Chapter 22

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| Bakugo's POV |
A week later

I looked at the photo in my wallet and sighed. Everytime I looked at those stupid eyes of his, my entire chest warms up. A feeling I haven't felt in years.

"Staring at the photo isn't going to change anything." I looked up and saw Shitty Hair standing in the doorway.

"Why would I want to change." I rolled my eyes, quickly putting the photo away.

"You obviously regret what happened to him." He smirked. "You've been staring at that photo since the day he was put in that quirk blocking cell."

"I don't give a fuck about what happens to him." I lied.

"Lying isn't very manly of you." He chuckled, "I have a feeling he won't be around for much longer."

"What makes you think that, shitty hair." I growled, standing up.

"As much as I hate to say this, that room isn't going to hold him forever. They don't even know if he is telling the truth about not having his memories back." He sighed, leaning against the door.

"He deserves to stay trapped in that room. He is psychotic and pathetic." I glared.

"You aren't lying but don't repeat the mistake that caused him to become like that, man." He said.

With that, he walked out of the room without looking back. I groaned, before sitting back down and slamming my forehead into palms. I knew Kirishima was right. Me and Deku may only be inches apart but his skill level, experience, and world views sets him towers higher then me.

If he does remember, he probably went back to hating the world, and hating me. Just like how it's suppose to be. The being his old nice self is a phase.

"We are enemies, that's how it's suppose to be." I sighed out loud , feeling my heart twist.

Don't repeat the mistake that caused him to become like that.

"We meet again, angry blond boy." I heard someone say in my doorway. I looked up and saw the burnt guy who walked in Deku's room a couple of times.

"How the fuck did you get in here." I stood up quickly, getting in a defensive position.

"I am not here to fight." He rolled his eyes. "It's a death wish to put my hands on someone who belongs to Deku."

"I do not belong to that nerd." I growled louder, "Why are you here!"

"To cause a little chaos for ya know, Chaos. Perfect way to do it is mess with his little toy." He smirked before grabbing a small journal out of his jacket.

He threw it towards me and it was Deku's old notebook from middle school.

"How did you get this!" I looked back up but he was gone.

I opened it slowly unsure what to expect but I realized immediately that this was a different journal then the one from middle school. Instead of hero and villain notes, it was journal entries. The first one was dated all the way back to a six months before he left in middle school.

August 13, xxxx

I don't know where to go. I don't think I'm made for this world. I'm quirkless and weak, I can't even get my earbuds back from Kacchan. Sometimes when I look up, I see behind thecloudsthere's a castlein the sky. I just wantto be a hero, quirk or not quirk. 

I just want to be who I want to but now I am stuck between two worlds. Do I want to live in the world I want to or just accept what the world tells me. What if I am wrong and I am not all that I thought. Determination can't stop a deadly villain, can it....

I hate that I love you! (Bakudeku) (VillainDeku) |BREAK|Where stories live. Discover now