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Despite looking everywhere for Elizabeth, he couldn't find her. He had asked Charlie and Alex, Zach, Tony, Jessica, and even Monty. Nobody had seen her. But of course he forgot to ask the most important person who knows the whereabouts of everyone at all times. Clay Jensen.

Justin and Clay hadn't said a word to each other until Hannah Baker had ended her life. And with the drama that occurred with the tapes, and the breakdown of his relationship, not forgetting Clay's breakdown in the corridor. But since then, Justin had stopped blaming everyone else for what happened. Sure, Clay was acting completely psychotic over Hannah's death. But Justin couldn't blame Clay for what happened.

And their companionship was on the mend. They weren't exactly friends, as they had two completely separate friendship groups. But Clay, disregarding their differences, chose to help Justin with his relationship with Jessica and his friendship with Bryce. Justin was in two minds whether to leave town after what Bryce had done. Justin blamed himself and figured Evergreen would be better without him. But Clay stopped him from leaving, and reminded him that he wasn't the monster, Bryce was. Luckily he stayed and listened to Clay, or he would never have met Elizabeth.

"Where is she?" Justin asked, approaching Clay's locker. He was rearranging his text books, grabbing his biology book before closing his locker. Justin had followed him down the hallway, waiting for his answer.

"Calm down, Batman." Clay joked, realising it most definitely wasn't the time. Justin never fucked around when it came to Elizabeth. "She's at mine. She was feeling nauseous, so I gave her my key." Justin patted his back and left the boy to his own devices. Now; should he stay at school and be a good student, or go to Elizabeth and be a good boyfriend?

The choice was obvious. Justin was parked beside of Clay's outhouse, staring at the door. He'd left his car and knocked twice, hoping to give Elizabeth some decency. She eventually opened the door and upon seeing his face, her expression dropped. "Clay said you'd be here."

"Narc." She mumbled under her breath, sliding back under the sheets of the bed. It was definitely an odd place to wake up that morning. The previous night was filled with them both in the dark, making weird noises and giggling at each other.

"Yesterday, I spoke to Zach. And the dumbass actually made a lot of sense." He stated, sitting on Clay's bed. "The main reason I needed time to think wasn't only because we're too young. It's because I'm scared." Elizabeth sat up and placed her hands on her knees, her breath stifling as she thought of something to say.

"I'm scared too. The fact that we are so young makes me feel like I can't do it." Her hands were now on her stomach, it was still strange to know a living thing was growing inside of her. "But I don't think I could get rid of the baby, Justin. You and I created it, together. It's a product of us and I want to do this with you."

"Me too." Hearing those words filled her with glee. He'd stood up and joined her, placing a hand over her stomach. "I'll keep working. And I'll save up, and we can find an apartment. And buy some baby essentials. I just got scared that I'd be a terrible father, because I grew up without a father."

"I'm scared I'll be a terrible mother." She admitted quietly. Justin brought her into a gentle hug, placing a hand on her head.

"The way you look after people, that sometimes don't deserve it, you're born to be a mother. You spent the whole of the party you hosted, tending to everyone's needs." Justin declared. "And we will be doing it together. We just need to find a way to tell your dad and Sofia."

"Sofia knows." Elizabeth added. Justin was shocked, frankly the fear could be seen in his eyes. "I told her right before I told you." Justin let out a giggle and kissed her temple, slowly pulling her back into the bed. They laid together, Justin behind her with his arm over her stomach protectively, and enjoyed each other's company.

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