[ roommates pt. 2 ]

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i've uploaded three times today now. literally, what's happening? anyway, i loved writing this, so i hope y'all enjoy! 

words: 1456

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I tapped my foot on the barstool's footrest as I waited. It was 9:55 AM, and I'd come early to make sure I was the first one there. I wanted to make a good impression, and being punctual was one of the ways I would.

A ring was left on the kitchen counter from Travis' morning coffee, and I scrubbed it off and yelled at him to remember that coasters existed. But he was already out of the apartment at his 8:15 history class. Usually, I would've called him to make sure he wasn't kidnapped by a mob or something since I still hadn't heard from him (after all, he was the person who shared the renter's bill), but I couldn't find it in myself to care. 

I was meeting my internet boyfriend.

The possible image of Tmesis94 floated through my head: I pictured him being a very soft figure, with some scruff perhaps. He probably wore light jeans and flannels, and maybe some hipster glasses. I hoped he was tall, but I wouldn't have minded if he wasn't. He'd told me I was beautiful without even seeing me, so I knew his heart was gorgeous no matter how he looked.

I'd told him I was wearing a sage green sweater, and I expected a navy blue beanie on him.

I couldn't wait.


Deep breaths, Katie. You've got this.

I inspected my sweater to make sure it didn't have any stray wrinkles in it. The watercolor cactus on the front of it seemed brighter and happier, like it was preparing me for what was coming. Even if we technically hadn't made it official, our dating had definitely been real. I couldn't wait to meet him physically. 

Liz wandered to the counter where I sat and slid a caramel mocha over to me. "For good luck." She grinned and pushed up her clear-framed glasses. 

"Thanks, Liz," I said, taking a grateful sip. 

The clock ticked past ten, but I offered the excuse that his bus may have run late. He got out of class at 9:45, but it could've taken some time to get to the coffee shop. 

Surely he wouldn't have stood me up.

There he is!

A blue beanie came into view, on a man with beautiful black hair and kind brown eyes. I couldn't believe it, he was actually here. He'd come. He wore a Cavetown shirt and ripped jeans, and made his way to the side of the shop I was in.

He's perfect.

I opened my mouth to say something, but he walked right past me and to a group of people at the table on the wall. They greeted him excitedly and depleted into quiet chatter.


I was hopeless. 

I looked for Liz over the counter to pay and go home, but before I could, someone touched my shoulder.

"You're PlantLadyy?"

The voice behind me was surprised and uncertain, shakily muttering my online username. This was it. The moment I'd been waiting for. I swiveled around with a smile, ready to take in the sight of my mystery boyfriend whom I'd dated online for so long. He was here. He hadn't ditched me. We were actually meeting. 

With a curly mop of auburn hair, a tall frame, and a navy blue beanie, Tmesis94 was none other than...


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