Chapter 12

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| Deku's POV |

I woke up and looked at the clock on my nightstand and saw that it was 7:40am. I sat up and instantly my chest hurt. I blinked trying to get it to go away but I just felt something off about today. I looked at Kacchan who was currently tied back up in the chair with a black and purple bruise on his forehead from when I punched him out cold. His arms were covered with bruises and cuts from my knives. It was honestly a beautiful sight. I quickly grabbed my cleaned green button shirt, black jeans, corset vest, red bow tie, gloves, and my red shoes. I ran downstairs and looked at Tomura and Kurogi. Kurogi slid me my morning shot. I chugged it down with ease.

"Something feels off about today." I finally said as I finished my 3rd shot. They both looked at me.

"Explain?" Tomura asked.

"I have a gut feeling that something is going to happen." I looked up. They nodded at each other.

"Ill round up everyone in the training room." Kurogi said before teleporting

"Alright, I'll quickly scoop the area for a new place." I said before getting up.

"Already got a place set up for emergencies, go grab your toy and belongings." Tomura said before getting up and running to the training room.

I ran upstairs and grabbed my old school backpack. I grabbed my very few pieces of clothing and shoved them inside. I tied my mask to my pant belt hoop as I went to go brush my teeth and brush my hair.

"What's going on?" Kacchan said groggily. I looked at him.

"We are leaving." I spoke short and simple as I ran to grab my colgne and deodrant and shoved them in my bag.

"What why?" He said now awake.

"Doesn't matter." I said as I walked to get my holsters and knives.

"Most likely." I said before clipping on my holsters.

I grabbed some of my photos off the wall stuffing them in the bag along with my only book. I opened my nightstand grabbing my pain meds, my Ipod, charger, headphones, and my earplug charger. I stuffed that all in my backpack barely able to close it. I made sure I had everything needed before looking the clock at the end on my nightstand which showed 7:50 am.

"What about me?" I snapped back to my senses and rolled my eyes. I slipped my backpack on before lightning flashed around me as I quickly untied him, stood him up, and retied his arms behind his back.

"Are you serious?" Kacchan looked at me like I was stupid. I glared before grabbing his forearm and yanking him down the stairs. Having to catch him a few times as he nearly fell forward.

"Here Deku!" Kurogi slide a shot glass across the counter. "Enjoy it like it's your last."

"Cant we take some with us?" I whined before chugging it down. Kurogi shook his head, sighing.

"What the fuck, nerd. You drink?" I looked at Kacchan like he just asked a stupid question.

"That was my fourth one this morning." I said as if it was normal.

"How are you not.....drunk." he said as he looked at the bottle of the alcohol. "This has like 70% alcohol!"

"I've been drinking since I was 14. I guess I'm just used to it." I smirked at him. There is so much shit he doesn't know and I love his stupid pathetic reaction every time.

I hate that I love you! (Bakudeku) (VillainDeku) |BREAK|Where stories live. Discover now