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We continued to walk through the town when ren gave us a warning sign,some one was coming.

Ren:Three,no, four people are heading our way,from diffrent directions.

We got our weapons ready as a man with a ponytale, a small girl in white armor,and a wolf faunus all attacked us. The man with the long hair attack the other four as the girl with white armor and the boy with the wolf tale went to me. I blocked them off for awhile until the boy was smacked away by a bullet,after the wolf was sent flying I kicked the girl in the gut, sending her back with the other two attackers. I looked to where the bullet came from and yuno dropped down next to me,his swords ready for a fight.


Yuno:Long time no see,how ya been holding up?

Y/n:What are you doing here?

Yuno:What I promised. Listen,y/n,and listen carefully,that girl is jane.

Y/n:Why would she attack me?

Yuno:I've been following her and a woman named Salem messed with her head,She also changed her name,she now goes by Jane whitehawk,daughter of Griffith whithawk.

Y/n:That bitch!

The girl,who is suppose to be Jane, took a step towards us. The white armor she revived from the kind blacksmith along with her rapier from Weiss being shown off.

Jane:My queen has demands the executioner is brought to her. The time breaker,how ever,is to be dealt with. You ready to fight,zach?

The wolf stepped forward,his duel axes ready to cut through skin.

Zach:C'mon Jane,you know I'm always ready to fight!

Y/n:Zach? Is that really you?

Zach:Long time no see,y/n, or I guess people call you the executioner now,don't they? Tell me how did it feel to leave your best friend behind as you ran with your tale between your legs?

Y/n:I didn't leave you!

Zach:That's not what Salem told me.

He rushed me but was intercepted by yuno clashing blades with his.

Yuno:Y/n,you deal with Jane! I'll play with the puppy!


I rushed Jane and brought my sword down,trying to simply knock her out, she doged to the side and kicked me in the side,it didn't do much thanks to my armor.

Jane:Why ditch your old armor,brother? It suited you more then this waste of metal.

Y/n:This isn't you Jane.

Jane:You lied to me my enter life! My father isn't the blackswords man,no I'm the daughter of the great Griffith, no man was his equal!

Y/n:None but dad.

Jane:True but my father was a failure in that regard. I won't lose to the executioner the same way he lost to the black swords man.

She rushed me and began to try and stab me with her rapier,I blocked and doged most of her attacks but one got me. My aura was lowered a little bit but she seemed satisfied with her attack.

Jane:Where's that armor of yours,the grimm armor? The skin of the black devil? Don't tell me,you're to scared to wear it?

Y/n:Since when did you talk so much?

Jane:With you I was a shy,nervous,insecure little girl but with Salem I was turned into a white knight. I now have no reason not to speak my mind,and if someone disagrees then I'll cut their tounge from their head.

Y/n:Where did my little sister go?

Jane:She grew up. No get ready for a fight,or this will be even easier then it already was.

Y/n:You're not Jane,so I'll just hurr you until you give her back!

I rushed her and slammed my blade down,she doged but when she went to the side i kicked her in the stomach. She flew back and I ran at her,she crashed into a building and I went to slash for her side. She jumped over me and moved away,reading her self to attack me. I turned around and saw that ruby was about to be attacked by the long haired man from earlier,he turned out to be a faunus. He went to strike her with his scorpion tail but when I rushed in qrow bust through a building and blocked the hit with the flat side if his sword,while also having his back turned to the attacker.

Y/n:Show off.

In the small amount of time I wasn't paying attention,Jane rushed forward and out the tip of her rapier to my neck.

Jane:You always had a problem paying attention  to your own fight,I'm surprised it hasn't gotten you killed yet.

Y/n:Thanks for the constructive criticism but I need you to respect the six foot rule.

I dropped one of my mini bombs to the floor and both of us back away,to avoid being hit by the blast. I looked around and saw that yuno had won his fight,he was going to help qrow when he was switched positions with zach.

Zach:Sir,we need to leave!

Tyrian:And why is that.

Zach:Because if we fail and are taken prisoner,lady Salem would be "very" angry.

Tyrian:And one does not anger her grace more then needed. Jane! We are retreating!

Jane:Why would I do that? I can beat them all with my hands tied while blindfolded! I have no reason to retreat.

Tyrian:If we do not go now,we might lose and that would make her grace very mad.

Zach:I don't have the aura to fight and teleport if we lose,thankfully neither does the hour glass. His aura is to drained from fighting me to stop time.

Jane:Fine but you two will be dealing with the consequences.

She threw down a smoke bomb and ran to the other two,me and yuno rushed the group of attackers but zach's, normally green, eyes turned purple and they dissapered into a thick purple mist. We put our weapons away as I walked over to qrow.

Y/n:She was after me.

Qrow:You and ruby. Let's go I can get all of you up to speed when we are safe.

We began to move as I walked beside yuno.

Y/n:So,how did you know to be here?

Yuno:I had been trailing them while they chased you down,I also got the their base, I got separated from them but knew where they were headed. I took a short cut and you know the rest. I like the new look,really brings the executioner to life.

Y/n:Thanks,I used dad's sword to make it. Does Jane know why her father isn't the same as mine?

Yuno:She was told that your mother loved Griffith more then guts and when she was born, guts killed your mother and Griffith out of jealousy for their natural love.

Y/n:I'll kill Salem,I swear it.

Yuno:I know,but now you've got me. So,let's get Jane back to normal,together.

He held out his hand for a fist bump and I returned the gesture.


The Executioner(male reader x rwby)Where stories live. Discover now