Chapter 3

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(3 months before Deku's birthday) also (very much just a filler chapter)

"What's my first mission." I asked as I sat down chugging a beer bottle.

"Well what are you trained to do?" Kurogi asked.

"I'm trained like an assassin?" I questioned.

"Exactly, we need you infiltrate somewhere quietly and get information. A simple test." He said hanging me a folder of information. I opened it and saw that I needed to hack into a police station.

"What is this information going to do?" I asked after I finished reading.

"We need to know where someone is being held and where some heros may be located."

"Why does it matter about the heros." I rolled my eyes.

"You have your goals, I have mine." Tomura started scratching his neck. I slapped his neck and nodded.

"Very well. I'll go tonight when the staffing is smaller." I chugged down the rest of the beer in my hand before heading up stairs to my room.

I changed out of my hoodie and jeans and looked at my body for a second. I had scars from when I would be cut and beat up every time I failed to learn control. I had a scar over my left eye from the time Tomura lost control and cut me when I told him to suck a dick. I laughed at that but I did tone up nicely though. I have a nice 6 pack and lean muscles. I was like a bear inside a small fox. Small but strong.

I slipped into my black jeans, green button up shirt, red bow tie, black vest, and my gloves. I put in some contacts to change them to yellow cat eye style. My hair was dyed black so I don't need to worry about that. I grabbed my knife holsters and slipped them on my thighs. I grabbed my metal fitted mask that I made myself 5 months ago. It covered my face while having holes for my eyes and mouth. Where my mouth was, there were painted on teeth and I had a upside down cross on the forehead of the mask. I clasped it on and adjusted my hair so it wasn't pressed back.

I walked back down stairs to go ask Kurogi to teleport me there.

"If you are here to get me to teleport you, I won't do it. Also, you look nice." Kurogi told me as I came down the stairs.

"What, why?" I grumbled.

"Use your quirks. Learn to use them in the real world. You haven't really left this place since you moved here." He shrugged as he cleaned a glass. I glared.

"Fine." I opened the door and groaned as all the noises gave me a small headache. I grabbed my custom made black soundproof earplugs. (They block out all noises but he can dial them which helps him control his hearing kinda of like Aoyama's belt)

"Like I said, practice." Kurogi sighed. I glared again as he held up his hands meaning no harm. I took out the orange earplugs I had in and replaced them with my custom earplugs. I jumped from side to side of the two buildings until I was on the roof. I looked out to the city and saw the city lights for the first time in a couple months.

The breeze flew through my hair and I put my hands up. The wind pushing against my body. I looked at the time and saw 10:45pm.

"Time to go." I said before I speedly jumped across the rooftops. In about 10 minutes, I was on the other side of the city. A couple blocks from the police station, I concealed my presence and jumped from the roof onto the sidewalk. I quickly ran to the police station making sure I didn't bump into anyone.

When I finally arrived, I entered as a couple was leaving. With my presence concealed. I have about 80 more minutes before I will be forced to reveal. I ran to one of the offices that had no one in it. I waited in the corner for 10 minutes to see if it was just a break or something but no one ever came.

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