Chapter 18

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| Bakugo's POV |

"Speed the fuck up!" I yelled at the morons trailing behind me. I was carrying Deku's limp body in my arms as we sped back to camp.

"Stop yelling at us, we've been running for like ten minutes!" Pickachu compained.

"We don't have time!" I yelled back, but feeling the strain on my thighs as well. 

We finally arrived to the clearing where we made our meals and slept. Except now it was lit up with red and white lights, the normal crickets were taken over by yelling of cops and the crackling of the burning forest.

"Are you guys okay?" We turned and saw Pink cheeks and four eyes running towards us. I rolled my eyes before running straight to a medic, leaving my classmates.

"Who is this?" the medic asked me. I looked at him unsure how to answer.

"He was a hostage." I heard Aizawa say behind me. The medic nodded before taking Deku from my arms and placing him on the stretcher. "Check this student's wounds too."

"What's your name?"

"Katsuki Bakugo." I mumbled. He nodded before grabbing my arm to examine the stab wound Deku gave me. He grabbed needles and string to stitch it up but all I could think about was Deku being rushed to the hospital.

The face Deku gave me before he went down flashed into my head. I felt my chest cramp as the fear flash across his face as his head hit the ground.

"You are good." the medic said patting my shoulder but I continued to sit there, trapped in my head.

"Bakugo, you are finished." I was finally pulled out of my thoughts by Aizawa. I rolled my eyes before pushing past him.

"Bakugo-" he started. I stopped walking to let him finish but when he didn't finished, I continue my walk to my room.

As soon as I arrived to my room, I slammed the door behind me. I finally let out everything I had been holding in. I punched the wall as my face was torched by my hot tears.

"What the fuck are you doing to me, you stupid nerd." I groaned as I slid down the door and pulled in my knees. "Why do I care so much. You were just a pebble."

"You finally feel something other then hate?" I looked up and saw Deku staring down at me.

"Deku..." I whispered, scared to blink and have him disappear, "You are okay?"

"Don't act like you care. Everything happened because you were jealous of me." he glared as blood suddenly started leaking through his white shirt.

"I wasn't jealous!" I got up and ran to him but made contact with the edge of my bed. A series of cuss words flew out of my mouth

"When will it be enough for you?" Deku sneered from behind me. I turned around and saw him grinning his cold smile, before blood colored tears started to fall down his face. "You selfish coward."

HIs eyes rolled to the back of his head as his knees collasped. Blood overflowed out of his mouth as soon as his head hit the ground.

"Deku!" I yelled before running towards him. I didn't even hear my door opening until I heard a voice behind me.

"Bakugo?" I turned and saw Shitty hair looking at me with worry. I turned back and saw Deku was gone.

I hate that I love you! (Bakudeku) (VillainDeku) |BREAK|Where stories live. Discover now