy who'd been gaping at her fearlessness.

"Are you okay?" She asked John, sweetly.

"Y-yeah I'm fine. T-thank you." He stuttered still in shock.

"What's your name?" She asked him.

"J-John." He stuttered once more.

"Camila, nice to meet you John."


I promise I'll post a second part of this as soon as I can.

I know I haven't been updating much of this book or my other book but I'm going kinda crazy and everything has become alot to handle.

I'm so so so sorry about the delay shawmilaforeva  but I hope you like this. I would've written the second part in this only but it would've taken me so long to make my dead mind work and think about it that it would just delay it more. So here you go. Again so sorry for the delay and I promise the next part will come as soon as it's possible.

(Also I cracked my phones screen pretty badly so yay for that)


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