volume4:A sick bird

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The sun had risen by the time me and yuno walked back to camp. When we got the others were around qrow,who was slumped down on a tree, they all seemed worried.

Y/n:What happened?

Ruby turned back to me,her face pale and scared.

Ruby:When that weird guy cut uncle qrow with his tail,he also poisoned him.


Yino:On it.

Yuno walked over to qrow,crouched down and held out his palm, his clock-like eyes began to turn as he worked his magic.

Yuno:I've done the best I can,without stopping time on him completely. He needs a doctor and I won't be able to use my semblance if we get into a fight.

Ruby hugged yuno from behind as he stood up.

Ruby:Thank you,for helping uncle qrow.

I saw Yuno's face light up red as he hid his face in his hat.

Yuno:No p-problem.

Y/n:I can carry qrow,we need to start moving.

We gathered all our stuff and got ready to move out,after i gathered all my stuff I walked over to qrow and put him on my back.

Y/n:Yuno,walk with me to keep your semblance in full force.


They all walked ahead of us as I needed to hang back,to not upset the poison in qrow's blood. As I walked with yuno I saw his eyes were fixated on ruby,with a wholesome smile on his face.

Y/n:You alright?

He snapped out of his trance and looked to me,his carefree smile on his face.

Yuno:Duh,why wouldn't I be?

Y/n:You looked like you saw something you liked,or maybe someone?

He looked away from me and down to the ground.

Yuno:I don't know what you mean.

Y/n:Ruby,right? You like her.

Yuno:She's cute but I don't know.

Y/n:That's all,she's cute?

Yuno:No! She's nice and confident and caring,not to mention she's smart and a good fighter. You know what I mean right?

Y/n:Dude I fell for the upbeat firebug,I know how you feel.

Yuno:It's nice to feel wanted.

Y/n:Well,as long as I'm around I'll always want you around,who else is going to spike punch with me?

Yuno:You got a point.

We continued walking as we came into a fork in the road,the others began to argue which way to go. Qrow began to mumble in his sleep,things about a woman named summer,he was also coughing up blood.

Y/n:We need to hurry,yuno go make them decide.

Yuno:You got it.

I set qrow down and took out a knife and cut the bandages,focusing very much on not cutting him. I took out roll of bandages from my pack and wrapped wound again,while also cleaning any leaked out poison.


He was mumbling again,about a past event.

Y/n:No rest for the wicked,huh qrow?

Yuno walked back to me,his face less then pleased.

Yuno:We're splitting up,into two groups.

Y/n:Why?! We promised we wouldn't split up!

Yuno:That's what Jaune said,but ren and Nora held their ground. Me,you,jaune,ruby,and qrow are going to wrap around the mountains while ren and Nora cut through them.

Y/n:If that's what everyone else decided on then I don't have much of a say in the matter. I redressed his wound,he needs medicine.

Yuno:That's another reason we're going around,to scavenge for any left over supplies.

Y/n:Why did ren and Nora not want to go through?

Yuno:No clue,it just seemed to upset them.

I put qrow back on my back and walk to ruby and Jaune,ren and nora already left for the mountain.

Y/n:Lets get going.


Ruby walked next to me and yuno,she seemed so worried for qrow.

Ruby:You'll be okay uncle qrow,we are gonna get you someplace where we can get you all fixed up.

Her words didn't reach her uncle,to any of our knowledge.

Ruby:Will he make it to the town?

Yuno:With y/n being super careful and my semblance,he should make it through the night. He needs a cure more then anything.

Ruby:Right,thanks again. You really didn't have to use your semblance,I mean now you can't fight as well and you have to stick next to uncle qrow.

Yuno:Its no problem ruby. He's your uncle and your my friend and I would do anything for a friend.

Ruby:You're a nice guy,yuno.

Yuno:I try when I can.

We walked farther,my sword stuck between qrow and my back. We came across a long abandoned village,that seemed to be the victim of a Grimm attack. We walked,constantly looking around for some sort of pharmacy.

Y/n:It doesn't seem like there's much here.

Ruby:You're right.

Yuno:No,there's got to be something.

Ruby:Ren really didn't want to come here.

Yuno:You can say that again. Either of you have any idea why?

Jaune:I have a pretty good guess.

The conversation that was taking place wasn't like our usual talks,it was more depressing and forced. It was like we needed to talk so we forced a conversation to distract our selves from the reality of qrow's condition,and that he might not make it. I walked over to a large tree and set qrow down onto the ground,the others came back to us and their expression wasn't a happy one.


Yuno:I even sped everyone else up to search,there's nothing.

Y/n:Right,slow qrow down again.

Yuno:Already did.

A beowolf howled in the distance,putting Jaune on alert.

Ruby:It's far off, no need to worry.

Jaune:I know but ren and nora are still out there.

Y/n:Jaune,I'm sorry about what I said last night. I was just a bit...frustrated.

Jaune:Yeah,I know. I shouldn't have been such a jerk to qrow,he did save us.

Ruby:I'm sorry too,if it wasn't for me none of us would be out here and uncle qrow wouldn't be in the situation he his right now.


Yuno:There's nothing to be sorry about we decided we wanted to travel with you.

Y/n:And qrow shouldn't have let his guard down,it was the first lesson he taught me and he couldn't even take his own advice.

As we talked a thunderous noise erupted from somewhere near by,I grabbed my sword as the others also got ready to brawl. As we stood there,waiting for an attack, ren and nora came in the village,also ready to fight.

Y/n:What the hell was that?!

As my question hit the air ren dropped to his knees,devastated. We were confused as to why when a Grimm that seemed to be a man,with an extremely long hand, fused onto the back of a horse walked towards us,slow and menacingly.

Ren:Not again.

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