Chapter 13

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| Kirishima's POV |

"Are you okay dude?" I asked looking at Bakugo. He looked tired and calm.

"Yea man, I'm good." We were now sitting in his room. I got up and closed his door.

"Now tell me the truth." I glared at him. He looked at me and I gasped when I saw some tears fall down his cheek. "Dude woah, what happened?"

"I don't know how to feel. I'm so angry but I don't know who to be angry at." He slammed his head against the wall. I climbed back onto his bed.

"What was he really like?" I said leaning on the wall like he was.

"He is a serious badass. He doesn't let anyone mess with him. He fucking took 4 shots of 70% alcohol this morning and he wasnt even a little bit dizzy." His face just showed pure disbelief, but then he grabbed a photo out of his pocket.

I looked over this shoulder and saw it was a young Bakugo and someone I assumed was Midoriya. It was a green hair boy with freckles. He had the biggest smile while having his arm wrapped around Bakugo's waist.

"Is that Midoriya?"

"Yea, this was before I got my quirk." he sighed.

"Sounds like you have a little crush." I smirked. He glared at me while putting the photo back into his pocket.

"On Deku?" He growled, "Fuck no."

"You are right. I could never imagine you with a girl, definitely not a guy." I chuckled.

He went oddly quiet before smirking, "Who would want to date an extra."

"He sure does look different though even if I haven't seen his face." I asked.

"Yeah, it was shocking for me too. His skin is this sickly white, he has these dark bags under his eyes. He looks like he hasn't slept in days. His eyes are so dull compared to his old never ending shining eyes, it's as if they are plastic. His body is damage permanently with scars and even discoloring in a portion of his arm." He said with a disgusted face.

"Do you hate him?" I asked curious about his odd behavior.

"He has done and gone through things neither or us would ever think of. We belong to different worlds. We live in the light, where we live in a basically carefree world, enjoying luxuries we take for granted. He lives in the dark, his everyday life is just simply trying to survive. Outcasted from society, thrown into a violent emotionless world." he said, surprising me.

"Wow.." I answered, not sure what to say since I've never heard Bakugo talk about someone like this.

"So no, I don't hate him. Infact I kinda respect him. Forced into a world that neither of us could survive in even if we tried."

"Then what do you wish to do next? He isn't going to let you go so easily." I twidled my fingers.

"If he won't stop til he gets the fight he thinks he deserves, a fight is what he will get." He glared at the wall in front of us.

"Wouldn't expect anything less from the angry child of 1-A." I smirked. He rolled his eyes.

"Tch, get out. You are annoying me now." He grumble.

I hate that I love you! (Bakudeku) (VillainDeku) |BREAK|Where stories live. Discover now