volume2:Our first"real" mission(part2)

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We walked onto the bullhead and sat down on the seats,me and yuno sat down next to eachother as Jane and father sat across from us with Beo laying on the floor in the middle.
(In case anybody was wondering. This is what yuno looks like.)

We rode in silence,which is surprising because yuno was there, and when we got to our destination it turned out to be a quite,small,town

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We rode in silence,which is surprising because yuno was there, and when we got to our destination it turned out to be a quite,small,town. We landed and what seemed to be the entire town was there to welcome us. We stepped off and the town took a step back,in fear of beo. He looked at them and his head tilted to the side.

Small girl.:A-a Grimm!

I looked at her and smiled as I went down onto one knee.

Y/n:Come here,please?

She walked over to me,still scared of beo. I took her hand and whistled for beo. He walked over and sniffed the girls hand,he then set his hand into her hand,letting her pet him. She began to pet his head and his tale swayed back and fourth.

Small girl:He's kinda cute.

Y/n:He's the only one,Grimm are dangerous, this goofball is the exception.

I stood up as I saw father talking with,who I would think is, the village elder or leader. I looked over and saw Jane talking with some of the children of the village,yuno was leaning against a pole and watched us all,with his trademark smile. I walked over to him and began to speak.

Y/n:Your head feeling alright?

Yuno:Yeah,it could be alot worse.

Y/n:Some water would help.

Yuno:You can say that again.

As we sat and talked a bell rang and I looked up to see a man in a guard tower ringing the bell.

Guardsman:Grimm! Grimm attack!

I grabbed my sword and set it onto my shoulder,I then began to move forward.

Y/n:Alright,time to go.

I ran out of the village and to the place where the Grimm where charging from.They stopped infront of me and I I set my eyes on them. I charged forward and slashed through four or five of them at a single time. I looked back and slammed my blade downwards,slashing a boar grim in half. As I pulled my sword up I smiled at the Grimm

Y/n:C'mon,there's still at least another one hundred of you,come, run to your execution!

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Y/n:C'mon,there's still at least another one hundred of you,come, run to your execution!

Four beowolves rushed me,I sliced through three of them as I grabbed the last one by the throat,I squeezed until the struggling monster stopped movement. An alpha rushed me and I cut it's legs off,leaving it on the floor. I raised my sword for a slash and swung my blade to the left,decapitating it in a single swing. I ran into the crowd of grimm and began to swing my sword violently,I was scratched by several Grimm. As I ran a Grimm through with my sword, i turned around to see two Grimm about to hit me. A bullet soared through the air and hit one of the beowolves in the jaw as Jane rushed in and stabbed the other Grimm in the throat with her rapier.

Jane:You shouldn't be so reckless,big bro.

Yuno:We just got here and your already badly beaten and bleeding,yet you have that murderous smile on your face.

Y/n:I like swinging my sword.

The Grimm backed up as the other two appeared.

Y/n:Looks like we scared them. What took you two so long?

Yuno:We made sure the people were safe while you head the Grimm back.

He looked around at the dead Grimm and then back to me,his smile still there.

Yuno:I knew you could handle yourself,but this is crazy.

My armor came down around me as I looked around at the grimm.

Y/n:What can I say,I like crazy.

I rushed at the biggest Grimm I could find,it was a death stalker, and as I got close I tore through multiple Grimm. When I finally reached my target it's stinger was ready and it went to stab me,it aimed for my head and I stopped it by swinging my blade into the stinger,cutting into it. It tried to attack me with it's claws but I doged backwards,doging the attacks and pulling my sword out. It went at me several times and I doged all of them by doging backwards. I pulled my sword to my left and swung at its right claw,when I made contact I completely severed the claw,it landed next me and I looked back to it and then back to the death stalker,my smile growing more sinister.

I plunged my sword into the floor and grabbed the claw,I rushed to the Grimm and when it went to attack me I jumped off of the claw that was still attached,when in the air the Grimm tried to attack me with the stinger but when it made contact it split apart. I landed on it's head and I plunged the claws in to its eyes,killing the deathstalker almost immediately. The Grimm in the area around me backed away and ran into the woods, I went to chase after them but was stopped by yuno suddenly showing up infront of me and placing a hand in my chest.

Yuno:You're really about to go chase a few beowolves instead of reclaiming that precious sword of yours?

My armor went away and my smile receded. I looked back to my sword and went over to it and put it on my shoulder, I looked back to yuno and jane,as the Grimm corpses around them began to turn to black smoke.

Y/n:Sorry about that,I got a bit ahead of myself.hehe.

Jane put her sword up and walked past me,back to the village. Yuno walked up next to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

Yuno:Don't worry about it,You kicked ass,that's all that matters.

As we talked there were screams coming from the village and when we looked back to see it in flames,I rushed towards the village,an animalistic growl coming from me as I watched the town burn. When I reached the village I saw a group of men had my father on the ground,a dart in his neck. I looked over more and there I saw Jane, who was over powered by three diffrent men, they had her on the floor and put a knife to her shirt,cutting it open.

Y/n:Get the hell away from her!

Bandit1(mocking):Or what?

They threw a fire crystal at me and it shattered into flames infront of me,I continued through the fire death glaring the men as I did.

They threw a fire crystal at me and it shattered into flames infront of me,I continued through the fire death glaring the men as I did

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I stayed silent and continued walking,one of the men yanked Jane to her feet and put the dagger to her throat.

Bandit2:C-come any closer and I-i'll kill her,I swear to god!

Y/n:You have a God? Good,you can start praying for a quick death.

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