Volume5:A safe haven.

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We were walking through a dark hallway,apperantly one of the ways to the city of mistral. The only light we had,despite it being the middle of the day,was puck and the numerous lanterns that lined the walls.

Y/n:Why did we decide to walk?

Yuno:It's more fun?

Ren:We have gone through more demanding trials.

Ruby:Yeah,it feels more complete this way.

Jaune:Like we accutualy got here with our own work.

Nora:Which we did.

Qrow looked back to us and began to slightly laugh.

Qrow:Yeah,you all did good.

Ruby:And only one of us got "super" close to dying!

Puck:You're welcome for saving your sorry butts.

Yuno:Why did we bring the fly?

Puck:I'M AN ELF!

Y/n:Do you have a magic healing dust,yuno?

Yuno:Right,nevermind then.

I chuckled as Yuno's question went down in smoke.

Puck:You save a man's life and he won't even allow you to travel with him,what a world.

Y/n:Alright,puck,we get it. You healed us,thank you. Speaking of getting,when are we going to get to mistral?

Qrow:Hang on,newbie, we're close,I just figured I would take you kids on the scenic route.

Y/n:Scenic huh?

We came up to a wooden door,that was the size of a gaint.  Qrow opened the door to reveal a beautiful city,built on cliff sides,with waterfall running down and people running around the city,doing their daily business.

Qrow:I'd say it's pretty damn scenic.

Ruby ran to the railing of the cliff we were on and looked down to the rest of the majestic city.

Ruby:Look at all the weapons!

Qrow:merchants will sell you anything here,legal or not.

Yuno:I've been here once,it's still as amazing as I remember.

Puck:My homeland looked way better then this.

Y/n:Oh yeah? If it was so good then why did you leave.

Puck:Got bored.

Yuno:Same here buddy,same here.

Ren:They really made a good use for these mountains.

Qrow:You're seeing the higher levels,don't go to far down. The higher we go the nicer it'll get.

Nora pointer her finger up to the sky,with a happy smile on her face.

Nora:And we're are heading for the very top!

We were takin to a path leading up the mountains. Puck was sitting on my shoulder as we made our way up.

Puck:You never answered me before,where is guts or casca for that matter?


Puck:Yeah,if your guts kid then she would be your mom.

Y/n:My mother's name was m/n,not casca.

Puck:Then something must have happened after me and guts split up.

Y/n:Why did you leave my dad?

Puck:He didn't want me around any more,simple as that.

Y/n:He's dead,you know.


Y/n:Not officially but he hasn't been heard from since the fall of beacon,I had his sword melted down into my armor. The only thing that wasn't recovered from him was his arm and his clothing,all his weapons and armor was found and given to me.

Puck:That means there's still hope!

Y/n:I don't think so.

Puck:Come on guts was called the struggler for a reason.

Y/n:That's a new one,I've never heard struggler before.

Puck:Thinking about guts and casca makes me think of rickert,wonder how he ended up.


Puck:From what I saw,with my own eyes and in guts' memories, is that when guts was with a group called the band of the hawk one of his buddies was a small boy named rickert. Last time I saw him he was working to be a blacksmith under the guy who made guts sword,a man named godo.

Y/n:Dad never told me about his past.

Puck:He must have wanted to protect you from it but you've been through some stuff yourself,i took a look in your head.

I grabbed him by the head and squeezed a little.

Y/n:Who said you could go poking around in my memories?

He began to kick and struggle to get away from me.

Puck:Okay,okay,I'm sorry! I won't do it anymore!

Y/n:You better not.

I let go of him and he flew over to yuno and sat down on his head.

Yuno:What are you doing?

Puck:He was being mean.

Yuno:He tends to appear that way to most.


As I yelled over to the two the path up the mountain came to a clearing where we saw the one place we had been searching for,haven academy.

Y/n:We finally made it.

Ruby:After so long!

Nora:What are we waiting for,let's go!

Jaune:At least give us a minute to take in the scene.

Ren:I'm with Nora on this,we need to hurry.

Yuno:Why in such a rush? It feels like we have all the time in the world.

Y/n:You might but the rest of us want to do this right now,no more waiting.

Puck:You're super impatient,aren't you?

Y/n:I don't like to wait around and do nothing.

Puck:Just like him.

We walked in,with qrow taking the lead, and began to walk through the halls.


Nora:Maybe try louder?

Yuno:I was going to say stop.

Ren:No one is here.

Jaune:School isn't really in session,so it makes sense.

Puck:No,someone is here. I can feel their presence.

Qrow:Lets go!

Qrow began to run down the hall and towards the door to the headmasters office,with the rest of us close behind. We came up to the door and readied our weapons,following Qrow's orders. As qrow went to kick the door down it opened,revealing the headmaster,he let out a scream of surprise as everyone else,but me and yuno,did the same. Qrow lost his balance,leaving me to catch him, as the head master past out,yuno cought him before he hit the ground.

Y/n&yuno:This is suppose to be our safe haven?

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