Volume2:Our first"real" mission(part1)

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As the four of us talked in the ballroom,me,yuno,pyrah,and ren, uncle oz and goodwitch came into the ball room.

Goodwitch:What pair of idiots thought it would be a good idea to spike the punch?

Ozpin:I remember when another group of students did the same thing,y/n's mother and her team I believe it was. Speaking of which.

He walked over to the four of us,as goodwitch came with him.

Ozpin:Did you all enjoy yourselves last night?

Y/n:Besides the pounding headache, yeah it was fun.

Yuno:You would know something about pounding huh?

Y/n:Shut up!

Yuno:Don't yell,my head still hurts.

Ozpin:That brings me to my next question,did any of you spike the punch?


Yuno:No,sir.*with a half cocked salute*


Ren:Wasn't me.

Ozpin:I see,thank you for your assistance.

Goodwitch:If you four would leave,we have some cleaning up to do. Your missions are at noon,don't be late.

Y/n:Got it.

We walked out of the ball room as the splashed of water was heard from inside,followed by yells of surprise.


I looked over to yuno and began to speak with him.

Y/n:I guess we should get ready.

Yuno:That would be for the best.

We walked to our dorm and opened the door. When we got inside Jane was in there with Beo.

Yuno:I call showering first!

He then,I think, stopped time and went to the bathroom,as i sat there I looked over to Jane.


She waved at me and continued to pet beo.


Jane:Good morning.

Y/n:You know you have to come with me and yuno on our mission,right?

She nodded her head and watched the tv. I shrugged my shoulders and looked at the tv,I drank some water while I did so.

Jane:Did you and yang have sex?

And out went the water.

Y/n:Did we what?

Jane:Sex,you know when two people

Y/n:I know what it is but where did you learn that?


Y/n:Witchbitch. I can't lie to you,Jane, yeah we did.

Jane:That means you two love eachother,right? That's how we were made is because our parents love eachother.

Y/n:Yeah,yeah that's how we were made.

Jane: Do you and yang love eachother?

Y/n:Yeah,I think we do.

Jane:I like yang,she's nice and funny. She's cute too.

Y/n: She is all of those thing and so much more.

As me and Jane finished talking yuno came out the shower in the clothing he was in when I met him,he also had his weapons.

Yuno:Yuno sasaki is ready!

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