175: Stay

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a/n: First chapter back after a week, let's keep the comment section a positive space
(Cos I know you're all about to hate Ric lol) - Bea xx

Going to The Mystic Grill was both a good and bad choice for MJ. It was the middle of the day, in the middle of the week, so there was barely anyone about to notice her mild panic as she scanned the refurbished building. Seeing her occasional old boss was nice enough, but standing in front of her friends just wasn't.

Tyler had left town that morning, and he'd tried to make her go with him, but MJ was adamant about staying put until Bonnie was back.

She needed to see her, in the flesh, before she could move forward to the next part of her life.

And, Tyler deserved a time out from suicide watch.

And, MJ would be going back to New Orleans, so it wasn't like their situation was the same – he needed to figure his life out. She was just waiting for Bonnie. 

It had been two days since Bonnie's birthday, and a lot of choices had been made. Not only was Tyler leaving, but Jeremy was too.

MJ wholeheartedly supported both decisions, technically playing a bigger role in both of them than most of their friends realised. She'd arrived at The Grill early, partly because she hadn't slept, happy to have something to do, and partly because she and Jeremy had needed to meet before everyone else started filtering in.

MJ was handing him a box, wrapped to make it seem like a simple going-away present, "You're sure you wanna do this?"

"You've been telling me to do this for years."

"But I didn't think you'd be doing it on your own."

He smiled, "I want to be a hunter MJ."

She smiled back.

"On my own terms."

The key part of it.

He didn't want to just kill people the group needed him to; he didn't want to get talked out of helping or locked in a room. He wanted to help people. The exact qualities MiMiPasare represented and needed help acting on since Whit was human and MJ was already in over her head in real life.

"Well," She breathed in slowly, "The specifics."

She and Whit had Skyped that morning to work out the details, him happy to have someone with more experience with the supernatural world on board.

"You'll have a salary transferred from the Whitmore Pasare Bank Account, which is basically the Augustine funding, combined with a percentage of Whit's trust fund and a portion of his current income. Last year I put half of mine in two."

"So it's loaded."

"Yup - thanks to him more than me," MJ had gone over the finances over Christmas, "However, you can send invoices for certain expenses on top of the salary, just do it monthly, so it's not too much unnecessary emailing."

"For travel and stuff?"

"Yup," She fiddled with the wrapped box, "You know how to send an invoice?"

"I have had a job before."

"But you haven't had one in a while," MJ justified, "Remember to PDF it, and just ask if you get confused."


"And if you ever end up in a situation where you need a lot of money quickly. Like, you find two runaway werewolves by accident and need to put them up somewhere safe, you can text either of us," She had access to it, "But re-homing jobs should go through Whit first."

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