volume3:well taught

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I recovered from my mental breakdown and walked back to yang's dorm,with her and the others. We went alone and I sat on yang's bed,with her and Jane next to me as yuno leaned against the wall.

Yang:What happened? Why were you fighting my uncle?

Y/n:Uncle? That drunk is your uncle?

Yang:Yeah? Why do you hate him so much?

Y/n:When me and Jane first started travelling a man with named qrow would help us,he gave us food,money,clothes. He would protect us in the wild and taught me how to fight. It was like he was our good luck charm,we soon realized that it was bad luck. He got super drunk one night,more then usual, and picked a fight with an atlas specialist,Her name being winter schnee. I had to fight with him to keep them away,they wanted me and qrow led them right to us.

Yang:Why would atlas be interested in you? This has to be before you were the known by all of remanent.

Jane:It was,they wanted him because of the armor. People would tell stories about a boy the would be wrapped in the skin of the Grimm,atlas heard and thought that they could turn it into some sort of battle armor for their soliders.

Y/n: I fought with qrow for hours and when all the fighting was over a solider got a hold of Jane and was going to kill her because of"disrespect to the kingdom".

Yuno:A bunch of honor bound dumbasses. Someone says something bad about them,their kingdom, or their general and they go crazy.

Y/n:That's was my first.

Yang:First what?

Jane:His first kill,his armor activated and he ripped the man limb from limb,like a piece of paper. He was going to completely mangle the corpse but qrow stopped him and they fought,y/n lost and went unconscious.

Yuno:This was the one time you lost and the reason you didn't want to talk about it.

Y/n:I didn't want to talk about it because I couldn't remember it,I woke up the next day and was told I lost by Jane,qrow had already left.

Jane:Y/n,then started to train with the armor,he finally got control of it completely after a year.

Y/n:Seeing,and fighting qrow, triggered something,I heard voices the classic angle and demon.

Qrow:It's not that simple,newbie.

We all looked over to the door to see ruby and qrow at the door way.

Ruby:Look who I found!

Y/n:Why are you here!? And what do you mean by that?

Ruby:Okay maybe this wasn't the best idea.

We all ignored ruby as I walked over to qrow.

Qrow:I'm here to check up on my family,that includes you and jane.

Y/n:You may have took care of us but you are not family.

Qrow:Noted,back to what I said earlier,it's not as simple as angle and demon. That armor you were increases your blood lust and your bad emotions,the same emotions that Grimm are attracted to. So,it's not a devil and angle inside you, it's you verses your self. The armor tries to take control as your consciousness fights against it,it increases your urge to kill while your urge to do the right thing fights against it. You could go ahead and say it's angle and demon but it's just your good and bad fighting for control. You're cursed,y/n, and that armor is a sign of it.

Y/n:She said the armor would bring me to her but it didn't seem like it.

Qrow:That's because you still have a place you belong too,when everything you love crumbles and burns you'll have no where else to run to,that's when you'll go to her,for sweet revenge.

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