volume2: A new teacher.

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After my fight with father I was taken back to beacon,by yang,jane,and father.


I was carried out of the forest by yang,as jane and father accompanied us.

Y/n:How did you two know where to find me?

Yang:Professer ozpin sent us,luckily we got there in time.

Y/n:Thanks,I might have done something I was going to regret.

I looked over to my father,who had holstered his broken sword and was carrying Jane on his shoulders.

Y/n:I'm sorry.

Guts:I know.

Y/n:So,what was me and janes mother like? What was her name?

Guts:Her name was m/n l/n and she was one of the sweetest,and scariest, woman I had ever met. She was my second ever love.

Y/n:So,You loved someone before mom?

Guts:I did.

Y/n:How did you and mom meet?

Guts:On the battle field,she was a huntress sent to bring me to ozpin,I fought back and we both ended up unconscious at the end of our fight.

Yang:Sounds familiar.

Guts:She then was the one that helped me back to health, after that we began to talk and we grew use to eachother. After three years of knowing one another we had finally gotten together,we dated for two years before having you,y/n. Then another seven later Jane was born. Then she died. It seems the universe loves to make me miserable.

Y/n:I wish I didn't feel the same.

Guts:Anyways,who is this girl,y/n.

Yang:I'm yang Xiao long, I was sent by ozpin,along with my teammates, to bring y/n to him. He broke my arm,my sister broke his and then he joined beacon.

Guts:That sounds familiar.

Yang:Tell me about it.

Guts:So,do you have any feeling for my son?

Yang:He's cute,for one, he likes puns and he can fight. To me he's the perfect man.

Y/n:You two are getting along well. Dad,what are you doing in vale?

Guts:Simple,Ozpin needed a favor.

Y/n:What's the favor?

Guts:I'm going to be a combat teacher for all first years.

Y/n:Wait that means...

Guts:I'm your teacher,y/n.

Y/n:How are you going to fight with a broken blade?

Guts:It may be broken in half but now it's the size of a normal sword.

Y/n:So,you're just going to casually teach how to fight,with a broken sword?

Guts:You kids these days are too dependent on your sembalance's. It's going to be my job to make teach you all how to continue fighting even after your aura is broken.

Yang:That's going to be fun.

We came up onto a bullhead and entered it.

Guts:So,y/n, what's your team like?

Y/n:What team? The closest thing is team rwby,yang's team.

He looked over at yang.

Guts:You're a team leader?

Yang:No, it's my little sister that leads us,her name is ruby rose.

Guts:So,your teams name is rwby,and it's lead by a girl named ruby? That is just confusing.

Yang:Yes,yes it is.

*Timeskip brought to you by chibi y/n arm wrestling chibi yang.*

We got to beacon and yang helped me walk to my room,where the rest of team rwby was. The three of them,along with Beo, seemed very confused as to who the gaint man dressed in black,who was also giving Jane a piggy back ride, behind us was. Beo began to growl at father.

Y/n:Down boy.

Weiss:And who is this?

I looked over at father.

Y/n:Go ahead.

Guts:My name is guts,I'm going to be your new combat instructor.


Guts:I'm also y/n and Jane's father.

Ruby:Wait,your name is Guts? Like the black swordsman,guts?!

Weiss:I thought it was the branded swordsman?

Blake:I've heard both but where I grew up he was called the heartless swordsman.

Yang:He's also called the slayer of one hundred men.

Y/n:Now I don't have to explain to you. Can the three of you,you too beo, move out the way?

The four moved and I opened the door to my room,yang walked me in and undressed my torso. I laid down in the bed as ruby went and got a nurse.

Yang:You're really something,you know that?

Y/n:Funny. When you said I was the "perfect" man,did you mean it?

Yang:I don't say thing I don't mean.

Y/n:Then in your eyes I'm a monster and the perfect man.


Y/n:When we first met,you called me a monster.

Yang:But that was so long ago,or at least it feels like it was.

Y/n:It doesn't matter.

I looked over and saw father sitting on the other bed,he seemed to be reading a note of some kind and he was happy.

Y/n:Old man,what are you reading?

He looked up from his note,put it away, and looked towards me.

Guts:It was a love letter from your mother. It's how she confessed to me.

Yang:Aw,that's so romantic! Y/n would you do something like that for me?

Y/n:Depends. I think I'm going to sleep now.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

*Timeskip brought to you by y/n ripping off Adams horns*

I woke up the next day with bandages around my arm and my left bicep. I got up from bed,showered,and got ready for the school day. The day went as normal,until our combat class. Father walked into the room,with all his gear and broken sword.

Guts:I'm guts,don't bother calling me professer or sir or teacher. I am here to teach you all how to not only fight without a semblance but to also fight when you,are either low on aura or,have no aura. I know it's the first day of the second semester but I'm not going to go easy. The reason this class is after your normal combat class is Beacuse each of you now have a depleted aura. Who wants to go first?

Cardin raised his hand and my father grew a smile on his face.

Guts:Good,come down here and get ready to fight me.

Weiss raised her hand,wanting to ask a question.

Guts:What is it,schnee?

Weiss:Why are we fighting you?

Guts:Simple,if I put you against eachother then it would be like two turtles fighting one another,in other words you would be too passive and nothing would happen. Winchester, get your ass down here and get ready,we don't have all day.

The Executioner(male reader x rwby)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin