Chapter 23

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| Deku's POV |

We stared at each other, neither of moving a muscle or making a sound. I was breathing heavily from screaming and tears were still falling down my face. Yet again just like in middle school, he made me vulnerable. It feels like hours have slipped by as I'm waiting for him to move or make a sound. It felt like my entire heart was in his hands and I was waiting for him to crush it.

"You're right." He said finally. "I have no right to come here and ask for forgiveness."

I stared at him with shock, I have no idea what to do or what to say.

"Exac-" I started but he cut me off again.

"No please let me finish." He said sighing. I've never seen him so.....not angry. "I don't care if you never forgive me and I don't care if you never let go of your hate but I can't let you go back."

"You lost that control over me. You can't tell me what to do anymore." I glared.

"You're right about everything but I can't fix it if you leave." He said looking at me with pleading eyes, I stopped for a second before laughing. He stared at me like I grew two heads but I couldn't stop laughing.

"Are you fucking serious?!" I said, gasping for air. "You think I want to stay here with you?!"

"We both know we regret everything, we can restart." He proposed the idea with the most pathetic Face I'd ever seen.

"Of course, avoid your problems by pretending they don't exist. Classic Kacchan." I rolled my eyes before standing up. "Go away, you are boring me."

He made eye contact with me with the blandest look I'd ever seen on him. He was thinking and I couldn't tell what it was about. For a couple minutes it was just like that, he sat this thinking and I was watching, making mental notes about his actions. He eventually got up without a sound and walked to the locked door to my room.

"Letting me out isn't going to get forgiveness. How desperate have you become?" I said in low warning voice.

He clicked the open button and my quirk blocking room opened up. He stepped inside before walking towards me without a word. I stood up and quickly backed up. Without my quirks and even without his quirks, I couldn't fight him head on and I knew that even if I didn't want to admit it. I backed up with every step he took but eventually my back hit the wall. I was trapped between the bed and the wall with my only way out of the corner is through Kacchan. I just needed a second so I could bolt around him and leave.

He stopped by putting his hands by each of ears and stared into my eyes, not breaking contact.

"What are you doing." I glared.

"You looked scared, Deku." He said in a low voice.

I smirked, "Is that what you tell yourself to sleep at night?"

He didn't respond but I saw his muscles clench on his arms as he started to lean forward. It felt like it was slow motion as I watched Kacchan close his eyes and close the distance between us. I couldn't move, I knew now, I was terrified. I worked years to get stronger and now it was like I back tracked. I feel like a terrified middle schooler again because of the same stupid blond idiot.

"W-what are you doing!" I said turning my head to avoid his lips.

He grabbed my chin and turned my head before gently smashing his lips against mine. As soon as his soft lips touched mine, my body went limp as my eyes closed too. He let go of my chin and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. He started moving his lips gently, as if he was scared to hurt me.

I hate that I love you! (Bakudeku) (VillainDeku) |BREAK|Where stories live. Discover now