Chapter 6

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After a couple weeks of peace in the school, Kacchan's true personality was showing. Angry and violent. It got worse main after the bus ride 3 weeks ago.

"I am going to kill you!" I yelled at half n half as he froze my feet to the ground when I started yelling at Iida.

"Bakubro, thats not very manly of you," Shitty hair laughed at me. I glared at him.

"I told you to stop calling me that, Shitty Hair!" I exploded the ice on my feet and charged at Half n Half. Aizawa tied me down with his scarf and erased my quirk.

"Let me go, you human caterpillar!" I growled. He sighed.

"You are going to going to be 1-A's problem child, aren't you?"

"What did you just say!?" I growled struggled to get out of the stupid scarf.

"Everywhere there is some kind of commotion. You are in the middle of it. Now shut up before I expel you."

"Asshole," I muttered but based on Aizawa's face, he heard me. I plopped on my ass and slouched in defeat.

"Take a chill pill, killing won't solve your problems." Pikachu shook his head to hide his smile.

"Go take a lap, brat." Aizawa said as he let me go. I glared but did as I was told. I heard someone running behind me. I saw Shitty hair catching up to me.

"Hey man, you good?" He sighed. "I can tell something is bothering you."

"Fuck off, extra." I grumbled, looking forward not making eye contact.

"You know, in the 3 weeks of knowing you, I've learned more about then you think." He chuckled.

"Creepy fucker."

"Like, when you are upset, either sad, annoyed, or embarrassed. You express every emotion as anger." I looked at him from the corner of my eyes to see him looking at the pavement as we ran.

"Look at you, got me all figured out. Don't ya?" I rolled my eyes.

"So what's stopping you from letting people in?" He asked suddenly causing me to suddenly stop running. I looked at him. "Well?"

"I just don't want to waste my time in extras! So get the fuck out of my way and leave me alone!" I pushed past him and kept running.

"It was that weird masked kid, wasn't it!" He yelled from behind me but I ignored him. I felt as if my head was going to explode off with how angry I was.

After a lap, I walked back to the class. They all look at me anxiously. I saw that Shitty hair was already back which caused me to roll my eyes.

It was that weird masked kid, wasn't it!

You express every emotion as anger.

So what's stopping you from letting people in?

You are something special Kacchan, you always were but stop thinking you are better then everyone. It'll only end you up alone or dead.

I sighed, knowing Deku was right as well as Shitty hair. I grunted arguing with myself before storming over to Shitty Hair.

"I'm...sor....sorr....ugh!" I grunted. He chuckled at me. I glared at him frustrated.

"I get it, don't apologize. I didn't mean to make you mad. I just wanted you know that I am your friend and I'm here when you are ready." He scratched his neck.


"I...thanks bro." I playfully punched his shoulder.

I hate that I love you! (Bakudeku) (VillainDeku) |BREAK|Where stories live. Discover now