Volume5:A night together.

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After our group hug we all began to eat the dinner that jaune,ruby,ren,and Nora made together,we even had gave puck a bowl of his own.

Y/n:You should have seen the face on those bandits when I crashed down behind them!

Yang:They were terrified that the executioner was right behind them and when the main guy heard we were dating it looked like he pissed himself!

Yuno:Not to mention the surprise on their faces when I took all their weapons.

Puck:And when y/n walked into the base it was like the entire world shut up.

Yang:They were scared out of their minds at this big guy!

Y/n:Look how far we've gotten,from kids in beacon to what feels like real huntsman and huntresses.

Ren:We have grown from the kids we were.

Y/n:I remember the second day yuno was there,the day of the dance, me and him spiked the punch and almost everyone in the school got wasted.

Yuno:Yeah that ended real well for you didn't it?


Jaune:Is that why I don't remember that night and woke up in a dress?

Ruby:Yeah,you put on a dance show for the entire school!

Nora:I even recorded it.

Jaune:You what!

Y/n&yuno:Hahahahaha! She got you good!

Nora:The dance was awesome,I think partly because of you two.

Yuno:You're welcome.

Y/n:Speaking of awesome,yang show us that new arm.


As we finished our food yang stood up and flexed her robotic arm,showing it off to us.

Yang:It doesn't replace the real thing but it is nice.

Ruby ran up to her sister and began to inspect the arm.

Ruby:So cool! Is it as strong as the real thing?!

Yang:Sure is!

As she said this I planted my elbow on the table,wanting to arm wrestle.

Y/n:Oh,yeah? Prove it!

Yang:You think your going to beat me?

Y/n:I did back at beacon. I'm most likey stronger then everyone here.

As I finished speaking Nora planted her arm down too,also wanting to wrestle.

Nora:If your so strong then you should be able to beat both me and yang,at the same time.

Yuno:This is going to be good.

Puck:Let's get some popcorn for this gun show!

I put my other hand on the table in the position.

Y/n:Bring it.

They both sat down across from me and grabbed my hands. Puck flew down in between the three of us.

Puck:3...2...1... START!

Our arm wrestle started and it was a stalemate for short amount of time.

Y/n:It feels strong but

I slammed down nora's hand and then slammed yang's hand down onto of nora's.

Y/n:I'm stronger.

Yang:He lifts a four hundred pound sword,was this even fair?

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