108: House Of The Rising Son

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Marcel and Klaus were walking on the Abattoir's internal balcony, music blasting as a party happened beneath them. The guests were a mix of vampires and humans, an 'M' stamped on their hands as they drank the night away, humans completely unaware that they were about to become the drinks.

"The city of New Orleans," Marcel talked, "People of all stripes and flavours from around the country come here to party on our streets."

Outside there was a lot of noise too, neon evening lights flashing, cars whizzing past – even a carriage pulled by horses was trotting by, tourists sitting in the back. Every Friday night, the usual array of young people liked to kick off their weekend with a bang by wandering through the city, looking for whichever bar would let them in.

"Some are just looking for fun."

The university students who'd just passed a test or won a sports game.

"Some are looking for something a little darker," He grinned, "More dangerous."

The people the daywalkers would scope out, holding flyers while pointing them in the 'right' direction.

They knew how to spot a tourist – someone who wouldn't question things until it was too late.

"So, we invite them to my home, and we give it to them."

The advert on the flyer read 'WHERE THE PARTY NEVER ENDS.'

"At the stroke of midnight, everything changes," Marcel lead Klaus to a spot where they could see everything, the dancing and jumping and drinking, "And it's time to feed."

The entranceway lighting was white and spotty, the courtyard outlined by tables near the edges, drinks everywhere, timed moving lights above the speakers blasting for the crowd. Some people were dancing on tables, a few on the bar, unaware that the clock was ticking.

"This is how I keep my guys happy," He was explaining his world to Klaus, "The occasional, all-you-can-eat buffet."

The way Marcel puffed out his chest showed how proud he was of his setup.

"My night-walkers love it. I've got 'em working hard, trying to earn daylight rings," His tapped against the railing, "So they deserve to blow off a little steam."

None of the nightwalkers had any jobs to do that evening.

"My daywalkers, the trusted few – they just like the party."

As they returned to watching, preparing for midnight to come, Marcel began to frown.

He was counting people in his head.

His daywalkers liked to let loose, and they were allowed to, but they were also meant to do their jobs for the night first.

"Thierry," Marcel called over to his right-hand man.

Even though it was party central, Thierry was still wearing a flat cap and a thick jacket, happy to be back by Marcel's side, not trusting Klaus in the slightest. He especially didn't trust Marcel and Klaus alone together.

"Where's Diego?" Marcel's eyes were narrowing, "He's meant to be locking up the doors."

Diego had been on early flyer duty and then lockup, yet, the side doors were still open.

Thierry rolled his eyes, "Notice anyone else missing?"

Marcel began to panic, scanning for his circle of trust.

"Sadie – where the hell are Sadie and Diego?"

Klaus was confused, to say the least.

He knew what the pair looked like, even if he didn't really talk to anyone other than Marcel. He knew they were loyal, so if they were missing, something had happened, and he really didn't like the implications of that.

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