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My heart kept on beating loudly.

As I was staring straight in her eyes, my chest kept on pounding hard. It was as if the tiny muscle in there wanted to break out from being caged.

I gulped.

I don't know where I am.

I don't even know who I am.

But I dare not to think of it. 'Cause right now, what seems to be more important for me is . . . the woman I'm staring at.

Who is she?

And why do I feel this way?

My chest kept on pounding rapidly. It was like I was nervous. Or worse, scared.

But . . .

Am I?

I backed off when she tried to near me.

My chest just pounded even more when she moved. So I got even more nervous.

I gulped once more.

"W-who . . . who are you?" I asked out of confusion.

As I was looking at her, I feel like it was a sin for me not to be able to tell who she was . . . It was like . . . I should know her . . . But I don't.

And I got frustrated even more.

I was looking at her, keeping my distance, but I was shocked when I saw her teary eyes. From a single tear, it turned ito sobs . . . until she was crying already as she fell on her knees . . .

Bullets of cold sweats formed on my forhead.

What did I do?!

Why did she cry?!

I swallowed hard.

I didn't know what to do.

I didn't know her . . . But I don't know why I feel torn and equally tormented seeing her cry. I didn't know why I feel like this . . . but I don't wanna see her cry . . . It was as if, I wanna blame my self for it. It was like . . . something inside me's saying it's my fault . . . that I made her cry.

My chest felt like it was being stabbed.

I don't want this.

I can't stand this. Seeing her like that . . .

It was hurtful.

I was about to approach the woman when the door slammed open.

People. A lot of people burst in.

But I don't know how to address any of them.

Nobody seemed familiar. I recognized no one. It felt frustrating. To have hear them call me the same name, when I can not tell for my self if that was really my name.

I didn't even manage to look at them for a long time without my having my head tormented by the excruciating pain.

It was like my head is being hammered.

I don't know what to do.

All I seem to know is the pain, and the pain alone.

The doctors didn't seem to be a help for me.

What they told me about just stirred my head even more. It worsen.

They told me I lost my memories.

But I didn't anymore listen to any of it.

When the pain in my head got worse, the doctors attended me.

Against All BoundariesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum