Chapter 19

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| Deku's POV |

I opened my eyes to find me sinking in a huge amount of water, feeling my lungs slowly collapse from loss of air. I heard a voice, talking but no matter how fast I swam. I couldn't reach the surface of the water. I tried to remember what the last thing I remember was. Me and Kacchan fighting. I groaned as I tried to remember more. His friends showing up and tossing me around like a rag doll.

"Help!" I tried to scream but started swallowing water. I was pushed down from the surface, I felt my back hit the sand.

"This is how I die..." I sighed as I closed my eyes, accepting the fate. Suddenly I heard a small child sniffling. I opened my eyes and saw beside me was a younger me with his face in his knees.

"Are you happy?" He asked.  I could feel myself staring at him not really sure what to say.

"I don't really know." I sighed, sitting up. "Happiness isn't something I think about. A weakness is an opportunity to be killed."

"I miss mommy..." he whimpered pulling his knees in closer. "I miss school and Kacchan."

"Why would you miss Kacchan?" I replied pulling my knees in too. "Do you not remember what he did to us?"

"I just wanted to be amazing like he was.." The younger whimpered. I stared at him unsure what to say so he continued. "I was so caught up with what I wanted, I couldn't see what was actually real."

"He's not amazing, he just wants to be able to push people around. He is weak and destructive. Doesn't care about anyone but himself." I glared at the ground.

"Aren't we the same then?" The younger me asked.

I shrugged before burying my nose in between my knee caps.

He looked at me with sadness written on his face, "We don't have a family or friends. The blood on our hands is more then 30 people. We've tried to kill the love of our life more then once."

"First of all, I don't love him anymore! Second, I don't need anyone! Only me, myself, and I." I glared.

"How can you expect to be as strong as six people when you are only one person." I clicked my tongue.

"Tch, I-" I tried to say but he covered my mouth.

"If you keep thinking you are stronger on your own, then you will end up dead or alone." He said almost copying what I had said to Kacchan.

"They bullied us. They used us as punching bag." I sighed softly, quickly looking away.

"Listen..." I looked up listening trying to hear what he wanted me to hear.

"Why couldn't I appreciate our friendship before it was to late. I was so selfish and cruel. The things I said have been replaying in my head every since you came back. I can't even be mad at you for kidnapping me." I heard someone cry. It was distant and echoed.

"Kacchan?" I asked. I looked at the younger me but he was gone. I was alone at the bottom of the ocean again.

"We were suppose to be heroes together you stupid nerd. I don't know what to do! Please wake up. I need to fix this. Please just wake up." I heard him yelled in between hiccups.

"Kacchan is....crying?" My eyes got even bigger which I really didn't think was possible. I felt rage shutter through my body in disbelief. I pushed off the bottom of the ocean and swam as hard as I could.

"Stop fucking crying you idiot!" I reached my hand up but I wasn't close to the surface at all.

"What's holding you back?" An echo slivered it's way into my mind. "What's stopping your from reaching the surface."

I hate that I love you! (Bakudeku) (VillainDeku) |BREAK|Where stories live. Discover now