Our past

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After everything had happened with Weiss and Blake,we all made our way home and once there it was my,well me and Jane's, choice to reveal our past to them.

Y/n:Yang,you asked me about my past before,right?


Y/n:Are you ready for me and Jane's story?

The four of them nodded at us as beo laid down on the floor. They sat on the bed across from me as Jane came over and laid her head down onto my lap. I began to brush her hair with my hand as I looked.

Weiss:Why now? After all that's happened tonight why tell us?

Y/n:Because maybe in telling you I can remember something for myself.


When I was seven years old I met a baby named Jane l/n and from that moment we were bound to eachother like the opposite sides of a magnet. I knew our parents but not well enough to remember anything about them. When I was young the only thing I wanted to do was be a strong huntsman but my dreams were stamped out when a group of four "men" came to me and Jane's village,I was fifteen and she was eight. They stayed in town for a few days and when a hoard of grimm suddenly brought itself down onto the village they fled,using the villagers as bait for the grimm,letting the huntsman escape. I hid Jane in a cellar that was kept under our home and grabbed my great sword to go help. When I got out there was nothing to save,my home was in flame and grimm scoured the area,like predators looking for their prey. But in the middle of them was a woman with skin and hair so white it put snow to shame,her veins had this dark red to them as well. She saw me and it was like she had full control of the grimm around me,they bit into my arms and legs,restraining me to the ground on my knees. The woman came over to me and got down onto her knees,so that we saw eye to eye.

Salem:I finally found you! His son. Oh,you two look so similar,it makes my heart flutter. How about you do what your father refused too,become my king.

Y/n:You kill my people and tear my friends limb from limb and then you have the audacity to ask me to be your king? In what blood soaked hell do you see that happening?

Salem:You really are his son! You're both so stubborn,Oh how it makes me want you even more!

Y/n:You're a crazy bitch,you know that?!

She stood up and slapped me across my face.

Salem:That's no way to talk to your queen!

She looked around and her eyes narrowed.

Salem:There's another person here. Where are they, y/n?

Y/n:Go fuck yourself!

The Grimm bit harder into my skin as she seemed to get angry.

Salem:No matter,First I'll take your semblance,while leaving your aura, and then my grimm armor will make you come to me.

She ten traced a pattern onto my neck,that soon vanished from my skin, and walked away as the armor you all know me for clawed it's way through up and around my skin. I thrashed around,killing every Grimm I could get my hands on, it was like I had turned into a mindless bloodthirsty beast. Eventually I got a grasp onto myself and the armor receded.

Ruby:Wait so can you take your armor off?

Weiss:Is that woman what you meant when you said you've looked pure evil in the eyes?

Blake:How does it feel when your armor comes on?

Yang:Does it hurt to use your armor?

Y/n:Alright let me go through these really quick. My armor materializes around me when I get into a serious fight,so yes and no. That is what I meant. It feels like taking off wet clothing but just a bit diffrent. I literally can not feel pain when my armor is on,it's like an adrenaline boost on steroids. I'm going to continue my story now.

*Back to your regularly scheduled programming*

The armor receded and I moved back into my house,where Jane was hiding. I opened the cellar and Jane came running out.

Jane:Is everyone ok?

Y/n:No,they're gone,Jane it's just me and you now.

I picked her up in one hand and grabbed my sword with the other,I put it onto my shoulder. We moved for a couple of days and we were almost robbed but I "put their business to an end". We made it to a town that wasn't far from our own and a family there helped us out as I worked as a Grimm exterminator for the town. They gifted me the chest plate and other gear I use now. Me and Jane moved on,where I ended more bandits on the way. It was that way for the past year and a half,along the way I gained the name the exectioner and people begun to fear me when I walked into a town.

Ruby:If you don't mind me asking,how many people did you execute?

Y/n:One hundred and forty two. I killed one hundred and forty two people. I remember each and every one.

I obviously left out the ten huntsman.

Weiss:You don't seem that distraught about it.

Y/n:If I was it would be because of the number,I enjoyed it.

Blake:You enjoyed killing people?

I didn't respond and just kept my head down.

Weiss:When you say that it makes you sound like a monster.

Y/n:What was it that you called me awhile back "A black devil"? That's fitting.

Ruby:How could you enjoy taking some ones life?

Y/n:No clue. But when I do I get this grin on my face that only a demon could wear. I hate it, I hate myself for the way I am but I can't help it. It gets worse when my armor comes on,it makes me want to kill even more and I'm scared that one day I won't be able to hold back.

Yang:I have one more question, are you scared of dying?

Y/n:No I'm not scared of death. An executioner must always stand ready to be executed.

The Executioner(male reader x rwby)Where stories live. Discover now