Let Go

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There are things in life that are needed to be let gone of. As a child, you grow and learn to let go of certain things that you've outgrown. Your first ever toy, the stuffed animal that you went to sleep with every night, the little penguin night light that kept you safe from all the monsters under your bed at night.

As you grow older, you change, maybe your surroundings change. There's a change within that you cannot escape.

Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello. Both met at the age of 14. His doughy eyes met her brown ones and they clicked, a little young to understand the light pitter patter of their hearts around each other.

Soon grown into 16 year olds did the feelings reach the surface. That's when the kisses at midnight started, the looks from across the room, the explosion of their feelings for each other. And finally, the 'L' word.

Things ran smoothly for the teenagers during their relationship, some random bumps here and there, but they managed.

Until they grew up.


At the age of 23, Camila cabello was as joyful and as carefree as ever. Her passion for writing music had flourished and brought her a massive deal with Epic Records that she didn't hesitate to take.

Her job was simple. She was able to stay at home, in Canada, with her family while continuing to do what she loved, songwriting. She wrote up to 3 songs a week, and spent a massive amount of time perfecting them before emailing them off to Epic records, where an artist would choose to sing her song, and she'd be paid.

Not to forget her devilishly handsomer boyfriend of 7 years, Shawn Mendes. Now a full grown man, Shawn had a bit of charm about him that caught many young ladies attention. But his retention never diverted from the beauty that took his breath away every time he saw her. The one he'd been for 7 years.

7 years. That loomed in the back of the two now-adults minds 24/7. 7 years together. Never apart. They should be thankful to have such a fulfilled relationship right?

That's what they thought. The thought of breaking up with each other was something that presented a crack in their hearts so they promised themselves to be together forever. Like how Camila still had her stuffed animals nightlight to keep her warm at night.

The young adults were content enough with their lives. Until opportunity knocked on the Cubans door.

It was when she'd put out a video of herself singing Demi's Lovato's powerful love song. That's when Epic records contacted her once more, wanting her to become more than just someone who wrote songs for them. Wanting her to sign with them and sing, become a superstar.

Camila was overjoyed to think such a big label wanted her, her voice. She spent the two weeks she was given to make a decision dreaming about life if she took the leap. Until she was reminded of Shawn. Guilt gnawed at her for forgetting of someone she'd loved for years, someone who had been through her so much, someone who'd also be affected by her decision to move states and join the limelight.

All good things must come to an end.

She thought of it as she knocked on the dough eyed boys door and then slashed a knife through his by revealing what she was offered and what she'd decided and what she thought was the best for them to do now.

She wanted to let go. She wanted to take that leap. She wanted to get out of the safety net she'd hid herself into the past 7 years and live a new life. A life full of new opportunities.

Like the nightlight that has protected her from the monsters under her bed during her youthful years, Shawn has protected her in the past 7 years. And now, just like the night light, she'd outgrown him and their relationship.

The pain of leaving behind something that had kept her loved and safe all those years created a small hole in her heart. But she had to let go.

When she sang her first song ever, when she released it, when she heard it ok the radio for the first time, when she performed it love for the first time, when she went number 1 for the first time, when she was given a standing ovation for the first time, when she went on tour for the first time, when she hugged crying fans.. fans of hers.. for the first time, she knew letting go and taking the leap was the right thing she'd done.

She still remembered the boy from Canada who'd stolen her heart and kept it for 9 years including their friendship. She believed there was a small part of her that would always belong to him and she was okay with that. Letting him go was the hardest thing she'd had to do, even harder than her beloved penguin night light, but in the end she found something that was just so much more for her.

Now at the age of 36, standing in front of her 3 year old daughter sobbing over the loss of her pet kitten, she spoke the words she'd grown up listening to:

"Let go."


well I hope you like that imagine.

I have news. A little scared to say it but .. let's goo 😂

I'm umm.. not going to be writing anymore Shawmila imagines. It's not that I don't like the two people that have inspired this but just because I don't find anymore inspiration from them. I believe that however much I have written about them here, is enough for now. Maybe I'll come back to this in a few months.. I don't know. Probably not, but we could hope . But yeah this was it. This was my last ever Shawmila imagine.

Kind of makes me want to cry that I won't be writing about these two wonderful people anymore.. but hey you've gotta let go right? 😆

I'm not quitting wattpad. Like no never. This is literally my safe haven. I might start writing maybe .. a Harry styles fanfic 👀 if people would like that sooo let me know hehe and I just might do it :)


I've loved writing these imagine for over a year now. And I can't believe so many people even took the time to read them even the shitty ones. But I can't thank you all enough for reading them. I love you all ♥️♥️♥️

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And for updates follow my Twitter @Taylorr1683


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